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Top 100 English Sayings

"Discover timeless wisdom with the best English proverbs for 2024."

Sayings and proverbs offer insight into the culture and values of a language. In English, these sayings are passed down through generations and remain a source of wisdom. Here, we present the top 100 English sayings for 2024 that remain relevant and enlightening.


  • Wisdom and Life
  • Hard Work and Success
  • Love and Friendship
  • Humor and Wit
  • Challenges and Adversity


# Top 100 English Sayings
- Subtitle: "The Best English Proverbs and Sayings for 2024"
- Tagline: "Discover timeless wisdom with the best English proverbs for 2024."
- 5 Topics

## Topics
- Wisdom and Life: Knowledge, Experience, Lessons, Philosophy, Advice
- Hard Work and Success: Effort, Motivation, Success, Achievement, Struggle
- Love and Friendship: Relationships, Trust, Affection, Care, Heart
- Humor and Wit: Jokes, Cleverness, Irony, Satire, Playfulness
- Challenges and Adversity: Strength, Resilience, Overcome, Struggle, Failure

Topic 1: "Wisdom and Life"

"A saying a day keeps ignorance away."

The timeless wisdom shared in these sayings reflects life’s essential truths, guiding us in everyday decisions and personal development.

  1. A stitch in time saves nine.
  2. Actions speak louder than words.
  3. The pen is mightier than the sword.
  4. A picture is worth a thousand words.
  5. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
  6. Honesty is the best policy.
  7. You can't judge a book by its cover.
  8. Practice makes perfect.
  9. Two wrongs don’t make a right.
  10. Better late than never.
  11. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
  12. The early bird catches the worm.
  13. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.
  14. The grass is always greener on the other side.
  15. Knowledge is power.
  16. Don't bite the hand that feeds you.
  17. Where there's a will, there's a way.
  18. Time and tide wait for no man.
  19. A fool and his money are soon parted.
  20. Easier said than done.

Topic 2: "Hard Work and Success"

"The road to success is always under construction."

Sayings about effort and achievement inspire perseverance and determination in the pursuit of success.

  1. No pain, no gain.
  2. Rome wasn’t built in a day.
  3. Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.
  4. Fortune favors the brave.
  5. The harder you work, the luckier you get.
  6. The early bird catches the worm.
  7. Success doesn’t come overnight.
  8. Many hands make light work.
  9. Every cloud has a silver lining.
  10. Fall seven times, stand up eight.
  11. If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.
  12. No guts, no glory.
  13. Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.
  14. You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.
  15. Failure is the stepping stone to success.
  16. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
  17. Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.
  18. Every dog has its day.
  19. Success is not the key to happiness; happiness is the key to success.
  20. A rolling stone gathers no moss.

Topic 3: "Love and Friendship"

"Love and friendship bloom where trust is planted."

These sayings highlight the importance of relationships, trust, and love, forming the foundation of human connection.

  1. Love is blind.
  2. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
  3. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
  4. Birds of a feather flock together.
  5. Actions speak louder than words.
  6. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
  7. Blood is thicker than water.
  8. Love conquers all.
  9. A house divided against itself cannot stand.
  10. Opposites attract.
  11. A penny for your thoughts.
  12. Friendship isn’t a big thing, it’s a million little things.
  13. It takes two to tango.
  14. Laughter is the best medicine.
  15. True love never grows old.
  16. Good fences make good neighbors.
  17. There’s no place like home.
  18. Familiarity breeds contempt.
  19. Love makes the world go round.
  20. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

Topic 4: "Humor and Wit"

"Wit is the spice of conversation."

Lighthearted and clever, these sayings capture the wit and humor that make everyday life more enjoyable.

  1. Laughter is the best medicine.
  2. A leopard can’t change its spots.
  3. You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.
  4. Barking up the wrong tree.
  5. Every dog has its day.
  6. Don’t cry over spilled milk.
  7. Curiosity killed the cat.
  8. The pot calling the kettle black.
  9. Out of the frying pan and into the fire.
  10. A penny saved is a penny earned.
  11. Too many cooks spoil the broth.
  12. It takes two to tango.
  13. A fool and his money are soon parted.
  14. The best things in life are free.
  15. Beggars can’t be choosers.
  16. You can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs.
  17. The proof is in the pudding.
  18. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
  19. Don’t bite off more than you can chew.
  20. The more the merrier.

Topic 5: "Challenges and Adversity"

"Strength grows in the moments when you think you can't go on but do."

These sayings offer encouragement in the face of adversity, teaching resilience, patience, and overcoming obstacles.

  1. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.
  2. When the going gets tough, the tough get going.
  3. The darkest hour is just before the dawn.
  4. Every cloud has a silver lining.
  5. When one door closes, another opens.
  6. Fall seven times, stand up eight.
  7. There’s no gain without pain.
  8. It’s always darkest before the dawn.
  9. Adversity makes you stronger.
  10. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.
  11. If life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
  12. You win some, you lose some.
  13. Don’t put the cart before the horse.
  14. The only thing to fear is fear itself.
  15. Tough times never last, but tough people do.
  16. The bigger they are, the harder they fall.
  17. No guts, no glory.
  18. A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor.
  19. When life knocks you down, stand up stronger.
  20. Don't burn your bridges behind you.

Top 100 List

  1. A stitch in time saves nine (Wisdom and Life)
  2. Actions speak louder than words (Wisdom and Life)
  3. The pen is mightier than the sword (Wisdom and Life)
  4. A picture is worth a thousand words (Wisdom and Life)
  5. When in Rome, do as the Romans do (Wisdom and Life)
  6. Honesty is the best policy (Wisdom and Life)
  7. You can't judge a book by its cover (Wisdom and Life)
  8. Practice makes perfect (Wisdom and Life)
  9. Two wrongs don’t make a right (Wisdom and Life)
  10. Better late than never (Wisdom and Life)
  11. No pain, no gain (Hard Work and Success)
  12. Rome wasn’t built in a day (Hard Work and Success)
  13. Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard (Hard Work and Success)
  14. Fortune favors the brave (Hard Work and Success)
  15. The harder you work, the luckier you get (Hard Work and Success)
  16. The early bird catches the worm (Hard Work and Success)
  17. Success doesn’t come overnight (Hard Work and Success)
  18. Many hands make light work (Hard Work and Success)
  19. Every cloud has a silver lining (Hard Work and Success)
  20. Fall seven times, stand up eight (Hard Work and Success)
  21. Love is blind (Love and Friendship)
  22. Absence makes the heart grow fonder (Love and Friendship)
  23. A friend in need is a friend indeed (Love and Friendship)
  24. Birds of a feather flock together (Love and Friendship)
  25. Actions speak louder than words (Love and Friendship)
  26. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder (Love and Friendship)
  27. Blood is thicker than water (Love and Friendship)
  28. Love conquers all (Love and Friendship)
  29. A house divided against itself cannot stand (Love and Friendship)
  30. Opposites attract (Love and Friendship)
  31. Laughter is the best medicine (Humor and Wit)
  32. A leopard can’t change its spots (Humor and Wit)
  33. You can’t teach an old dog new tricks (Humor and Wit)
  34. Barking up the wrong tree (Humor and Wit)
  35. Every dog has its day (Humor and Wit)
  36. Don’t cry over spilled milk (Humor and Wit)
  37. Curiosity killed the cat (Humor and Wit)
  38. The pot calling the kettle black (Humor and Wit)
  39. Out of the frying pan and into the fire (Humor and Wit)
  40. A penny saved is a penny earned (Humor and Wit)
  41. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger (Challenges and Adversity)
  42. When the going gets tough, the tough get going (Challenges and Adversity)
  43. The darkest hour is just before the dawn (Challenges and Adversity)
  44. Every cloud has a silver lining (Challenges and Adversity)
  45. When one door closes, another opens (Challenges and Adversity)
  46. Fall seven times, stand up eight (Challenges and Adversity)
  47. There’s no gain without pain (Challenges and Adversity)
  48. It’s always darkest before the dawn (Challenges and Adversity)
  49. Adversity makes you stronger (Challenges and Adversity)
  50. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link (Challenges and Adversity)
  51. If life gives you lemons, make lemonade (Challenges and Adversity)
  52. You win some, you lose some (Challenges and Adversity)
  53. Don’t put the cart before the horse (Challenges and Adversity)
  54. The only thing to fear is fear itself (Challenges and Adversity)
  55. Tough times never last, but tough people do (Challenges and Adversity)
  56. The bigger they are, the harder they fall (Challenges and Adversity)
  57. No guts, no glory (Challenges and Adversity)
  58. A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor (Challenges and Adversity)
  59. When life knocks you down, stand up stronger (Challenges and Adversity)
  60. Don't burn your bridges behind you (Challenges and Adversity)
  61. A fool and his money are soon parted (Wisdom and Life)
  62. Easier said than done (Wisdom and Life)
  63. The grass is always greener on the other side (Wisdom and Life)
  64. Knowledge is power (Wisdom and Life)
  65. Don't bite the hand that feeds you (Wisdom and Life)
  66. Where there's a will, there's a way (Wisdom and Life)
  67. Time and tide wait for no man (Wisdom and Life)
  68. A picture is worth a thousand words (Wisdom and Life)
  69. Birds of a feather flock together (Love and Friendship)
  70. Love is patient, love is kind (Love and Friendship)
  71. Absence makes the heart grow fonder (Love and Friendship)
  72. Time heals all wounds (Love and Friendship)
  73. Love is a two-way street (Love and Friendship)
  74. Friends are the family we choose (Love and Friendship)
  75. A penny for your thoughts (Love and Friendship)
  76. It takes two to tango (Love and Friendship)
  77. Love and let live (Love and Friendship)
  78. Opposites attract (Love and Friendship)
  79. Laughter is the best medicine (Humor and Wit)
  80. Too many cooks spoil the broth (Humor and Wit)
  81. A penny saved is a penny earned (Humor and Wit)
  82. Don’t cry over spilled milk (Humor and Wit)
  83. Curiosity killed the cat (Humor and Wit)
  84. The pot calling the kettle black (Humor and Wit)
  85. The proof is in the pudding (Humor and Wit)
  86. A fool and his money are soon parted (Humor and Wit)
  87. Beggars can’t be choosers (Humor and Wit)
  88. You can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs (Humor and Wit)
  89. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree (Humor and Wit)
  90. Don’t bite off more than you can chew (Humor and Wit)
  91. The best things in life are free (Humor and Wit)
  92. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger (Challenges and Adversity)
  93. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link (Challenges and Adversity)
  94. When the going gets tough, the tough get going (Challenges and Adversity)
  95. Every cloud has a silver lining (Challenges and Adversity)
  96. When one door closes, another opens (Challenges and Adversity)
  97. Tough times never last, but tough people do (Challenges and Adversity)
  98. The bigger they are, the harder they fall (Challenges and Adversity)
  99. No guts, no glory (Challenges and Adversity)
  100. Fall seven times, stand up eight (Challenges and Adversity)

Top 100 Table

Rank Name Topic Tagline
1 A stitch in time saves nine Wisdom and Life "Quick action saves trouble."
2 Actions speak louder than words Wisdom and Life "Deeds are more important."
3 The pen is mightier than the sword Wisdom and Life "Words have power."
4 A picture is worth a thousand words Wisdom and Life "Visuals convey meaning."
5 When in Rome, do as the Romans do Wisdom and Life "Adapt to customs."
6 Honesty is the best policy Wisdom and Life "Truth builds trust."
7 You can't judge a book by its cover Wisdom and Life "Appearances can be deceiving."
8 Practice makes perfect Wisdom and Life "Repetition leads to mastery."
9 Two wrongs don’t make a right Wisdom and Life "Don’t retaliate with wrong."
10 Better late than never Wisdom and Life "It's never too late."
11 No pain, no gain Hard Work and Success "Effort leads to results."
12 Rome wasn’t built in a day Hard Work and Success "Success takes time."
13 Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard Hard Work and Success "Effort outshines natural talent."
14 Fortune favors the brave Hard Work and Success "Courage leads to opportunities."
15 The harder you work, the luckier you get Hard Work and Success "Effort brings rewards."
16 The early bird catches the worm Hard Work and Success "Being early brings success."
17 Success doesn’t come overnight Hard Work and Success "Achievement takes time."
18 Many hands make light work Hard Work and Success "Collaboration simplifies tasks."
19 Every cloud has a silver lining Hard Work and Success "Find positivity in adversity."
20 Fall seven times, stand up eight Hard Work and Success "Resilience brings success."
21 Love is blind Love and Friendship "Love overlooks flaws."
22 Absence makes the heart grow fonder Love and Friendship "Distance strengthens affection."
23 A friend in need is a friend indeed Love and Friendship "True friends help in hard times."
24 Birds of a feather flock together Love and Friendship "Like-minded people stick together."
25 Actions speak louder than words Love and Friendship "Show love through deeds."
26 Beauty is in the eye of the beholder Love and Friendship "Perception defines beauty."
27 Blood is thicker than water Love and Friendship "Family bonds are strongest."
28 Love conquers all Love and Friendship "Love overcomes obstacles."
29 A house divided against itself cannot stand Love and Friendship "Unity is strength."
30 Opposites attract Love and Friendship "Differences create balance."
31 Laughter is the best medicine Humor and Wit "Humor heals."
32 A leopard can’t change its spots Humor and Wit "People can't change their nature."
33 You can’t teach an old dog new tricks Humor and Wit "It's hard to change old habits."
34 Barking up the wrong tree Humor and Wit "Focusing on the wrong thing."
35 Every dog has its day Humor and Wit "Everyone gets a chance."
36 Don’t cry over spilled milk Humor and Wit "Don't stress over past mistakes."
37 Curiosity killed the cat Humor and Wit "Curiosity can be dangerous."
38 The pot calling the kettle black Humor and Wit "Accusing someone of something you do."
39 Out of the frying pan and into the fire Humor and Wit "From one trouble to another."
40 A penny saved is a penny earned Humor and Wit "Saving is important."
41 What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger Challenges and Adversity "Hardship builds strength."
42 When the going gets tough, the tough get going Challenges and Adversity "Difficulties inspire resilience."
43 The darkest hour is just before the dawn Challenges and Adversity "Hope follows hardship."
44 Every cloud has a silver lining Challenges and Adversity "Find positivity in adversity."
45 When one door closes, another opens Challenges and Adversity "New opportunities arise."
46 Fall seven times, stand up eight Challenges and Adversity "Resilience brings success."
47 There’s no gain without pain Challenges and Adversity "Struggle is part of success."
48 It’s always darkest before the dawn Challenges and Adversity "Hope follows hardship."
49 Adversity makes you stronger Challenges and Adversity "Challenges build resilience."
50 A chain is only as strong as its weakest link Challenges and Adversity "Weakness impacts the whole."
51 If life gives you lemons, make lemonade Challenges and Adversity "Make the best of bad situations."
52 You win some, you lose some Challenges and Adversity "Accept both success and failure."
53 Don’t put the cart before the horse Challenges and Adversity "Follow the right order."
54 The only thing to fear is fear itself Challenges and Adversity "Fear is the true obstacle."
55 Tough times never last, but tough people do Challenges and Adversity "Resilience outlasts hardship."
56 The bigger they are, the harder they fall Challenges and Adversity "Greater risk, greater downfall."
57 No guts, no glory Challenges and Adversity "Courage brings success."
58 A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor Challenges and Adversity "Challenges develop expertise."
59 When life knocks you down, stand up stronger Challenges and Adversity "Resilience builds strength."
60 Don't burn your bridges behind you Challenges and Adversity "Leave paths open."
61 A fool and his money are soon parted Wisdom and Life "Financial carelessness leads to loss."
62 Easier said than done Wisdom and Life "Doing is harder than talking."
63 The grass is always greener on the other side Wisdom and Life "Others' situations often seem better."
64 Knowledge is power Wisdom and Life "Information leads to control."
65 Don't bite the hand that feeds you Wisdom and Life "Don't harm those who help you."
66 Where there's a will, there's a way Wisdom and Life "Determination leads to success."
67 Time and tide wait for no man Wisdom and Life "Time is unstoppable."
68 Birds of a feather flock together Love and Friendship "People with similarities stay together."
69 Love is patient, love is kind Love and Friendship "Love embodies patience and care."
70 Absence makes the heart grow fonder Love and Friendship "Distance strengthens affection."
71 Time heals all wounds Love and Friendship "Emotional pain eases with time."
72 Love is a two-way street Love and Friendship "Both sides must work together."
73 Friends are the family we choose Love and Friendship "Friends are as close as family."
74 A penny for your thoughts Love and Friendship "Ask for someone's thoughts."
75 It takes two to tango Love and Friendship "Both sides share responsibility."
76 Love and let live Love and Friendship "Accept others' choices."
77 Opposites attract Love and Friendship "Differences create balance."
78 Too many cooks spoil the broth Humor and Wit "Too many opinions can ruin things."
79 A penny saved is a penny earned Humor and Wit "Saving money is as good as making it."
80 Don’t cry over spilled milk Humor and Wit "Don't stress over past mistakes."
81 Curiosity killed the cat Humor and Wit "Being too curious can lead to trouble."
82 The pot calling the kettle black Humor and Wit "Accusing someone of your own faults."
83 The proof is in the pudding Humor and Wit "Results prove the quality."
84 A fool and his money are soon parted Humor and Wit "Carelessness leads to loss."
85 Beggars can’t be choosers Humor and Wit "Don't be picky when you have no options."
86 You can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs Humor and Wit "Sacrifice is needed for success."
87 The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree Humor and Wit "Children resemble their parents."
88 Don’t bite off more than you can chew Humor and Wit "Don't take on more than you can handle."
89 The best things in life are free Humor and Wit "Life's most valuable things have no cost."
90 What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger Challenges and Adversity "Hardship builds resilience."
91 A chain is only as strong as its weakest link Challenges and Adversity "Weakness impacts the whole."
92 When the going gets tough, the tough get going Challenges and Adversity "Difficulties inspire resilience."
93 Every cloud has a silver lining Challenges and Adversity "Find positivity in adversity."
94 When one door closes, another opens Challenges and Adversity "New opportunities arise."
95 Tough times never last, but tough people do Challenges and Adversity "Resilience outlasts hardship."
96 The bigger they are, the harder they fall Challenges and Adversity "Greater risk, greater downfall."
97 No guts, no glory Challenges and Adversity "Courage brings success."
98 A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor Challenges and Adversity "Challenges develop expertise."
99 When life knocks you down, stand up stronger Challenges and Adversity "Resilience builds strength."
100 Don't burn your bridges behind you Challenges and Adversity "Leave paths open."


These sayings provide wisdom for daily life, motivating you to persevere, find joy, and cultivate meaningful relationships. From practical advice to philosophical reflections, these top 100 sayings will continue to inspire and guide you throughout 2024.