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Top 100 Unusual Facts About Animals

"The animal kingdom is full of surprises, from the depths of the oceans to the heights of the skies."

Animals are incredible creatures with a wide variety of unique and unusual characteristics. From the quirks of their behavior to the astonishing adaptations they have developed to survive in their environments, there is no end to the fascinating facts about the animal kingdom. Here is a list of the top 100 unusual facts about animals, sure to amaze and educate.



  • Title: "Top 100 Unusual Facts About Animals: Discover the Fascinating World of Animal Oddities"
  • Subtitle: "Discover the Fascinating World of Animal Oddities"
  • Tagline: "The animal kingdom is full of surprises, from the depths of the oceans to the heights of the skies."
  • Description: "Animals are incredible creatures with a wide variety of unique and unusual characteristics. This list explores 100 fascinating facts about animals, from their quirks to their amazing adaptations."
  • Keywords: Animals, Facts, Oddities, Nature, Wildlife, Behavior, Adaptations, Biology, Zoology, Fun Facts


# Top 100 Unusual Facts About Animals
- Discover the Fascinating World of Animal Oddities
- The animal kingdom is full of surprises, from the depths of the oceans to the heights of the skies.
- Animals are incredible creatures with a wide variety of unique and unusual characteristics. This list explores 100 fascinating facts about animals, from their quirks to their amazing adaptations.
- 5 Topics

## Topics
- Mammals: Behavior, Adaptations, Oddities, Diet, Habitat...
- Birds: Migration, Behavior, Unique Traits, Nesting, Flight...
- Reptiles & Amphibians: Adaptations, Behavior, Habitat, Diet, Evolution...
- Marine Animals: Deep Sea, Behavior, Adaptations, Communication, Diet...
- Insects & Arachnids: Behavior, Adaptations, Lifespan, Habitat, Diet...


"Mammals are known for their diverse behaviors and incredible adaptations."

Mammals are a diverse class of animals with unique behaviors and adaptations that help them thrive in a variety of environments. Here are some unusual facts about mammals:

  1. The platypus lays eggs despite being a mammal.
  2. A group of flamingos is called a "flamboyance."
  3. Elephants are the only mammals that can't jump.
  4. Kangaroos can't walk backwards.
  5. A giraffe's tongue is so long that it can lick the inside of its own ear.
  6. Wombat poop is cube-shaped.
  7. Armadillos always give birth to identical quadruplets.
  8. Sloths can hold their breath longer than dolphins can.
  9. Bats are the only mammals that can fly.
  10. The heart of a blue whale is as big as a small car.
  11. Otters hold hands while sleeping to avoid drifting apart.
  12. The fingerprints of a koala are almost identical to those of humans.
  13. Cows have best friends and get stressed when they are separated.
  14. Some lions mate over 50 times a day.
  15. Polar bears have black skin under their white fur.
  16. Dolphins have names for each other.
  17. A newborn Chinese water deer is so small it can almost be held in the palm of the hand.
  18. Anteaters don't have teeth.
  19. Tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur.
  20. The eyes of a tarsier are bigger than its brain.


"Birds are masters of the skies with fascinating behaviors and adaptations."

Birds are known for their ability to fly and their unique behaviors. Here are some unusual facts about birds:

  1. A group of parrots is called a "pandemonium."
  2. The heaviest bird capable of flight is the great bustard.
  3. Penguins can leap up to 6 feet out of the water.
  4. An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.
  5. Some ducks sleep with one eye open.
  6. The longest recorded flight of a chicken is 13 seconds.
  7. Hummingbirds are the only birds that can fly backwards.
  8. Ravens are known to hold grudges against specific people.
  9. The heart of a hummingbird beats over 1,200 times per minute.
  10. Owls are the only birds that can see the color blue.
  11. Pigeons can recognize themselves in a mirror.
  12. A group of crows is called a "murder."
  13. The albatross can sleep while flying.
  14. Chickens can communicate with their chicks before they hatch.
  15. The hoatzin, a bird from South America, has claws on its wings when it's a chick.
  16. Peacocks have over 200 tail feathers.
  17. The bee hummingbird is the smallest bird in the world.
  18. Woodpeckers can peck up to 20 times per second.
  19. Flamingos are naturally white; their diet of brine shrimp and algae turns them pink.
  20. Parrots can live over 80 years.

Reptiles & Amphibians

"Reptiles and amphibians have evolved unique traits to survive in diverse habitats."

Reptiles and amphibians are known for their fascinating adaptations and behaviors. Here are some unusual facts about them:

  1. Some species of frogs can freeze without dying.
  2. The horned lizard can squirt blood from its eyes as a defense mechanism.
  3. A crocodile can't stick its tongue out.
  4. Chameleons can move their eyes in two different directions at the same time.
  5. The skin of a frog absorbs water, allowing it to drink through its skin.
  6. Alligators can live up to 100 years.
  7. Some geckos can detach their tails to escape predators.
  8. The green anaconda is the largest snake in the world.
  9. Toads don't cause warts.
  10. The komodo dragon has venomous saliva.
  11. Salamanders can regenerate lost limbs.
  12. The basilisk lizard can run on water.
  13. Snakes don't have eyelids.
  14. The tuatara, a reptile from New Zealand, has a third "eye" on its forehead.
  15. Sea turtles have been around since the time of the dinosaurs.
  16. Poison dart frogs are among the most toxic animals on Earth.
  17. The leatherback sea turtle can weigh as much as a small car.
  18. Some snakes can breathe through their skin.
  19. Iguanas have three eyes.
  20. The axolotl can regenerate its spinal cord, heart, and parts of its brain.

Marine Animals

"Marine animals inhabit the vast oceans and exhibit remarkable adaptations."

Marine animals live in diverse environments in the oceans and have some of the most unique adaptations. Here are some unusual facts about marine animals:

  1. The blue whale is the largest animal ever to have lived on Earth.
  2. Octopuses have three hearts.
  3. Jellyfish have been around for over 500 million years.
  4. Some species of fish can change their sex.
  5. Starfish can regenerate their arms.
  6. The mantis shrimp can punch with the force of a bullet.
  7. Dolphins sleep with one half of their brain at a time.
  8. Sea otters use tools to crack open shells.
  9. The tongue of a blue whale can weigh as much as an elephant.
  10. Some sharks can live for over 400 years.
  11. The mimic octopus can impersonate other sea creatures.
  12. Seahorses are the only animals in which the males give birth.
  13. The electric eel can generate an electric shock of up to 600 volts.
  14. The goblin shark looks like a prehistoric creature.
  15. Coral reefs are made up of tiny animals called polyps.
  16. Some fish communicate by making sounds with their swim bladders.
  17. The giant squid's eyes are the size of basketballs.
  18. Some whales can sing songs that last for hours.
  19. Sea cucumbers can expel their internal organs as a defense mechanism.
  20. The beluga whale is known as the "canary of the sea" for its wide range of vocal sounds.

Insects & Arachnids

"Insects and arachnids are some of the most diverse and adaptable creatures on Earth."

Insects and arachnids are incredibly diverse and have evolved a wide range of adaptations to survive. Here are some unusual facts about them:

  1. A single ant can live for up to 30 years.
  2. The dragonfly can fly at speeds up to 35 mph.
  3. Some species of ants can build living bridges with their bodies.
  4. The praying mantis can turn its head 180 degrees.
  5. Honey never spoils; edible honey has been found in ancient Egyptian tombs.
  6. The bombardier beetle can spray boiling hot chemicals as a defense.
  7. Some butterflies can taste with their feet.
  8. The atlas moth has a wingspan of up to 12 inches.
  9. Termites have been known to chew through concrete.
  10. The water strider can walk on water.
  11. The cicada can live underground for up to 17 years before emerging.
  12. The Goliath beetle is one of the heaviest insects, weighing up to 3.5 ounces.
  13. Some spiders can fly using a technique called "ballooning."
  14. The queen termite can lay up to 30,000 eggs a day.
  15. The peacock spider performs a dance to attract mates.
  16. Mosquitoes have killed more humans than any other animal.
  17. Fireflies

produce light through a chemical reaction called bioluminescence. 1. The rhinoceros beetle can lift objects 850 times its own weight. 1. Some ants farm aphids for their sugary secretions. 1. The tarantula hawk wasp has one of the most painful stings in the insect world.

Top 100 List

  1. The platypus lays eggs despite being a mammal (Mammals)
  2. A group of flamingos is called a "flamboyance" (Mammals)
  3. Elephants are the only mammals that can't jump (Mammals)
  4. Kangaroos can't walk backwards (Mammals)
  5. A giraffe's tongue is so long that it can lick the inside of its own ear (Mammals)
  6. Wombat poop is cube-shaped (Mammals)
  7. Armadillos always give birth to identical quadruplets (Mammals)
  8. Sloths can hold their breath longer than dolphins can (Mammals)
  9. Bats are the only mammals that can fly (Mammals)
  10. The heart of a blue whale is as big as a small car (Mammals)
  11. Otters hold hands while sleeping to avoid drifting apart (Mammals)
  12. The fingerprints of a koala are almost identical to those of humans (Mammals)
  13. Cows have best friends and get stressed when they are separated (Mammals)
  14. Some lions mate over 50 times a day (Mammals)
  15. Polar bears have black skin under their white fur (Mammals)
  16. Dolphins have names for each other (Mammals)
  17. A newborn Chinese water deer is so small it can almost be held in the palm of the hand (Mammals)
  18. Anteaters don't have teeth (Mammals)
  19. Tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur (Mammals)
  20. The eyes of a tarsier are bigger than its brain (Mammals)
  21. A group of parrots is called a "pandemonium" (Birds)
  22. The heaviest bird capable of flight is the great bustard (Birds)
  23. Penguins can leap up to 6 feet out of the water (Birds)
  24. An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain (Birds)
  25. Some ducks sleep with one eye open (Birds)
  26. The longest recorded flight of a chicken is 13 seconds (Birds)
  27. Hummingbirds are the only birds that can fly backwards (Birds)
  28. Ravens are known to hold grudges against specific people (Birds)
  29. The heart of a hummingbird beats over 1,200 times per minute (Birds)
  30. Owls are the only birds that can see the color blue (Birds)
  31. Pigeons can recognize themselves in a mirror (Birds)
  32. A group of crows is called a "murder" (Birds)
  33. The albatross can sleep while flying (Birds)
  34. Chickens can communicate with their chicks before they hatch (Birds)
  35. The hoatzin, a bird from South America, has claws on its wings when it's a chick (Birds)
  36. Peacocks have over 200 tail feathers (Birds)
  37. The bee hummingbird is the smallest bird in the world (Birds)
  38. Woodpeckers can peck up to 20 times per second (Birds)
  39. Flamingos are naturally white; their diet of brine shrimp and algae turns them pink (Birds)
  40. Parrots can live over 80 years (Birds)
  41. Some species of frogs can freeze without dying (Reptiles & Amphibians)
  42. The horned lizard can squirt blood from its eyes as a defense mechanism (Reptiles & Amphibians)
  43. A crocodile can't stick its tongue out (Reptiles & Amphibians)
  44. Chameleons can move their eyes in two different directions at the same time (Reptiles & Amphibians)
  45. The skin of a frog absorbs water, allowing it to drink through its skin (Reptiles & Amphibians)
  46. Alligators can live up to 100 years (Reptiles & Amphibians)
  47. Some geckos can detach their tails to escape predators (Reptiles & Amphibians)
  48. The green anaconda is the largest snake in the world (Reptiles & Amphibians)
  49. Toads don't cause warts (Reptiles & Amphibians)
  50. The komodo dragon has venomous saliva (Reptiles & Amphibians)
  51. Salamanders can regenerate lost limbs (Reptiles & Amphibians)
  52. The basilisk lizard can run on water (Reptiles & Amphibians)
  53. Snakes don't have eyelids (Reptiles & Amphibians)
  54. The tuatara, a reptile from New Zealand, has a third "eye" on its forehead (Reptiles & Amphibians)
  55. Sea turtles have been around since the time of the dinosaurs (Reptiles & Amphibians)
  56. Poison dart frogs are among the most toxic animals on Earth (Reptiles & Amphibians)
  57. The leatherback sea turtle can weigh as much as a small car (Reptiles & Amphibians)
  58. Some snakes can breathe through their skin (Reptiles & Amphibians)
  59. Iguanas have three eyes (Reptiles & Amphibians)
  60. The axolotl can regenerate its spinal cord, heart, and parts of its brain (Reptiles & Amphibians)
  61. The blue whale is the largest animal ever to have lived on Earth (Marine Animals)
  62. Octopuses have three hearts (Marine Animals)
  63. Jellyfish have been around for over 500 million years (Marine Animals)
  64. Some species of fish can change their sex (Marine Animals)
  65. Starfish can regenerate their arms (Marine Animals)
  66. The mantis shrimp can punch with the force of a bullet (Marine Animals)
  67. Dolphins sleep with one half of their brain at a time (Marine Animals)
  68. Sea otters use tools to crack open shells (Marine Animals)
  69. The tongue of a blue whale can weigh as much as an elephant (Marine Animals)
  70. Some sharks can live for over 400 years (Marine Animals)
  71. The mimic octopus can impersonate other sea creatures (Marine Animals)
  72. Seahorses are the only animals in which the males give birth (Marine Animals)
  73. The electric eel can generate an electric shock of up to 600 volts (Marine Animals)
  74. The goblin shark looks like a prehistoric creature (Marine Animals)
  75. Coral reefs are made up of tiny animals called polyps (Marine Animals)
  76. Some fish communicate by making sounds with their swim bladders (Marine Animals)
  77. The giant squid's eyes are the size of basketballs (Marine Animals)
  78. Some whales can sing songs that last for hours (Marine Animals)
  79. Sea cucumbers can expel their internal organs as a defense mechanism (Marine Animals)
  80. The beluga whale is known as the "canary of the sea" for its wide range of vocal sounds (Marine Animals)
  81. A single ant can live for up to 30 years (Insects & Arachnids)
  82. The dragonfly can fly at speeds up to 35 mph (Insects & Arachnids)
  83. Some species of ants can build living bridges with their bodies (Insects & Arachnids)
  84. The praying mantis can turn its head 180 degrees (Insects & Arachnids)
  85. Honey never spoils; edible honey has been found in ancient Egyptian tombs (Insects & Arachnids)
  86. The bombardier beetle can spray boiling hot chemicals as a defense (Insects & Arachnids)
  87. Some butterflies can taste with their feet (Insects & Arachnids)
  88. The atlas moth has a wingspan of up to 12 inches (Insects & Arachnids)
  89. Termites have been known to chew through concrete (Insects & Arachnids)
  90. The water strider can walk on water (Insects & Arachnids)
  91. The cicada can live underground for up to 17 years before emerging (Insects & Arachnids)
  92. The Goliath beetle is one of the heaviest insects, weighing up to 3.5 ounces (Insects & Arachnids)
  93. Some spiders can fly using a technique called "ballooning" (Insects & Arachnids)
  94. The queen termite can lay up to 30,000 eggs a day (Insects & Arachnids)
  95. The peacock spider performs a dance to attract mates (Insects & Arachnids)
  96. Mosquitoes have killed more humans than any other animal (Insects & Arachnids)
  97. Fireflies produce light through a chemical reaction called bioluminescence (Insects & Arachnids)
  98. The rhinoceros beetle can lift objects 850 times its own weight (Insects & Arachnids)
  99. Some ants farm aphids for their sugary secretions (Insects & Arachnids)
  100. The tarantula hawk wasp has one of the most painful stings in the insect world (Insects & Arachnids)

Top 100 Table

Rank Name Topic Tagline
1 The platypus lays eggs despite being a mammal Mammals "Mammals are known for their diverse behaviors and incredible adaptations."
2 A group of flamingos is called a "flamboyance" Mammals "Mammals are known for their diverse behaviors and incredible adaptations."
3 Elephants are the only mammals that can't jump Mammals "Mammals are known for their diverse behaviors and incredible adaptations."
4 Kangaroos can't walk backwards Mammals "Mammals are known for their diverse behaviors and incredible adaptations."
5 A giraffe's tongue is so long that it can lick the inside of its own ear Mammals "Mammals are known for their diverse behaviors and incredible adaptations."
6 Wombat poop is cube-shaped Mammals "Mammals are known for their diverse behaviors and incredible adaptations."
7 Armadillos always give birth to identical quadruplets Mammals "Mammals are known for their diverse behaviors and incredible adaptations."
8 Sloths can hold their breath longer than dolphins can Mammals "Mammals are known for their diverse behaviors and incredible adaptations."
9 Bats are the only mammals that can fly Mammals "Mammals are known for their diverse behaviors and incredible adaptations."
10 The heart of a blue whale is as big as a small car Mammals "Mammals are known for their diverse behaviors and incredible adaptations."
11 Otters hold hands while sleeping to avoid drifting apart Mammals "Mammals are known for their diverse behaviors and incredible adaptations."
12 The fingerprints of a koala are almost identical to those of humans Mammals "Mammals are known for their diverse behaviors and incredible adaptations."
13 Cows have best friends and get stressed when they are separated Mammals "Mammals are known for their diverse behaviors and incredible adaptations."
14 Some lions mate over 50 times a day Mammals "Mammals are known for their diverse behaviors and incredible adaptations."
15 Polar bears have black skin under their white fur Mammals "Mammals are known for their diverse behaviors and incredible adaptations."
16 Dolphins have names for each other Mammals "Mammals are known for their diverse behaviors and incredible adaptations."
17 A newborn Chinese water deer is so small it can almost be held in the palm of the hand Mammals "Mammals are known for their diverse behaviors and incredible adaptations."
18 Anteaters don't have teeth Mammals "Mammals are known for their diverse behaviors and incredible adaptations."
19 Tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur Mammals "Mammals are known for their diverse behaviors and incredible adaptations."
20 The eyes of a tarsier are bigger than its brain Mammals "Mammals are known for their diverse behaviors and incredible adaptations."
21 A group of parrots is called a "pandemonium" Birds "Birds are masters of the skies with fascinating behaviors and adaptations."
22 The heaviest bird capable of flight is the great bustard Birds "Birds are masters of the skies with fascinating behaviors and adaptations."
23 Penguins can leap up to 6 feet out of the water Birds "Birds are masters of the skies with fascinating behaviors and adaptations."
24 An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain Birds "Birds are masters of the skies with fascinating behaviors and adaptations."
25 Some ducks sleep with one eye open Birds "Birds are masters of the skies with fascinating behaviors and adaptations."
26 The longest recorded flight of a chicken is 13 seconds Birds "Birds are masters of the skies with fascinating behaviors and adaptations."
27 Hummingbirds are the only birds that can fly backwards Birds "Birds are masters of the skies with fascinating behaviors and adaptations."
28 Ravens are known to hold grudges against specific people Birds "Birds are masters of the skies with fascinating behaviors and adaptations."
29 The heart of a hummingbird beats over 1,200 times per minute Birds "Birds are masters of the skies with fascinating behaviors and adaptations."
30 Owls are the only birds that can see the color blue Birds "Birds are masters of the skies with fascinating behaviors and adaptations."
31 Pigeons can recognize themselves in a mirror Birds "Birds are masters of the skies with fascinating behaviors and adaptations."
32 A group of crows is called a "murder" Birds "Birds are masters of the skies with fascinating behaviors and adaptations."
33 The albatross can sleep while flying Birds "Birds are masters of the skies with fascinating behaviors and adaptations."
34 Chickens can communicate with their chicks before they hatch Birds "Birds are masters of the skies with fascinating behaviors and adaptations."
35 The hoatzin, a bird from South America, has claws on its wings when it's a chick Birds "Birds are masters of the skies with fascinating behaviors and adaptations."
36 Peacocks have over 200 tail feathers Birds "Birds are masters of the skies with fascinating behaviors and adaptations."
37 The bee hummingbird is the smallest bird in the world Birds "Birds are masters of the skies with fascinating behaviors and adaptations."
38 Woodpeckers can peck up to 20 times per second Birds "Birds are masters of the skies with fascinating behaviors and adaptations."
39 Flamingos are naturally white; their diet of brine shrimp and algae turns them pink Birds "Birds are masters of the skies with fascinating behaviors and adaptations."
40 Parrots can live over 80 years Birds "Birds are masters of the skies with fascinating behaviors and adaptations."
41 Some species of frogs can freeze without dying Reptiles & Amphibians "Reptiles and amphibians have evolved unique traits to survive in diverse habitats."
42 The horned lizard can squirt blood from its eyes as a defense mechanism Reptiles & Amphibians "Reptiles and amphibians have evolved unique traits to survive in diverse habitats."
43 A crocodile can't stick its tongue out Reptiles & Amphibians "Reptiles and amphibians have evolved unique traits to survive in diverse habitats."
44 Chameleons can move their eyes in two different directions at the same time Reptiles & Amphibians "Reptiles and amphibians have evolved unique traits to survive in diverse habitats."
45 The skin of a frog absorbs water, allowing it to drink through its skin Reptiles & Amphibians "Reptiles and amphibians have evolved unique traits to survive in diverse habitats."
46 Alligators can live up to 100 years Reptiles & Amphibians "Reptiles and amphibians have evolved unique traits to survive in diverse habitats."
47 Some geckos can detach their tails to escape predators Reptiles & Amphibians "Reptiles and amphibians have evolved unique traits to survive in diverse habitats."
48 The green anaconda is the largest snake in the world Reptiles & Amphibians "Reptiles and amphibians have evolved unique traits to survive in diverse habitats."
49 Toads don't cause warts Reptiles & Amphibians "Reptiles and amphibians have evolved unique traits to survive in diverse habitats."
50 The komodo dragon has venomous saliva Reptiles & Amphibians "Reptiles and amphibians have evolved unique traits to survive in diverse habitats."
51 Salamanders can regenerate lost limbs Reptiles & Amphibians "Reptiles and amphibians have evolved unique traits to survive in diverse habitats."
52 The basilisk lizard can run on water Reptiles & Amphibians "Reptiles and amphibians have evolved unique traits to survive in diverse habitats."
53 Snakes don't have eyelids Reptiles & Amphibians "Reptiles and amphibians have evolved unique traits to survive in diverse habitats."
54 The tuatara, a reptile from New Zealand, has a third "eye" on its forehead Reptiles & Amphibians "Reptiles and amphibians have evolved unique traits to survive in diverse habitats."
55 Sea turtles have been around since the time of


The platypus lays eggs despite being a mammal A group of flamingos is called a "flamboyance" Elephants are the only mammals that can't jump Kangaroos can't walk backwards A giraffe's tongue is so long that it can lick the inside of its own ear Wombat poop is cube-shaped Armadillos always give birth to identical quadruplets Sloths can hold their breath longer than dolphins can Bats are the only mammals that can fly The heart of a blue whale is as big as a small car Otters hold hands while sleeping to avoid drifting apart The fingerprints of a koala are almost identical to those of humans Cows have best friends and get stressed when they are separated Some lions mate over 50 times a day Polar bears have black skin under their white fur Dolphins have names for each other A newborn Chinese water deer is so small it can almost be held in the palm of the hand Anteaters don't have teeth Tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur The eyes of a tarsier are bigger than its brain A group of parrots is called a "pandemonium" The heaviest bird capable of flight is the great bustard Penguins can leap up to 6 feet out of the water An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain Some ducks sleep with one eye open The longest recorded flight of a chicken is 13 seconds Hummingbirds are the only birds that can fly backwards Ravens are known to hold grudges against specific people The heart of a hummingbird beats over 1,200 times per minute Owls are the only birds that can see the color blue Pigeons can recognize themselves in a mirror A group of crows is called a "murder" The albatross can sleep while flying Chickens can communicate with their chicks before they hatch The hoatzin, a bird from South America, has claws on its wings when it's a chick Peacocks have over 200 tail feathers The bee hummingbird is the smallest bird in the world Woodpeckers can peck up to 20 times per second Flamingos are naturally white; their diet of brine shrimp and algae turns them pink Parrots can live over 80 years Some species of frogs can freeze without dying The horned lizard can squirt blood from its eyes as a defense mechanism A crocodile can't stick its tongue out Chameleons can move their eyes in two different directions at the same time The skin of a frog absorbs water, allowing it to drink through its skin Alligators can live up to 100 years Some geckos can detach their tails to escape predators The green anaconda is the largest snake in the world Toads don't cause warts The komodo dragon has venomous saliva Salamanders can regenerate lost limbs The basilisk lizard can run on water Snakes don't have eyelids The tuatara, a reptile from New Zealand, has a third "eye" on its forehead Sea turtles have been around since the time of the dinosaurs Poison dart frogs are among the most toxic animals on Earth The leatherback sea turtle can weigh as much as a small car Some snakes can breathe through their skin Iguanas have three eyes The axolotl can regenerate its spinal cord, heart, and parts of its brain The blue whale is the largest animal ever to have lived on Earth Octopuses have three hearts Jellyfish have been around for over 500 million years Some species of fish can change their sex Starfish can regenerate their arms The mantis shrimp can punch with the force of a bullet Dolphins sleep with one half of their brain at a time Sea otters use tools to crack open shells The tongue of a blue whale can weigh as much as an elephant Some sharks can live for over 400 years The mimic octopus can impersonate other sea creatures Seahorses are the only animals in which the males give birth The electric eel can generate an electric shock of up to 600 volts The goblin shark looks like a prehistoric creature Coral reefs are made up of tiny animals called polyps Some fish communicate by making sounds with their swim bladders The giant squid's eyes are the size of basketballs Some whales can sing songs that last for hours Sea cucumbers can expel their internal organs as a defense mechanism The beluga whale is known as the "canary of the sea" for its wide range of vocal sounds A single ant can live for up to 30 years The dragonfly can fly at speeds up to 35 mph Some species of ants can build living bridges with their bodies The praying mantis can turn its head 180 degrees Honey never spoils; edible honey has been found in ancient Egyptian tombs The bombardier beetle can spray boiling hot chemicals as a defense Some butterflies can taste with their feet The atlas moth has a wingspan of up to 12 inches Termites have been known to chew through concrete The water strider can walk on water The cicada can live underground for up to 17 years before emerging The Goliath beetle is one of the heaviest insects, weighing up to 3.5 ounces Some spiders can fly using a technique called "ballooning" The queen termite can lay up to 30,000 eggs a day The peacock spider performs a dance to attract mates Mosquitoes have killed more humans than any other animal Fireflies produce light through a chemical reaction called bioluminescence The rhinoceros beetle can lift objects 850 times its own weight Some ants farm aphids for their sugary secretions The tarantula hawk wasp has one of the most painful stings in the insect world