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Top 100 Most Iconic Images in Art History

"A visual journey through history's most unforgettable artworks"

Art has always been a mirror of society, capturing moments, emotions, and ideas that transcend time. This list celebrates the top 100 most iconic images in art history, those that have left an indelible mark on the collective consciousness. These masterpieces span centuries and styles, reflecting the diverse and profound impact of visual art on human culture.



  • Title: "Top 100 Most Iconic Images in Art History"
  • Subtitle: "A Journey Through Timeless Masterpieces"
  • Tagline: "A visual journey through history's most unforgettable artworks"
  • Description: "This list explores the most iconic and influential images in art history, from ancient frescoes to modern masterpieces. These works have shaped the way we see the world and have become symbols of cultural identity."
  • Keywords: Art, Iconic Images, Masterpieces, History, Paintings, Sculptures, Artists


# Top 100 Most Iconic Images in Art History
- A Journey Through Timeless Masterpieces
- A visual journey through history's most unforgettable artworks
- Exploring the most iconic and influential images in art history, from ancient frescoes to modern masterpieces.
- 5 Topics

## Topics
- Renaissance Art: Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael, Botticelli, Titian
- Modern Art: Picasso, Dalí, Warhol, Pollock, Mondrian
- Classical Art: Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, Byzantine, Medieval, Gothic
- Baroque and Rococo: Caravaggio, Rembrandt, Vermeer, Rubens, Boucher
- Eastern Art: Ukiyo-e, Indian Miniatures, Chinese Scrolls, Islamic Art, Korean Paintings

Topic 1: "Renaissance Art"

"The dawn of a new artistic era"

The Renaissance was a period of profound cultural change and achievement, with art as one of its most significant pillars. Artists during this era sought to revive the classical ideals of beauty, harmony, and proportion. Their works remain among the most iconic images in art history, symbolizing the rebirth of human creativity and the quest for knowledge.

  1. Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci: The enigmatic smile that captivated the world.
  2. The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci: A powerful depiction of a sacred moment.
  3. The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo: An iconic scene from the Sistine Chapel ceiling.
  4. The Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli: The embodiment of beauty and classical mythology.
  5. David by Michelangelo: A masterpiece of Renaissance sculpture.
  6. School of Athens by Raphael: A celebration of philosophy and classical knowledge.
  7. Vitruvian Man by Leonardo da Vinci: The perfect blend of art and science.
  8. La Pietà by Michelangelo: A poignant representation of Mary and Jesus.
  9. The Arnolfini Portrait by Jan van Eyck: A detailed exploration of marriage and symbolism.
  10. The Sistine Madonna by Raphael: Revered for its divine beauty and grace.
  11. Primavera by Sandro Botticelli: An allegory of spring filled with mythological symbolism.
  12. The Adoration of the Magi by Leonardo da Vinci: A masterful unfinished work.
  13. The Annunciation by Leonardo da Vinci: A delicate depiction of a divine moment.
  14. The Ambassadors by Hans Holbein the Younger: A complex, symbolic masterpiece.
  15. The Last Judgment by Michelangelo: A dramatic vision of the apocalypse.
  16. The Marriage of the Virgin by Raphael: A beautifully composed narrative scene.
  17. The Resurrection by Piero della Francesca: A powerful representation of faith.
  18. Judith Slaying Holofernes by Artemisia Gentileschi: A gripping depiction of female strength.
  19. The Triumph of Galatea by Raphael: A vibrant celebration of mythological themes.
  20. The Venus of Urbino by Titian: A sensual and influential portrayal of the female form.

Topic 2: "Modern Art"

"Breaking boundaries and redefining art"

Modern art represents a radical shift in the way art was perceived and created. Artists in this era experimented with new forms, techniques, and ideas, breaking away from traditional conventions. The resulting works are some of the most recognizable and influential images in the world, reflecting the complexities of the 20th century and beyond.

  1. Guernica by Pablo Picasso: A haunting portrayal of the horrors of war.
  2. The Persistence of Memory by Salvador Dalí: Surreal melting clocks that challenge perception.
  3. Campbell's Soup Cans by Andy Warhol: An iconic symbol of pop art and consumer culture.
  4. Les Demoiselles d'Avignon by Pablo Picasso: A revolutionary work that redefined the human form.
  5. The Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh: A swirling, dreamlike vision of the night sky.
  6. The Scream by Edvard Munch: An expression of existential anguish and despair.
  7. Composition with Red, Blue, and Yellow by Piet Mondrian: A geometric exploration of color and form.
  8. No. 5, 1948 by Jackson Pollock: An explosive example of abstract expressionism.
  9. Nighthawks by Edward Hopper: A moody, cinematic portrayal of urban isolation.
  10. The Treachery of Images by René Magritte: A clever commentary on art and reality.
  11. Woman I by Willem de Kooning: A powerful expression of abstract expressionism.
  12. The Two Fridas by Frida Kahlo: A deeply personal exploration of identity.
  13. Broadway Boogie Woogie by Piet Mondrian: A vibrant tribute to the energy of New York City.
  14. The Kiss by Gustav Klimt: A gilded celebration of love and intimacy.
  15. Black Square by Kazimir Malevich: A bold statement of suprematism.
  16. The Fountain by Marcel Duchamp: A controversial work that redefined art.
  17. Ophelia by John Everett Millais: A hauntingly beautiful pre-Raphaelite masterpiece.
  18. The Red Room by Henri Matisse: A vibrant celebration of color and harmony.
  19. Dance by Henri Matisse: A joyful, rhythmic expression of movement.
  20. The Lovers by René Magritte: A mysterious and evocative surrealist image.

Topic 3: "Classical Art"

"Foundations of Western artistic tradition"

Classical art, encompassing ancient Greek, Roman, Byzantine, and Medieval art, laid the foundation for Western artistic traditions. These works are characterized by their emphasis on symmetry, proportion, and the idealized human form. They have endured for centuries, continuing to influence artists and captivate viewers.

  1. Venus de Milo: A timeless representation of beauty.
  2. Laocoön and His Sons: A dramatic depiction of struggle and tragedy.
  3. The Parthenon Marbles: Classical sculptures that once adorned the Parthenon.
  4. Winged Victory of Samothrace: A dynamic portrayal of triumph.
  5. The Doryphoros by Polykleitos: A perfect embodiment of the ideal human form.
  6. The Colosseum: An architectural marvel symbolizing the power of Rome.
  7. The Augustus of Prima Porta: A powerful portrait of the first Roman emperor.
  8. The Mosaic of Alexander the Great: A detailed depiction of a legendary battle.
  9. The Hagia Sophia: A stunning example of Byzantine architecture and mosaics.
  10. The Bayeux Tapestry: A detailed narrative of the Norman conquest of England.
  11. The Pantheon: A masterpiece of Roman architecture.
  12. The Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus: A significant early Christian work.
  13. The Lindisfarne Gospels: An exquisite example of illuminated manuscript art.
  14. The Book of Kells: A richly decorated Gospel book from the early Middle Ages.
  15. The Notre-Dame de Paris: A symbol of Gothic architecture.
  16. The Alhambra: A masterpiece of Islamic art and architecture in Spain.
  17. The Chartres Cathedral: A stunning example of Gothic stained glass.
  18. The Rosetta Stone: A key artifact in understanding ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs.
  19. The Ishtar Gate: A majestic entrance to the ancient city of Babylon.
  20. The Discobolus by Myron: A dynamic portrayal of an athlete in motion.

Topic 4: "Baroque and Rococo"

"Drama and elegance in the age of grandeur"

The Baroque and Rococo periods were marked by dramatic expression, elaborate detail, and a sense of movement. These styles flourished in the 17th and 18th centuries, producing some of the most visually stunning and emotionally powerful works in art history.

  1. The Night Watch by Rembrandt: A dynamic group portrait filled with light and shadow.
  2. The Ecstasy of Saint Teresa by Bernini: A dramatic portrayal of religious fervor.
  3. The Girl with a Pearl Earring by Johannes Vermeer: A captivating study of light and expression.
  4. The Conversion of Saint Paul by Caravaggio: A powerful depiction of a moment

of divine intervention. 5. Las Meninas by Diego Velázquez: A complex and enigmatic masterpiece. 6. The Rape of the Daughters of Leucippus by Rubens: A dramatic Baroque composition. 7. The Swing by Jean-Honoré Fragonard: A playful and flirtatious Rococo scene. 8. The Triumph of Bacchus by Diego Velázquez: A lively celebration of mythology. 9. The Death of the Virgin by Caravaggio: A poignant and humanizing religious scene. 10. The Allegory of Painting by Johannes Vermeer: A detailed exploration of the art of painting. 11. The Raising of the Cross by Peter Paul Rubens: A powerful Baroque triptych. 12. Judith Beheading Holofernes by Caravaggio: A dramatic and violent scene. 13. The Entombment of Christ by Caravaggio: A moving portrayal of Christ’s burial. 14. The Assumption of the Virgin by Titian: A dynamic and radiant religious work. 15. The Toilette of Venus by François Boucher: A sensuous Rococo masterpiece. 16. The Oath of the Horatii by Jacques-Louis David: A powerful neoclassical statement. 17. The Rape of Europa by Titian: A vivid and dynamic mythological scene. 18. The Triumph of the Name of Jesus by Giovanni Battista Gaulli: A spectacular Baroque ceiling fresco. 19. The Death of Socrates by Jacques-Louis David: A stoic portrayal of a philosopher's final moments. 20. The Triumph of the Immaculate Conception by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo: A radiant Rococo masterpiece.

Topic 5: "Eastern Art"

"Elegance and spirituality from the East"

Eastern art, encompassing the rich traditions of China, Japan, India, Korea, and the Islamic world, offers a vast and diverse array of iconic images. These works often emphasize harmony, nature, and spirituality, reflecting the profound cultural and religious influences of the East.

  1. The Great Wave off Kanagawa by Hokusai: A powerful and iconic image of nature's force.
  2. The Ajanta Caves: Ancient Indian frescoes depicting Buddhist themes.
  3. The Terracotta Army: Thousands of life-sized soldiers guarding the tomb of China's first emperor.
  4. The Taj Mahal: A stunning example of Mughal architecture and Islamic art.
  5. The Seated Buddha from Gandhara: A serene representation of the Buddha.
  6. The Scroll of The Tale of Genji: A beautifully illustrated Japanese narrative.
  7. The Forbidden City: An architectural masterpiece of imperial China.
  8. The Blue Mosque: A stunning example of Ottoman Islamic architecture.
  9. The Admonitions Scroll by Gu Kaizhi: An early masterpiece of Chinese painting.
  10. The Jade Buddha Temple: A symbol of Buddhist artistry in Shanghai.
  11. The Thousand-Armed Avalokiteshvara: A powerful representation of compassion in Tibetan Buddhism.
  12. The Phoenix Hall of Byōdō-in: A perfect example of Japanese Buddhist architecture.
  13. The Portrait of Empress Wu Zetian: A significant figure in Chinese history and art.
  14. The Bamboo Grove in Mist and Rain by Guan Daosheng: A beautiful example of Chinese landscape painting.
  15. The Peacock Room by James McNeill Whistler: A stunning fusion of Western and Eastern art.
  16. The Persian Miniatures: Exquisite examples of Islamic art from Persia.
  17. The Angkor Wat: A majestic symbol of Cambodian architecture and art.
  18. The Sukhothai Buddha: A graceful and iconic Thai sculpture.
  19. The Scroll of the Night Attack on the Sanjō Palace: A dynamic and detailed Japanese narrative painting.
  20. The Alhambra’s Court of the Lions: A masterpiece of Islamic art in Spain.

Top 100 List

  1. Mona Lisa (Renaissance Art)
  2. Guernica (Modern Art)
  3. Venus de Milo (Classical Art)
  4. The Night Watch (Baroque and Rococo)
  5. The Great Wave off Kanagawa (Eastern Art)
  6. The Last Supper (Renaissance Art)
  7. The Persistence of Memory (Modern Art)
  8. Laocoön and His Sons (Classical Art)
  9. The Ecstasy of Saint Teresa (Baroque and Rococo)
  10. The Ajanta Caves (Eastern Art)
  11. The Creation of Adam (Renaissance Art)
  12. Campbell's Soup Cans (Modern Art)
  13. The Parthenon Marbles (Classical Art)
  14. The Girl with a Pearl Earring (Baroque and Rococo)
  15. The Terracotta Army (Eastern Art)
  16. The Birth of Venus (Renaissance Art)
  17. Les Demoiselles d'Avignon (Modern Art)
  18. Winged Victory of Samothrace (Classical Art)
  19. The Conversion of Saint Paul (Baroque and Rococo)
  20. The Taj Mahal (Eastern Art)
  21. David (Renaissance Art)
  22. The Starry Night (Modern Art)
  23. The Doryphoros by Polykleitos (Classical Art)
  24. Las Meninas (Baroque and Rococo)
  25. The Seated Buddha from Gandhara (Eastern Art)
  26. School of Athens (Renaissance Art)
  27. The Scream (Modern Art)
  28. The Colosseum (Classical Art)
  29. The Swing (Baroque and Rococo)
  30. The Scroll of The Tale of Genji (Eastern Art)
  31. Vitruvian Man (Renaissance Art)
  32. Composition with Red, Blue, and Yellow (Modern Art)
  33. The Augustus of Prima Porta (Classical Art)
  34. The Rape of the Daughters of Leucippus (Baroque and Rococo)
  35. The Forbidden City (Eastern Art)
  36. La Pietà (Renaissance Art)
  37. No. 5, 1948 (Modern Art)
  38. The Mosaic of Alexander the Great (Classical Art)
  39. The Triumph of Bacchus (Baroque and Rococo)
  40. The Blue Mosque (Eastern Art)
  41. The Arnolfini Portrait (Renaissance Art)
  42. Nighthawks (Modern Art)
  43. The Hagia Sophia (Classical Art)
  44. The Death of the Virgin (Baroque and Rococo)
  45. The Admonitions Scroll by Gu Kaizhi (Eastern Art)
  46. The Sistine Madonna (Renaissance Art)
  47. The Treachery of Images (Modern Art)
  48. The Bayeux Tapestry (Classical Art)
  49. The Allegory of Painting (Baroque and Rococo)
  50. The Jade Buddha Temple (Eastern Art)
  51. Primavera (Renaissance Art)
  52. Woman I (Modern Art)
  53. The Pantheon (Classical Art)
  54. The Raising of the Cross (Baroque and Rococo)
  55. The Thousand-Armed Avalokiteshvara (Eastern Art)
  56. The Adoration of the Magi (Renaissance Art)
  57. The Two Fridas (Modern Art)
  58. The Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus (Classical Art)
  59. Judith Beheading Holofernes (Baroque and Rococo)
  60. The Phoenix Hall of Byōdō-in (Eastern Art)
  61. The Annunciation (Renaissance Art)
  62. Broadway Boogie Woogie (Modern Art)
  63. The Lindisfarne Gospels (Classical Art)
  64. The Entombment of Christ (Baroque and Rococo)
  65. The Portrait of Empress Wu Zetian (Eastern Art)
  66. The Ambassadors (Renaissance Art)
  67. The Kiss (Modern Art)
  68. The Book of Kells (Classical Art)
  69. The Assumption of the Virgin (Baroque and Rococo)
  70. The Bamboo Grove in Mist and Rain (Eastern Art)
  71. The Last Judgment (Renaissance Art)
  72. Black Square (Modern Art)
  73. The Notre-Dame de Paris (Classical Art)
  74. The Toilette of Venus (Baroque and Rococo)
  75. The Peacock Room (Eastern Art)
  76. The Marriage of the Virgin (Renaissance Art)
  77. The Fountain (Modern Art)
  78. The Alhambra (Classical Art)
  79. The Oath of the Horatii (Baroque and Rococo)
  80. The Persian Miniatures (Eastern Art)
  81. The Resurrection (Renaissance Art)
  82. Ophelia (Modern Art)
  83. The Chartres Cathedral (Classical Art)
  84. The Rape of Europa (Baroque and Rococo)
  85. The Angkor Wat (Eastern Art)
  86. Judith Slaying Holofernes (Renaissance Art)
  87. The Red Room (Modern Art)
  88. The Rosetta Stone (Classical Art)
  89. The Triumph of the Name of Jesus (Baroque and Rococo)
  90. The Sukhothai Buddha (Eastern Art)
  91. The Triumph of Galatea (Renaissance Art)
  92. Dance (Modern Art)
  93. The Ishtar Gate (Classical Art)
  94. The Death of Socrates (Baroque and Rococo)
  95. The Scroll of the Night Attack on the Sanjō Palace (Eastern Art)
  96. The Venus of Urbino (Renaissance Art)
  97. The Lovers (Modern Art)
  98. The Discobolus by Myron (Classical Art)
  99. The Triumph of the Immaculate Conception (Baroque and Rococo)
  100. The Al

hambra’s Court of the Lions (Eastern Art)

Top 100 Table

Rank Name Topic Tagline
1 Mona Lisa Renaissance Art "The enigmatic smile that captivated the world"
2 Guernica Modern Art "A haunting portrayal of the horrors of war"
3 Venus de Milo Classical Art "A timeless representation of beauty"
4 The Night Watch Baroque and Rococo "A dynamic group portrait filled with light and shadow"
5 The Great Wave off Kanagawa Eastern Art "A powerful and iconic image of nature's force"
6 The Last Supper Renaissance Art "A powerful depiction of a sacred moment"
7 The Persistence of Memory Modern Art "Surreal melting clocks that challenge perception"
8 Laocoön and His Sons Classical Art "A dramatic depiction of struggle and tragedy"
9 The Ecstasy of Saint Teresa Baroque and Rococo "A dramatic portrayal of religious fervor"
10 The Ajanta Caves Eastern Art "Ancient Indian frescoes depicting Buddhist themes"
11 The Creation of Adam Renaissance Art "An iconic scene from the Sistine Chapel ceiling"
12 Campbell's Soup Cans Modern Art "An iconic symbol of pop art and consumer culture"
13 The Parthenon Marbles Classical Art "Classical sculptures that once adorned the Parthenon"
14 The Girl with a Pearl Earring Baroque and Rococo "A captivating study of light and expression"
15 The Terracotta Army Eastern Art "Thousands of life-sized soldiers guarding the tomb of China's first emperor"
16 The Birth of Venus Renaissance Art "The embodiment of beauty and classical mythology"
17 Les Demoiselles d'Avignon Modern Art "A revolutionary work that redefined the human form"
18 Winged Victory of Samothrace Classical Art "A dynamic portrayal of triumph"
19 The Conversion of Saint Paul Baroque and Rococo "A powerful depiction of a moment of divine intervention"
20 The Taj Mahal Eastern Art "A stunning example of Mughal architecture and Islamic art"
21 David Renaissance Art "A masterpiece of Renaissance sculpture"
22 The Starry Night Modern Art "A swirling, dreamlike vision of the night sky"
23 The Doryphoros by Polykleitos Classical Art "A perfect embodiment of the ideal human form"
24 Las Meninas Baroque and Rococo "A complex and enigmatic masterpiece"
25 The Seated Buddha from Gandhara Eastern Art "A serene representation of the Buddha"
26 School of Athens Renaissance Art "A celebration of philosophy and classical knowledge"
27 The Scream Modern Art "An expression of existential anguish and despair"
28 The Colosseum Classical Art "An architectural marvel symbolizing the power of Rome"
29 The Swing Baroque and Rococo "A playful and flirtatious Rococo scene"
30 The Scroll of The Tale of Genji Eastern Art "A beautifully illustrated Japanese narrative"
31 Vitruvian Man Renaissance Art "The perfect blend of art and science"
32 Composition with Red, Blue, and Yellow Modern Art "A geometric exploration of color and form"
33 The Augustus of Prima Porta Classical Art "A powerful portrait of the first Roman emperor"
34 The Rape of the Daughters of Leucippus Baroque and Rococo "A dramatic Baroque composition"
35 The Forbidden City Eastern Art "An architectural masterpiece of imperial China"
36 La Pietà Renaissance Art "A poignant representation of Mary and Jesus"
37 No. 5, 1948 Modern Art "An explosive example of abstract expressionism"
38 The Mosaic of Alexander the Great Classical Art "A detailed depiction of a legendary battle"
39 The Triumph of Bacchus Baroque and Rococo "A lively celebration of mythology"
40 The Blue Mosque Eastern Art "A stunning example of Ottoman Islamic architecture"
41 The Arnolfini Portrait Renaissance Art "A detailed exploration of marriage and symbolism"
42 Nighthawks Modern Art "A moody, cinematic portrayal of urban isolation"
43 The Hagia Sophia Classical Art "A stunning example of Byzantine architecture and mosaics"
44 The Death of the Virgin Baroque and Rococo "A poignant and humanizing religious scene"
45 The Admonitions Scroll by Gu Kaizhi Eastern Art "An early masterpiece of Chinese painting"
46 The Sistine Madonna Renaissance Art "Revered for its divine beauty and grace"
47 The Treachery of Images Modern Art "A clever commentary on art and reality"
48 The Bayeux Tapestry Classical Art "A detailed narrative of the Norman conquest of England"
49 The Allegory of Painting Baroque and Rococo "A detailed exploration of the art of painting"
50 The Jade Buddha Temple Eastern Art "A symbol of Buddhist artistry in Shanghai"
51 Primavera Renaissance Art "An allegory of spring filled with mythological symbolism"
52 Woman I Modern Art "A powerful expression of abstract expressionism"
53 The Pantheon Classical Art "A masterpiece of Roman architecture"
54 The Raising of the Cross Baroque and Rococo "A powerful Baroque triptych"
55 The Thousand-Armed Avalokiteshvara Eastern Art "A powerful representation of compassion in Tibetan Buddhism"
56 The Adoration of the Magi Renaissance Art "A masterful unfinished work"
57 The Two Fridas Modern Art "A deeply personal exploration of identity"
58 The Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus Classical Art "A significant early Christian work"
59 Judith Beheading Holofernes Baroque and Rococo "A dramatic and violent scene"
60 The Phoenix Hall of Byōdō-in Eastern Art "A perfect example of Japanese Buddhist architecture"
61 The Annunciation Renaissance Art "A delicate depiction of a divine moment"
62 Broadway Boogie Woogie Modern Art "A vibrant tribute to the energy of New York City"
63 The Lindisfarne Gospels Classical Art "An exquisite example of illuminated manuscript art"
64 The Entombment of Christ Baroque and Rococo "A moving portrayal of Christ’s burial"
65 The Portrait of Empress Wu Zetian Eastern Art "A significant figure in Chinese history and art"
66 The Ambassadors Renaissance Art "A complex, symbolic masterpiece"
67 The Kiss Modern Art "A gilded celebration of love and intimacy"
68 The Book of Kells Classical Art "A richly decorated Gospel book from the early Middle Ages"
69 The Assumption of the Virgin Baroque and Rococo "A dynamic and radiant religious work"
70 The Bamboo Grove in Mist and Rain Eastern Art "A beautiful example of Chinese landscape painting"
71 The Last Judgment Renaissance Art "A dramatic vision of the apocalypse"
72 Black Square Modern Art "A bold statement of suprematism"
73 The Notre-Dame de Paris Classical Art "A symbol of Gothic architecture"
74 The Toilette of Venus Baroque and Rococo "A sensuous Rococo masterpiece"
75 The Peacock Room Eastern Art "A stunning fusion of Western and Eastern art"
76 The Marriage of the Virgin Renaissance Art "A beautifully composed narrative scene"
77 The Fountain Modern Art "A controversial work that redefined art"
78 The Alhambra Classical Art "A masterpiece of Islamic art and architecture in Spain"
79 The Oath of the Horatii Baroque and Rococo "A powerful neoclassical statement"
80 The Persian Miniatures Eastern Art "Exquisite examples of Islamic art from Persia"
81 The Resurrection Renaissance Art "A powerful representation of faith"
82 Ophelia Modern Art "A hauntingly beautiful pre-Raphaelite masterpiece"
83 The Chartres Cathedral Classical Art "A stunning example of Gothic stained glass"
84 The Rape of Europa Baroque and Rococo "A vivid and dynamic mythological scene"
85 The Angkor Wat Eastern Art "A majestic symbol of Cambodian architecture and art"
86 Judith Slaying Holofernes Renaissance Art "A gripping depiction of female strength"
87 The Red Room Modern Art "A vibrant celebration of color and harmony"
88 The Rosetta Stone Classical Art "A key artifact in understanding ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs"
89 The Triumph of the Name of Jesus Baroque and Rococo "A spectacular Baroque ceiling fresco"
90 The Sukhothai Buddha Eastern Art "A graceful and iconic Thai sculpture"
91 The Triumph of Galatea Renaissance Art "A vibrant celebration of mythological themes"
92 Dance Modern Art "A joyful, rhythmic expression of movement"
93 The Ishtar Gate Classical Art "A majestic entrance to the ancient city of Babylon"
94 The Death of Socrates Baroque and Rococo "A stoic portrayal of a philosopher's final moments"
95 The Scroll of the Night Attack on the Sanjō Palace Eastern Art "A dynamic and detailed Japanese narrative painting"
96 The Venus of Urbino Renaissance Art "A sensual and influential portrayal of the female form"
97 The Lovers Modern Art "A mysterious and evocative surrealist image"
98 The Discobolus by Myron Classical Art "A dynamic portrayal of an athlete in motion"
99 The Triumph of the Immaculate Conception Baroque and Rococo "A radiant Rococo masterpiece"
100 The Alhambra’s Court of the Lions Eastern Art "A masterpiece of Islamic art in Spain"


These 100 images span different eras, cultures, and styles, yet each one has left an unforgettable mark on the world of art. From the detailed frescoes of ancient caves to the bold strokes of modern expressionism, these masterpieces continue to inspire, challenge, and captivate viewers around the globe. Whether through the revival of classical ideals or the breaking of artistic boundaries, these iconic images represent the heights of human creativity and the enduring power of visual art.