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Top 100 World Politics by Year

"A look at the most significant political events that shaped the world year by year."

This list delves into the key political events that have shaped global history, year by year. From groundbreaking revolutions to pivotal treaties, these moments have influenced the course of nations and the lives of billions. By exploring these events, we gain insight into the forces that have shaped the current world order.



  • Title: "World Politics by Year"
  • Subtitle: "Defining Moments in Global Politics Across the Decades"
  • Tagline: "Key political events that shaped the world, one year at a time."
  • Description: "A comprehensive look at the most important political events from different years that have influenced the global landscape."
  • Keywords: politics, global events, history, international relations, significant years...


# World Politics by Year
- Defining Moments in Global Politics Across the Decades
- Key political events that shaped the world, one year at a time.
- A look at the most important events year by year.
- 5 Topics

## Topics
- Revolutions: Revolution, Change, Power, People, Freedom...
- Treaties and Agreements: Peace, Diplomacy, Negotiations, Treaties, Compromise...
- Conflicts and Wars: War, Conflict, Battle, Invasion, Military...
- Leadership Changes: Leadership, Government, Elections, Power, Transition...
- Movements and Protests: Movement, Protest, Rights, Change, Social...

Topic 1: "Revolutions"

"Moments that redefined nations and empowered the people."

Revolutions have often been the turning point for countries, leading to the overthrow of regimes, the establishment of new governments, and the birth of new ideologies. These events highlight the power of collective action and the desire for change.

  1. 1789: The French Revolution - Overthrew the monarchy and established a republic.
  2. 1917: The Russian Revolution - Led to the fall of the Romanovs and the rise of Soviet power.
  3. 1949: The Chinese Communist Revolution - Resulted in the establishment of the People's Republic of China.
  4. 1959: Cuban Revolution - Brought Fidel Castro to power and established a socialist state.
  5. 1989: Fall of the Berlin Wall - Signaled the end of the Cold War and the beginning of German reunification.
  6. 1776: American Revolution - Led to the independence of the United States from Britain.
  7. 1986: People Power Revolution - Overthrew Ferdinand Marcos in the Philippines.
  8. 1979: Iranian Revolution - Led to the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
  9. 1830: July Revolution in France - Overthrew King Charles X and led to the July Monarchy.
  10. 1952: Egyptian Revolution - Ended the monarchy and led to the establishment of a republic.

Topic 2: "Treaties and Agreements"

"The negotiations that defined borders and maintained peace."

Diplomatic negotiations have often been the key to maintaining peace and resolving conflicts. These treaties and agreements have defined international borders, ended wars, and established lasting alliances.

  1. 1919: Treaty of Versailles - Ended World War I and imposed harsh penalties on Germany.
  2. 1945: United Nations Charter - Established the UN, promoting international cooperation.
  3. 1979: Camp David Accords - Brokered peace between Egypt and Israel.
  4. 1991: START I Treaty - Marked the beginning of nuclear arms reduction between the US and USSR.
  5. 1648: Peace of Westphalia - Ended the Thirty Years' War and established the modern state system.
  6. 1993: Oslo Accords - Facilitated the peace process between Israel and Palestine.
  7. 1957: Treaty of Rome - Established the European Economic Community, a precursor to the EU.
  8. 1963: Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty - Prohibited nuclear tests in the atmosphere, outer space, and underwater.
  9. 1815: Congress of Vienna - Redrew Europe's political map after the Napoleonic Wars.
  10. 1994: NAFTA - Created a trilateral trade bloc in North America.

Topic 3: "Conflicts and Wars"

"The battles and wars that changed the course of history."

Wars and conflicts have been a constant throughout human history. These events have reshaped borders, toppled governments, and redefined global power structures.

  1. 1914-1918: World War I - A global conflict that reshaped the political landscape.
  2. 1939-1945: World War II - The deadliest conflict in history, leading to the rise of the US and USSR as superpowers.
  3. 1950-1953: Korean War - The first major conflict of the Cold War.
  4. 1960-1975: Vietnam War - A significant conflict during the Cold War era.
  5. 1947-1991: Cold War - A period of geopolitical tension between the US and USSR.
  6. 1991: Gulf War - A conflict triggered by Iraq's invasion of Kuwait.
  7. 1979-1989: Soviet-Afghan War - A major conflict during the Cold War, leading to the withdrawal of Soviet forces.
  8. 1999: Kosovo War - A conflict that led to the NATO intervention in Yugoslavia.
  9. 1980-1988: Iran-Iraq War - A prolonged conflict that devastated both nations.
  10. 2001: War in Afghanistan - A US-led invasion in response to the September 11 attacks.

Topic 4: "Leadership Changes"

"Transitions of power that redefined nations and their futures."

Leadership changes, whether through elections, coups, or natural succession, have had profound impacts on nations. These events have often marked the beginning or end of significant political eras.

  1. 1981: Assassination of Anwar Sadat - A pivotal moment in Egyptian history.
  2. 1994: Nelson Mandela's Election - Marked the end of apartheid and the beginning of a new era in South Africa.
  3. 2000: Vladimir Putin's Rise to Power - Signified a new chapter in Russian politics.
  4. 1974: Richard Nixon's Resignation - The first time a US president resigned from office.
  5. 1969: Gaddafi's Coup in Libya - Led to Gaddafi's 42-year rule over Libya.
  6. 1991: Boris Yeltsin Elected President of Russia - Marked the transition from Soviet rule to Russian Federation.
  7. 2008: Barack Obama's Election - The first African American president of the United States.
  8. 1947: Partition of India - Led to the creation of India and Pakistan as independent nations.
  9. 2016: Brexit Vote - The UK's decision to leave the European Union.
  10. 2003: Capture of Saddam Hussein - Marked the end of his rule and a significant event in the Iraq War.

Topic 5: "Movements and Protests"

"Grassroots movements that catalyzed political change."

Movements and protests have often been the driving force behind major political changes. These events demonstrate the power of collective action in challenging the status quo and advocating for rights and freedoms.

  1. 1963: March on Washington - A pivotal moment in the Civil Rights Movement in the US.
  2. 1989: Tiananmen Square Protests - A major pro-democracy protest in China.
  3. 2011: Arab Spring - A wave of protests across the Arab world demanding political change.
  4. 1976: Soweto Uprising - A major event in the fight against apartheid in South Africa.
  5. 1968: Prague Spring - A period of political liberalization in Czechoslovakia.
  6. 2019: Hong Kong Protests - Mass protests against the extradition bill and for greater autonomy.
  7. 1992: Rodney King Riots - A major protest against police brutality in Los Angeles.
  8. 1980: Solidarity Movement in Poland - A significant force against Soviet control in Eastern Europe.
  9. 1955: Montgomery Bus Boycott - A major event in the US Civil Rights Movement.
  10. 2018: Yellow Vest Protests in France - Demonstrations against economic inequality and government policies.

Top 100 List

  1. 1789: The French Revolution (Revolutions)
  2. 1919: Treaty of Versailles (Treaties and Agreements)
  3. 1914-1918: World War I (Conflicts and Wars)
  4. 1949: The Chinese Communist Revolution (Revolutions)
  5. 1981: Assassination of Anwar Sadat (Leadership Changes)
  6. 1917: The Russian Revolution (Revolutions)
  7. 1945: United Nations Charter (Treaties and Agreements)
  8. 1939-1945: World War II (Conflicts and Wars)
  9. 1963: March on Washington (Movements and Protests)
  10. 1959: Cuban Revolution (Revolutions)
  11. 1979: Camp David Accords (Treaties and Agreements)
  12. 1989: Fall of the Berlin Wall (Revolutions)
  13. 1950-1953: Korean War (Conflicts and Wars)
  14. 1974: Richard Nixon's Resignation (Leadership Changes)
  15. 1989: Tiananmen Square Protests (Movements and Protests)
  16. 1979: Iranian Revolution (Revolutions)
  17. 1979-1989: Soviet-Afghan War (Conflicts and Wars)
  18. 1947: Partition of India (Leadership Changes)
  19. 1991: START I Treaty (Treaties and Agreements)
  20. 2011: Arab Spring (Movements and Protests)
  21. 1648: Peace of Westphalia (Treaties and Agreements)
  22. 1968: Prague Spring (Movements and Protests)
  23. 1994: Nelson Mandela's Election (Leadership Changes)
  24. 1947-1991: Cold War (Conflicts and Wars)
  25. 1952: Egyptian Revolution (Revolutions)
  26. 1976: Soweto Uprising (Movements and Protests)
  27. 1960-1975: Vietnam War (Conflicts and Wars)
  28. 1969: Gaddafi's Coup in Libya (Leadership Changes)
  29. 2000: Vladimir Putin's Rise to Power (Leadership Changes)
  30. 2016: Brexit Vote (Leadership Changes)
  31. 1776: American Revolution (Revolutions)
  32. 1991: Gulf War (Conflicts and Wars)
  33. 1993: Oslo Accords (Treaties and Agreements)
  34. 1957: Treaty of Rome (Treaties and Agreements)
  35. 2008: Barack Obama's Election (Leadership Changes)
  36. 2019: Hong Kong Protests (Movements and Protests)
  37. 1991: Boris Yeltsin Elected President of Russia (Leadership Changes)
  38. 1994: NAFTA (Treaties and Agreements)
  39. 2018: Yellow Vest Protests in France (Movements and Protests)
  40. 1830: July Revolution in France (Revolutions)
  41. 1986: People Power Revolution (Revolutions)
  42. 1963: Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (Treaties and Agreements)
  43. 1815: Congress of Vienna (Treaties and Agreements)
  44. 1955: Montgomery Bus Boycott (Movements and Protests)
  45. 1980: Solidarity Movement in Poland (Movements and Protests)
  46. 2001: War in Afghanistan (Conflicts and Wars)
  47. 1980-1988: Iran-Iraq War (Conflicts and Wars)
  48. 1999: Kosovo War (Conflicts and Wars)
  49. 2003: Capture of Saddam Hussein (Leadership Changes)
  50. 2016: Brexit Vote (Leadership Changes)
  51. 2003: Invasion of Iraq (Conflicts and Wars)
  52. 1992: Rodney King Riots (Movements and Protests)
  53. 1960: Year of Africa (Leadership Changes)
  54. 1975: Fall of Saigon (Conflicts and Wars)
  55. 1965: Voting Rights Act (Movements and Protests)
  56. 1948: Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Treaties and Agreements)
  57. 1920: Formation of the League of Nations (Treaties and Agreements)
  58. 1964: Civil Rights Act (Movements and Protests)
  59. 1972: Nixon Visits China (Leadership Changes)
  60. 1991: Collapse of the Soviet Union (Leadership Changes)
  61. 1979: Iranian Hostage Crisis (Conflicts and Wars)
  62. 1962: Cuban Missile Crisis (Conflicts and Wars)
  63. 1989: Velvet Revolution (Revolutions)
  64. 1987: INF Treaty (Treaties and Agreements)
  65. 1990: German Reunification (Leadership Changes)
  66. 1984: Indira Gandhi's Assassination (Leadership Changes)
  67. 1967: Six-Day War (Conflicts and Wars)
  68. 1956: Hungarian Uprising (Movements and Protests)
  69. 1998: Good Friday Agreement (Treaties and Agreements)
  70. 1945: Yalta Conference (Treaties and Agreements)
  71. 1994: Genocide in Rwanda (Conflicts and Wars)
  72. 1992: Maastricht Treaty (Treaties and Agreements)
  73. 1997: Handover of Hong Kong (Leadership Changes)
  74. 1992: Siege of Sarajevo (Conflicts and Wars)
  75. 1954: Brown v. Board of Education (Movements and Protests)
  76. 1937: Rape of Nanking (Conflicts and Wars)
  77. 1917: Balfour Declaration (Treaties and Agreements)
  78. 1915: Armenian Genocide (Conflicts and Wars)
  79. 1982: Falklands War (Conflicts and Wars)
  80. 1983: US Invasion of Grenada (Conflicts and Wars)
  81. 1990: Nelson Mandela's Release from Prison (Leadership Changes)
  82. 1948: Arab-Israeli War (Conflicts and Wars)
  83. 2004: Orange Revolution in Ukraine (Revolutions)
  84. 2005: Kyoto Protocol (Treaties and Agreements)
  85. 1950: Schuman Declaration (Treaties and Agreements)
  86. 1967: ASEAN Formation (Treaties and Agreements)
  87. 1961: Bay of Pigs Invasion (Conflicts and Wars)
  88. 1949: NATO Formation (Treaties and Agreements)
  89. 2007: Great Recession (Leadership Changes)
  90. 1953: Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II (Leadership Changes)
  91. 1948: Berlin Blockade (Conflicts and Wars)
  92. 1973: Yom Kippur War (Conflicts and Wars)
  93. 2006: Assassination of Benazir Bhutto (Leadership Changes)
  94. 2011: Osama bin Laden's Death (Leadership Changes)
  95. 1963: Assassination of JFK (Leadership Changes)
  96. 1969: Moon Landing (Leadership Changes)
  97. 1972: Munich Olympics Attack (Conflicts and Wars)
  98. 1990: Iraqi Invasion of Kuwait (Conflicts and Wars)
  99. 2009: Global Financial Crisis (Leadership Changes)
  100. 2015: Paris Climate Agreement (Treaties and Agreements)

Top 100 Table

Rank Name Topic Tagline
1 1789: The French Revolution Revolutions "Overthrew the monarchy and established a republic."
2 1919: Treaty of Versailles Treaties and Agreements "Ended World War I and imposed harsh penalties on Germany."
3 1914-1918: World War I Conflicts and Wars "A global conflict that reshaped the political landscape."
4 1949: The Chinese Communist Revolution Revolutions "Resulted in the establishment of the People's Republic of China."
5 1981: Assassination of Anwar Sadat Leadership Changes "A pivotal moment in Egyptian history."
6 1917: The Russian Revolution Revolutions "Led to the fall of the Romanovs and the rise of Soviet power."
7 1945: United Nations Charter Treaties and Agreements "Established the UN, promoting international cooperation."
8 1939-1945: World War II Conflicts and Wars "The deadliest conflict in history, leading to the rise of the US and USSR as superpowers."
9 1963: March on Washington Movements and Protests "A pivotal moment in the Civil Rights Movement in the US."
10 1959: Cuban Revolution Revolutions "Brought Fidel Castro to power and established a socialist state."
11 1979: Camp David Accords Treaties and Agreements "Brokered peace between Egypt and Israel."
12 1989: Fall of the Berlin Wall Revolutions "Signaled the end of the Cold War and the beginning of German reunification."
13 1950-1953: Korean War Conflicts and Wars "The first major conflict of the Cold War."
14 1974: Richard Nixon's Resignation Leadership Changes "The first time a US president resigned from office."
15 1989: Tiananmen Square Protests Movements and Protests "A major pro-democracy protest in China."
16 1979: Iranian Revolution Revolutions "Led to the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran."
17 1979-1989: Soviet-Afghan War Conflicts and Wars "A major conflict during the Cold War, leading to the withdrawal of Soviet forces."
18 1947: Partition of India Leadership Changes "Led to the creation of India and Pakistan as independent nations."
19 1991: START I Treaty Treaties and Agreements "Marked the beginning of nuclear arms reduction between the US and USSR."
20 2011: Arab Spring Movements and Protests "A wave of protests across the Arab world demanding political change."
21 1648: Peace of Westphalia Treaties and Agreements "Ended the Thirty Years' War and established the modern state system."
22 1968: Prague Spring Movements and Protests "A period of political liberalization in Czechoslovakia."
23 1994: Nelson Mandela's Election Leadership Changes "Marked the end of apartheid and the beginning of a new era in South Africa."
24 1947-1991: Cold War Conflicts and Wars "A period of geopolitical tension between the US and USSR."
25 1952: Egyptian Revolution Revolutions "Ended the monarchy and led to the establishment of a republic."
26 1976: Soweto Uprising Movements and Protests "A major event in the fight against apartheid in South Africa."
27 1960-1975: Vietnam War Conflicts and Wars "A significant conflict during the Cold War era."
28 1969: Gaddafi's Coup in Libya Leadership Changes "Led to Gaddafi's 42-year rule over Libya."
29 2000: Vladimir Putin's Rise to Power Leadership Changes "Signified a new chapter in Russian politics."
30 2016: Brexit Vote Leadership Changes "The UK's decision to leave the European Union."
31 1776: American Revolution Revolutions "Led to the independence of the United States from Britain."
32 1991: Gulf War Conflicts and Wars "A conflict triggered by Iraq's invasion of Kuwait."
33 1993: Oslo Accords Treaties and Agreements "Facilitated the peace process between Israel and Palestine."
34 1957: Treaty of Rome Treaties and Agreements "Established the European Economic Community, a precursor to the EU."
35 2008: Barack Obama's Election Leadership Changes "The first African American president of the United States."
36 2019: Hong Kong Protests Movements and Protests "Mass protests against the extradition bill and for greater autonomy."
37 1991: Boris Yeltsin Elected President of Russia Leadership Changes "Marked the transition from Soviet rule to Russian Federation."
38 1994: NAFTA Treaties and Agreements "Created a trilateral trade bloc in North America."
39 2018: Yellow Vest Protests in France Movements and Protests "Demonstrations against economic inequality and government policies."
40 1830: July Revolution in France Revolutions "Overthrew King Charles X and led to the July Monarchy."
41 1986: People Power Revolution Revolutions "Overthrew Ferdinand Marcos in the Philippines."
42 1963: Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Treaties and Agreements "Prohibited nuclear tests in the atmosphere, outer space, and underwater."
43 1815: Congress of Vienna Treaties and Agreements "Redrew Europe's political map after the Napoleonic Wars."
44 1955: Montgomery Bus Boycott Movements and Protests "A major event in the US Civil Rights Movement."
45 1980: Solidarity Movement in Poland Movements and Protests "A significant force against Soviet control in Eastern Europe."
46 2001: War in Afghanistan Conflicts and Wars "A US-led invasion in response to the September 11 attacks."
47 1980-1988: Iran-Iraq War Conflicts and Wars "A prolonged conflict that devastated both nations."
48 1999: Kosovo War Conflicts and Wars "A conflict that led to the NATO intervention in Yugoslavia."
49 2003: Capture of Saddam Hussein Leadership Changes "Marked the end of his rule and a significant event in the Iraq War."
50 2016: Brexit Vote Leadership Changes "The UK's decision to leave the European Union."
51 2003: Invasion of Iraq Conflicts and Wars "A US-led invasion that toppled Saddam Hussein's regime."
52 1992: Rodney King Riots Movements and Protests "A major protest against police brutality in Los Angeles."
53 1960: Year of Africa Leadership Changes "The independence of 17 African countries from colonial rule."
54 1975: Fall of Saigon Conflicts and Wars "Marked the end of the Vietnam War and the unification of Vietnam."
55 1965: Voting Rights Act Movements and Protests "A landmark law in the US that prohibited racial discrimination in voting."
56 1948: Universal Declaration of Human Rights Treaties and Agreements "A key document that set out fundamental human rights to be universally protected."
57 1920: Formation of the League of Nations Treaties and Agreements "An international organization created after WWI to resolve disputes and prevent future wars."
58 1964: Civil Rights Act Movements and Protests "A landmark piece of legislation in the US that ended segregation in public places and banned employment discrimination."
59 1972: Nixon Visits China Leadership Changes "A diplomatic breakthrough that opened up relations between the US and China."
60 1991: Collapse of the Soviet Union Leadership Changes "Marked the end of the Soviet Union and the emergence of 15 independent republics."
61 1979: Iranian Hostage Crisis Conflicts and Wars "A major international crisis where 52 American diplomats were held hostage for 444 days."
62 1962: Cuban Missile Crisis Conflicts and Wars "A 13-day confrontation between the US and the Soviet Union over ballistic missiles in Cuba."
63 1989: Velvet Revolution Revolutions "A non-violent transition of power in Czechoslovakia that ended 41 years of communist rule."
64 1987: INF Treaty Treaties and Agreements "A bilateral agreement between the US and the Soviet Union that eliminated all short and intermediate-range missiles."
65 1990: German Reunification Leadership Changes "The process of unifying East and West Germany into one country after the fall of the Berlin Wall."
66 1984: Indira Gandhi's Assassination Leadership Changes "The assassination of India's Prime Minister by her bodyguards, leading to widespread riots."
67 1967: Six-Day War Conflicts and Wars "A brief but pivotal war between Israel and neighboring Arab states, resulting in significant territorial changes."
68 1956: Hungarian Uprising Movements and Protests "A nationwide revolt against the Soviet-imposed policies in Hungary, eventually crushed by Soviet forces."
69 1998: Good Friday Agreement Treaties and Agreements "A major peace agreement that helped to end the conflict in Northern Ireland."
70 1945: Yalta Conference Treaties and Agreements "A meeting between the Allied leaders to discuss the post-war reorganization of Europe."
71 1994: Genocide in Rwanda Conflicts and Wars "A horrific mass slaughter of the Tutsi population by the Hutu majority government."
72 1992: Maastricht Treaty Treaties and Agreements "A treaty that established the European Union and led to the creation of the euro."
73 1997: Handover of Hong Kong Leadership Changes "The transfer of sovereignty of Hong Kong from the UK to China."
74 1992: Siege of Sarajevo Conflicts and Wars "The longest siege in modern warfare, during the Bosnian War."
75 1954: Brown v. Board of Education Movements and Protests "A landmark Supreme Court case that declared racial segregation in public schools unconstitutional."
76 1937: Rape of Nanking Conflicts and Wars "A mass atrocity committed by Japanese troops against the residents of Nanking during the Second Sino-Japanese War."
77 1917: Balfour Declaration Treaties and Agreements "A statement by the British government supporting the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine."
78 1915: Armenian Genocide Conflicts and Wars "The systematic extermination of 1.5 million Armenians by the Ottoman Empire during World War I."
79 1982: Falklands War Conflicts and Wars "A brief but intense war between Argentina and the UK over control of the Falkland Islands."
80 1983: US Invasion of Grenada Conflicts and Wars "A military invasion by the United States in response to a coup in Grenada."
81 1990: Nelson Mandela's Release from Prison Leadership Changes "A major step in the dismantling of apartheid in South Africa."
82 1948: Arab-Israeli War Conflicts and Wars "The first major conflict between the newly declared State of Israel and its Arab neighbors."
83 2004: Orange Revolution in Ukraine Revolutions "A series of protests and political events that led to a new election and the eventual departure of the incumbent president."
84 2005: Kyoto Protocol Treaties and Agreements "An international treaty that commits state parties to reduce greenhouse gas emissions."
85 1950: Schuman Declaration Treaties and Agreements "A proposal to create a new form of organization in Europe, leading to the European Coal and Steel Community, the precursor to the EU."
86 1967: ASEAN Formation Treaties and Agreements "The establishment of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations to promote political and economic cooperation in the region."
87 1961: Bay of Pigs Invasion Conflicts and Wars "A failed military invasion of Cuba undertaken by the CIA-sponsored paramilitary group Brigade 2506."
88 1949: NATO Formation Treaties and Agreements "The establishment of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, a military alliance of Western nations."
89 2007: Great Recession Leadership Changes "A severe worldwide economic crisis that triggered widespread financial instability and political change."
90 1953: Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II Leadership Changes "The beginning of the reign of the UK's longest-serving monarch."
91 1948: Berlin Blockade Conflicts and Wars "A major international crisis during the Cold War, where the Soviet Union blocked Western Allies' railway and road access to the sectors of Berlin under Western control."
92 1973: Yom Kippur War Conflicts and Wars "A war fought by a coalition of Arab states led by Egypt and Syria against Israel during the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur."
93 2006: Assassination of Benazir Bhutto Leadership Changes "The killing of the former Prime Minister of Pakistan, which had significant repercussions for the country's political landscape."
94 2011: Osama bin Laden's Death Leadership Changes "The killing of the leader of al-Qaeda by US Navy SEALs in Pakistan, marking a significant victory in the war on terror."
95 1963: Assassination of JFK Leadership Changes "The assassination of the US President John F. Kennedy, which shocked the world and had profound political implications."
96 1969: Moon Landing Leadership Changes "The first human landing on the moon by the United States, marking a significant achievement in the space race and boosting national pride."
97 1972: Munich Olympics Attack Conflicts and Wars "A terrorist attack carried out by the Palestinian group Black September, resulting in the deaths of 11 Israeli athletes."
98 1990: Iraqi Invasion of Kuwait Conflicts and Wars "Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait, which led to the Gulf War and a significant realignment of power in the Middle East."
99 2009: Global Financial Crisis Leadership Changes "A worldwide financial crisis that led to severe economic downturns, government bailouts, and political shifts across many nations."
100 2015: Paris Climate Agreement Treaties and Agreements "A global agreement within the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) dealing with greenhouse-gas-emissions mitigation, adaptation, and finance."


This comprehensive list highlights the most impactful political events that have occurred year by year, offering a panoramic view of the political landscape over centuries. These events, whether revolutions, treaties, conflicts, or changes in leadership, have each played a crucial role in shaping the world we live in today. Understanding these moments helps us to better grasp the complexities of current global politics and the historical context that influences them.