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Top 100 Peculiar Superstitions from Around the World

"Exploring the quirky and bizarre beliefs that shape cultures globally."

Superstitions have been an integral part of human culture for centuries, passed down through generations. These beliefs, often rooted in fear, tradition, or cultural practices, vary widely from place to place. This list dives into some of the most unusual and intriguing superstitions from around the world, highlighting the diversity of human thought and the peculiarities that make each culture unique.



  • Title: "Top 100 Peculiar Superstitions from Around the World"
  • Subtitle: "Exploring the Strange Beliefs That Have Stood the Test of Time"
  • Tagline: "Exploring the quirky and bizarre beliefs that shape cultures globally."
  • Description: "A journey through the strangest superstitions from different cultures, highlighting the odd and fascinating ways people try to influence fate."
  • Keywords: Superstitions, Beliefs, Cultures, Traditions, Folklore, Myths, Legends, Global, Peculiar, Strange...


# Top 100 Peculiar Superstitions from Around the World
- Exploring the Strange Beliefs That Have Stood the Test of Time
- Exploring the quirky and bizarre beliefs that shape cultures globally.
- A journey through the strangest superstitions from different cultures, highlighting the odd and fascinating ways people try to influence fate.
- 5 Topics

## Topics
- Topic 1: Luck Superstitions, Beliefs, Rituals, Traditions, Omens...
- Topic 2: Animal Superstitions, Myths, Folklore, Legends, Symbols...
- Topic 3: Death Superstitions, Ghosts, Afterlife, Funerals, Spirits...
- Topic 4: Everyday Superstitions, Daily Rituals, Habits, Customs, Taboos...
- Topic 5: Number Superstitions, Numerology, Symbols, Omens, Rituals...

Topic 1: "Luck Superstitions"

"Beliefs and rituals to attract or ward off luck."

Luck superstitions are among the most common across cultures, ranging from simple daily practices to elaborate rituals. Whether trying to attract good fortune or avoid bad luck, these beliefs often shape people's behavior in subtle and profound ways.

  1. Crossing Fingers: A widespread superstition for invoking luck.
  2. Horseshoes Over the Door: Believed to ward off evil spirits.
  3. Four-Leaf Clover: Considered a symbol of good luck in many Western cultures.
  4. Rabbit's Foot: A good luck charm with roots in various cultures.
  5. Throwing Salt Over Your Shoulder: A practice to ward off bad luck.
  6. Knocking on Wood: A way to prevent jinxing oneself.
  7. Breaking a Wishbone: A ritual for making a wish, with the larger piece bringing luck.
  8. Finding a Penny: "Find a penny, pick it up, all day long you'll have good luck."
  9. Opening an Umbrella Indoors: Thought to bring bad luck.
  10. Walking Under a Ladder: Associated with misfortune.
  11. Black Cats Crossing Your Path: Often seen as a bad omen.
  12. Carrying a Lucky Charm: Items like coins, stones, or talismans for protection.
  13. Spilling Salt: Considered unlucky unless you throw some over your left shoulder.
  14. The Evil Eye: A belief in protection against malicious stares.
  15. Red String: Worn in some cultures to ward off evil.
  16. Wishing on a Star: Making a wish upon seeing the first star of the evening.
  17. Blowing Out Birthday Candles: Making a wish when blowing out candles.
  18. Knots in Handkerchiefs: Used to remember something or bring luck.
  19. Good Luck Sweeps: In some cultures, sweeping dirt out of the house signifies sweeping away bad luck.
  20. Lucky Numbers: Specific numbers considered lucky in various cultures.

Topic 2

"Animal Superstitions: Creatures of mystery and symbolism."

Animal-related superstitions are deeply rooted in various cultures, where animals are often seen as omens, spirits, or symbols of certain qualities. These beliefs influence how people interact with animals and interpret their behaviors.

  1. Black Cats: Seen as bad luck in many Western cultures but considered lucky in others.
  2. Owls: Often associated with death or bad omens.
  3. Ravens: Viewed as harbingers of doom in many cultures.
  4. Spiders: In some beliefs, killing a spider brings bad luck.
  5. Crows: Often linked with death or bad news.
  6. Bats: Sometimes seen as omens of darkness or death.
  7. Ladybugs: Considered a sign of good fortune if one lands on you.
  8. Snakes: Various cultures view snakes with a mixture of fear and reverence.
  9. Dogs Howling: Believed to signal an approaching death.
  10. Cats and Milk: Some believe that giving milk to a cat indoors invites trouble.
  11. Frogs: In some cultures, frogs are considered lucky.
  12. Wolves Howling at the Moon: Often linked to bad omens.
  13. Crickets: Killing a cricket is seen as unlucky in some cultures.
  14. Birds Inside the House: Believed to bring bad luck.
  15. Elephants: Symbols of good luck and protection in many cultures.
  16. Moths: Sometimes seen as spirits of the dead.
  17. Fish: Fish scales are considered lucky charms in some traditions.
  18. Foxes: Often viewed as cunning and symbols of trickery.
  19. Dolphins: Considered a good omen, especially in seafaring cultures.
  20. Bees: Killing a bee is thought to bring bad luck.

Topic 3

"Death Superstitions: The afterlife, spirits, and beyond."

Death is a universal experience, but the way different cultures interpret and respond to it varies widely. Death-related superstitions often reflect deeper beliefs about the afterlife, spirits, and the unknown.

  1. Breaking a Mirror: Believed to bring seven years of bad luck.
  2. Whistling at Night: Thought to summon spirits in some cultures.
  3. Seeing Your Doppelgänger: Considered an omen of death.
  4. Open Windows After Death: To allow the soul to leave.
  5. Covering Mirrors: To prevent the deceased’s spirit from getting trapped.
  6. Funerals and Rain: Rain during a funeral is seen as a good omen.
  7. Tying Bells to the Dead: In some cultures, bells are used to ward off evil spirits.
  8. Cutting Hair After Death: Some cultures believe this prevents the spirit from returning.
  9. Shoes on the Table: Considered an omen of death.
  10. Stepping Over a Grave: Thought to bring bad luck or sickness.
  11. Dreaming of Teeth: Often interpreted as a sign of impending death.
  12. Owls Hooting: Sometimes associated with death.
  13. Seeing a White Butterfly: In some cultures, it is believed to be the soul of the deceased.
  14. Lights Flickering: Thought to be a sign of a spirit’s presence.
  15. Placing Coins on the Eyes: An ancient practice to pay the ferryman for the journey to the afterlife.
  16. Dead Birds: Often seen as an omen of death.
  17. Carrying a Corpse Feet First: To prevent the spirit from looking back and returning.
  18. Waiting Three Days Before Burial: In some traditions, this is done to ensure the person is truly dead.
  19. Seeing a Phantom Funeral: Considered a forewarning of a real one.
  20. Dogs Howling at Night: Thought to be sensing death nearby.

Topic 4

"Everyday Superstitions: Rituals, customs, and taboos."

Everyday superstitions encompass a wide range of beliefs that influence daily activities, often dictating small actions to avoid misfortune or attract good luck.

  1. Stepping on Cracks: "Step on a crack, break your mother's back."
  2. Eating Grapes at Midnight: A New Year’s Eve tradition for good luck.
  3. New Shoes on the Table: Considered bad luck.
  4. Carrying a Dead Man's Tooth: In some cultures, believed to bring luck.
  5. Cutting Nails at Night: Thought to invite bad spirits.
  6. Lighting Three Cigarettes with One Match: Believed to bring bad luck.
  7. Whistling Indoors: Said to attract evil spirits.
  8. Sweeping the House at Night: Considered to sweep away good luck.
  9. Leaving a Door Open: Some believe it invites bad luck or evil spirits.
  10. Singing at the Table: Thought to bring bad luck.
  11. Carrying an Empty Bucket: In some cultures, considered bad luck.
  12. Licking a Spoon: In some traditions, believed to make you a bad cook.
  13. Giving a Knife as a Gift: Thought to sever relationships.
  14. Hanging a Horseshoe: The position of the horseshoe determines the luck.
  15. Saying "Bless You": Believed to ward off evil when someone sneezes.
  16. Touching Your Collar: A practice to bring good luck.
  17. Wishing on a Falling Eyelash: A simple wish-making ritual.
  18. Crossing a Threshold with the Right Foot: Considered lucky in some cultures.
  19. Pointing at a Rainbow: Believed to bring bad luck.
  20. Wearing Clothes Inside Out: Said to bring good luck if done accidentally.

Topic 5

"Number Superstitions: The power of digits and their meanings."

Numbers have deep symbolic meanings in various cultures,

often associated with luck, fate, or spiritual significance. Number superstitions reflect these beliefs and influence many aspects of life, from important decisions to daily habits.

  1. Number 13: Widely regarded as unlucky, especially on Fridays.
  2. Number 7: Considered a lucky number in many cultures.
  3. Number 4: In some Asian cultures, associated with death.
  4. 666: Known as the "number of the beast" in Christian tradition.
  5. Number 8: Seen as a symbol of prosperity in Chinese culture.
  6. Number 9: Considered unlucky in some East Asian cultures.
  7. Number 11: Often associated with mystical or spiritual significance.
  8. Number 3: Viewed as lucky in some cultures, unlucky in others.
  9. 777: Regarded as a symbol of divine perfection.
  10. Number 2: Often associated with balance or duality.
  11. Number 0: Sometimes seen as a symbol of nothingness or potential.
  12. Number 5: Associated with balance and harmony in some cultures.
  13. 13th Floor: Many buildings skip this floor due to superstitions.
  14. Number 10: Often seen as a symbol of completeness.
  15. 21: Considered a lucky number in gambling.
  16. Number 17: Seen as unlucky in some Italian traditions.
  17. Number 14: Considered unlucky in some cultures, often avoided in addresses.
  18. Number 44: Avoided in some Asian cultures due to its phonetic similarity to "death."
  19. Number 12: Often symbolizes completeness or cosmic order.
  20. 888: Seen as a triple fortune in Chinese culture.

Top 100 List

  1. Crossing Fingers (Luck Superstitions)
  2. Black Cats (Animal Superstitions)
  3. Breaking a Mirror (Death Superstitions)
  4. Stepping on Cracks (Everyday Superstitions)
  5. Number 13 (Number Superstitions)
  6. Horseshoes Over the Door (Luck Superstitions)
  7. Owls (Animal Superstitions)
  8. Whistling at Night (Death Superstitions)
  9. Eating Grapes at Midnight (Everyday Superstitions)
  10. Number 7 (Number Superstitions)
  11. Four-Leaf Clover (Luck Superstitions)
  12. Ravens (Animal Superstitions)
  13. Seeing Your Doppelgänger (Death Superstitions)
  14. New Shoes on the Table (Everyday Superstitions)
  15. Number 4 (Number Superstitions)
  16. Rabbit's Foot (Luck Superstitions)
  17. Spiders (Animal Superstitions)
  18. Open Windows After Death (Death Superstitions)
  19. Carrying a Dead Man's Tooth (Everyday Superstitions)
  20. 666 (Number Superstitions)
  21. Throwing Salt Over Your Shoulder (Luck Superstitions)
  22. Crows (Animal Superstitions)
  23. Covering Mirrors (Death Superstitions)
  24. Cutting Nails at Night (Everyday Superstitions)
  25. Number 8 (Number Superstitions)
  26. Knocking on Wood (Luck Superstitions)
  27. Bats (Animal Superstitions)
  28. Funerals and Rain (Death Superstitions)
  29. Lighting Three Cigarettes with One Match (Everyday Superstitions)
  30. Number 9 (Number Superstitions)
  31. Breaking a Wishbone (Luck Superstitions)
  32. Ladybugs (Animal Superstitions)
  33. Tying Bells to the Dead (Death Superstitions)
  34. Whistling Indoors (Everyday Superstitions)
  35. Number 11 (Number Superstitions)
  36. Finding a Penny (Luck Superstitions)
  37. Snakes (Animal Superstitions)
  38. Cutting Hair After Death (Death Superstitions)
  39. Sweeping the House at Night (Everyday Superstitions)
  40. Number 3 (Number Superstitions)
  41. Opening an Umbrella Indoors (Luck Superstitions)
  42. Dogs Howling (Animal Superstitions)
  43. Shoes on the Table (Death Superstitions)
  44. Leaving a Door Open (Everyday Superstitions)
  45. 777 (Number Superstitions)
  46. Walking Under a Ladder (Luck Superstitions)
  47. Cats and Milk (Animal Superstitions)
  48. Stepping Over a Grave (Death Superstitions)
  49. Singing at the Table (Everyday Superstitions)
  50. Number 2 (Number Superstitions)
  51. Black Cats Crossing Your Path (Luck Superstitions)
  52. Frogs (Animal Superstitions)
  53. Dreaming of Teeth (Death Superstitions)
  54. Carrying an Empty Bucket (Everyday Superstitions)
  55. Number 0 (Number Superstitions)
  56. Carrying a Lucky Charm (Luck Superstitions)
  57. Wolves Howling at the Moon (Animal Superstitions)
  58. Owls Hooting (Death Superstitions)
  59. Licking a Spoon (Everyday Superstitions)
  60. Number 5 (Number Superstitions)
  61. Spilling Salt (Luck Superstitions)
  62. Crickets (Animal Superstitions)
  63. Seeing a White Butterfly (Death Superstitions)
  64. Giving a Knife as a Gift (Everyday Superstitions)
  65. 13th Floor (Number Superstitions)
  66. The Evil Eye (Luck Superstitions)
  67. Birds Inside the House (Animal Superstitions)
  68. Lights Flickering (Death Superstitions)
  69. Hanging a Horseshoe (Everyday Superstitions)
  70. Number 10 (Number Superstitions)
  71. Red String (Luck Superstitions)
  72. Elephants (Animal Superstitions)
  73. Placing Coins on the Eyes (Death Superstitions)
  74. Saying "Bless You" (Everyday Superstitions)
  75. 21 (Number Superstitions)
  76. Wishing on a Star (Luck Superstitions)
  77. Moths (Animal Superstitions)
  78. Dead Birds (Death Superstitions)
  79. Touching Your Collar (Everyday Superstitions)
  80. Number 17 (Number Superstitions)
  81. Blowing Out Birthday Candles (Luck Superstitions)
  82. Fish (Animal Superstitions)
  83. Carrying a Corpse Feet First (Death Superstitions)
  84. Wishing on a Falling Eyelash (Everyday Superstitions)
  85. Number 14 (Number Superstitions)
  86. Knots in Handkerchiefs (Luck Superstitions)
  87. Foxes (Animal Superstitions)
  88. Waiting Three Days Before Burial (Death Superstitions)
  89. Crossing a Threshold with the Right Foot (Everyday Superstitions)
  90. Number 44 (Number Superstitions)
  91. Good Luck Sweeps (Luck Superstitions)
  92. Dolphins (Animal Superstitions)
  93. Seeing a Phantom Funeral (Death Superstitions)
  94. Pointing at a Rainbow (Everyday Superstitions)
  95. Number 12 (Number Superstitions)
  96. Lucky Numbers (Luck Superstitions)
  97. Bees (Animal Superstitions)
  98. Dogs Howling at Night (Death Superstitions)
  99. Wearing Clothes Inside Out (Everyday Superstitions)
  100. 888 (Number Superstitions)

Top 100 Table

Rank Name Topic Tagline
1 Crossing Fingers Luck Superstitions "A widespread superstition for invoking luck."
2 Black Cats Animal Superstitions "Seen as bad luck in many Western cultures."
3 Breaking a Mirror Death Superstitions "Believed to bring seven years of bad luck."
4 Stepping on Cracks Everyday Superstitions "Step on a crack, break your mother's back."
5 Number 13 Number Superstitions "Widely regarded as unlucky, especially on Fridays."
6 Horseshoes Over the Door Luck Superstitions "Believed to ward off evil spirits."
7 Owls Animal Superstitions "Often associated with death or bad omens."
8 Whistling at Night Death Superstitions "Thought to summon spirits in some cultures."
9 Eating Grapes at Midnight Everyday Superstitions "A New Year’s Eve tradition for good luck."
10 Number 7 Number Superstitions "Considered a lucky number in many cultures."
11 Four-Leaf Clover Luck Superstitions "A symbol of good luck in many Western cultures."
12 Ravens Animal Superstitions "Viewed as harbingers of doom in many cultures."
13 Seeing Your Doppelgänger Death Superstitions "Considered an omen of death."
14 New Shoes on the Table Everyday Superstitions "Considered bad luck."
15 Number 4 Number Superstitions "In some Asian cultures, associated with death."
16 Rabbit's Foot Luck Superstitions "A good luck charm with roots in various cultures."
17 Spiders Animal Superstitions "Killing a spider brings bad luck."
18 Open Windows After Death Death Superstitions "To allow the soul to leave."
19 Carrying a Dead Man's Tooth Everyday Superstitions "Believed to bring luck in some cultures."
20 666 Number Superstitions "Known as the 'number of the beast'."
21 Throwing Salt Over Your Shoulder Luck Superstitions "To prevent bad luck."
22 Crows Animal Superstitions "Often linked with death or bad news."
23 Covering Mirrors Death Superstitions "To prevent the deceased’s spirit from getting trapped."
24 Cutting Nails at Night Everyday Superstitions "Thought to invite bad spirits."
25 Number 8 Number Superstitions "Seen as a symbol of prosperity in Chinese culture."
26 Knocking on Wood Luck Superstitions "A way to prevent jinxing oneself."
27 Bats Animal Superstitions "Sometimes seen as omens of darkness or death."
28 Funerals and Rain Death Superstitions "Rain during a funeral is seen as a good omen."
29 Lighting Three Cigarettes... Everyday Superstitions "Believed to bring bad luck."
30 Number 9 Number Superstitions "Considered unlucky in some East Asian cultures."
31 Breaking a Wishbone Luck Superstitions "Making a wish, with the larger piece bringing luck."
32 Ladybugs Animal Superstitions "Considered a sign of good fortune."
33 Tying Bells to the Dead Death Superstitions "To ward off evil spirits."
34 Whistling Indoors Everyday Superstitions "Said to attract evil spirits."
35 Number 11 Number Superstitions "Associated with mystical or spiritual significance."
36 Finding a Penny Luck Superstitions "'Find a penny, pick it up, all day long you'll have good luck.'"
37 Snakes Animal Superstitions "Viewed with a mixture of fear and reverence."
38 Cutting Hair After Death Death Superstitions "Prevents the spirit from returning."
39 Sweeping the House at Night Everyday Superstitions "Considered to sweep away good luck."
40 Number 3 Number Superstitions "Viewed as lucky in some cultures, unlucky in others."
41 Opening an Umbrella Indoors Luck Superstitions "Thought to bring bad luck."
42 Dogs Howling Animal Superstitions "Believed to signal an approaching death."
43 Shoes on the Table Death Superstitions "Considered an omen of death."
44 Leaving a Door Open Everyday Superstitions "Invites bad luck or evil spirits."
45 777 Number Superstitions "Regarded as a symbol of divine perfection."
46 Walking Under a Ladder Luck Superstitions "Associated with misfortune."
47 Cats and Milk Animal Superstitions "Giving milk to a cat indoors invites trouble."
48 Stepping Over a Grave Death Superstitions "Thought to bring bad luck or sickness."
49 Singing at the Table Everyday Superstitions "Thought to bring bad luck."
50 Number 2 Number Superstitions "Associated with balance or duality."
51 Black Cats Crossing Your Path Luck Superstitions "Often seen as a bad omen."
52 Frogs Animal Superstitions "In some cultures, considered lucky."
53 Dreaming of Teeth Death Superstitions "Often interpreted as a sign of impending death."
54 Carrying an Empty Bucket Everyday Superstitions "Considered bad luck in some cultures."
55 Number 0 Number Superstitions "Sometimes seen as a symbol of nothingness or potential."
56 Carrying a Lucky Charm Luck Superstitions "Items like coins, stones, or talismans for protection."
57 Wolves Howling at the Moon Animal Superstitions "Linked to bad omens."
58 Owls Hooting Death Superstitions "Sometimes associated with death."
59 Licking a Spoon Everyday Superstitions "Believed to make you a bad cook."
60 Number 5 Number Superstitions "Associated with balance and harmony."
61 Spilling Salt Luck Superstitions "Considered unlucky unless you throw some over your left shoulder."
62 Crickets Animal Superstitions "Killing a cricket is seen as unlucky."
63 Seeing a White Butterfly Death Superstitions "Believed to be the soul of the deceased."
64 Giving a Knife as a Gift Everyday Superstitions "Thought to sever relationships."
65 13th Floor Number Superstitions "Many buildings skip this floor due to superstitions."
66 The Evil Eye Luck Superstitions "A belief in protection against malicious stares."
67 Birds Inside the House Animal Superstitions "Believed to bring bad luck."
68 Lights Flickering Death Superstitions "Thought to be a sign of a spirit’s presence."
69 Hanging a Horseshoe Everyday Superstitions "The position of the horseshoe determines the luck."
70 Number 10 Number Superstitions "Often seen as a symbol of completeness."
71 Red String Luck Superstitions "Worn in some cultures to ward off evil."
72 Elephants Animal Superstitions "Symbols of good luck and protection."
73 Placing Coins on the Eyes Death Superstitions "An ancient practice to pay the ferryman for the journey to the afterlife."
74 Saying "Bless You" Everyday Superstitions "Believed to ward off evil when someone sneezes."
75 21 Number Superstitions "Considered a lucky number in gambling."
76 Wishing on a Star Luck Superstitions "Making a wish upon seeing the first star of the evening."
77 Moths Animal Superstitions "Sometimes seen as spirits of the dead."
78 Dead Birds Death Superstitions "Often seen as an omen of death."
79 Touching Your Collar Everyday Superstitions "A practice to bring good luck."
80 Number 17 Number Superstitions "Seen as unlucky in some Italian traditions."
81 Blowing Out Birthday Candles Luck Superstitions "Making a wish when blowing out candles."
82 Fish Animal Superstitions "Fish scales are considered lucky charms."
83 Carrying a Corpse Feet First Death Superstitions "To prevent the spirit from looking back and returning."
84 Wishing on a Falling Eyelash Everyday Superstitions "A simple wish-making ritual."
85 Number 14 Number Superstitions "Considered unlucky in some cultures."
86 Knots in Handkerchiefs Luck Superstitions "Used to remember something or bring luck."
87 Foxes Animal Superstitions "Often viewed as cunning and symbols of trickery."
88 Waiting Three Days Before Burial Death Superstitions "Ensuring the person is truly dead."
89 Crossing a Threshold... Everyday Superstitions "Considered lucky in some cultures."
90 Number 44 Number Superstitions "Avoided in some Asian cultures due to its phonetic similarity to 'death.'"
91 Good Luck Sweeps Luck Superstitions "Sweeping dirt out of the house signifies sweeping away bad luck."
92 Dolphins Animal Superstitions "Considered a good omen."
93 Seeing a Phantom Funeral Death Superstitions "Considered a forewarning of a real one."
94 Pointing at a Rainbow Everyday Superstitions "Believed to bring bad luck."
95 Number 12 Number Superstitions "Often symbolizes completeness or cosmic order."
96 Lucky Numbers Luck Superstitions "Specific numbers considered lucky in various cultures."
97 Bees Animal Superstitions "Killing a bee is thought to bring bad luck."
98 Dogs Howling at Night Death Superstitions "Thought to be sensing death nearby."
99 Wearing Clothes Inside Out Everyday Superstitions "Said to bring good luck if done accidentally."
100 888 Number Superstitions "Seen as a triple fortune in Chinese culture."


In exploring the fascinating and diverse world of superstitions, we've uncovered just how much these beliefs influence cultures and individuals across the globe. From simple luck charms like rabbit's feet and four-leaf clovers to ominous signs like black cats crossing paths or broken mirrors, superstitions reflect the universal human desire to control the uncontrollable aspects of life. Whether it's knocking on wood to avoid tempting fate or tossing salt over a shoulder to ward off bad luck, these age-old traditions offer an intriguing glimpse into the complexities of human behavior and belief.

Thank you for joining this journey through the peculiar world of global superstitions! If you'd like to explore more topics or generate additional content, feel free to let me know.