Top 100 Spanish Sayings¶
"Wisdom is the language of experience."
Spanish sayings, or "refranes," are a beautiful reflection of the culture, wisdom, and humor of Spanish-speaking countries. They offer insights into daily life, relationships, and universal truths, often with a touch of poetic charm. This list compiles the top 100 Spanish sayings, providing a window into the richness of the language and the depth of its cultural heritage.
- Title: "Top 100 Spanish Sayings: A Collection of Timeless Wisdom"
- Subtitle: "A Collection of Timeless Wisdom from Spain and Latin America"
- Tagline: "Wisdom is the language of experience."
- Description: "Explore the depth of Spanish culture through 100 timeless sayings that reflect wisdom, humor, and universal truths."
- Keywords: Spanish, sayings, refranes, wisdom, culture, language, Spain, Latin America...
# Top 100 Spanish Sayings
- A Collection of Timeless Wisdom from Spain and Latin America
- Wisdom is the language of experience.
- Explore the depth of Spanish culture through 100 timeless sayings that reflect wisdom, humor, and universal truths.
- 5 Topics
## Topics
- Life and Wisdom: vida, sabiduría, experiencia, aprendizaje, reflexión...
- Love and Relationships: amor, relaciones, corazón, sentimientos, pareja...
- Humor and Wit: humor, ingenio, risas, diversión, bromas...
- Work and Effort: trabajo, esfuerzo, dedicación, éxito, perseverancia...
- Nature and Animals: naturaleza, animales, medio ambiente, campo, fauna...
Topic 1: "Life and Wisdom"¶
"Life is a journey filled with lessons."
Spanish sayings about life and wisdom capture the essence of human experience. These sayings reflect the trials, tribulations, and joys that come with living a full life. They offer advice, provoke thought, and sometimes provide a much-needed laugh.
- "A buen entendedor, pocas palabras bastan." - To a good listener, few words are enough.
- "Más vale tarde que nunca." - Better late than never.
- "No hay mal que por bien no venga." - Every cloud has a silver lining.
- "El tiempo lo cura todo." - Time heals everything.
- "A quien madruga, Dios le ayuda." - The early bird catches the worm.
- "Dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres." - Tell me who your friends are, and I will tell you who you are.
- "Al mal tiempo, buena cara." - In bad times, keep a good face.
- "No dejes para mañana lo que puedes hacer hoy." - Don't leave for tomorrow what you can do today.
- "El que no arriesga, no gana." - No risk, no reward.
- "No hay peor ciego que el que no quiere ver." - There is no worse blind man than the one who does not want to see.
- "Lo que siembras, cosechas." - You reap what you sow.
- "Más vale solo que mal acompañado." - Better alone than in bad company.
- "Camarón que se duerme, se lo lleva la corriente." - The shrimp that falls asleep gets carried away by the current.
- "En boca cerrada no entran moscas." - Flies do not enter a closed mouth.
- "El que tiene boca se equivoca." - He who has a mouth makes mistakes.
- "El hábito no hace al monje." - The habit does not make the monk.
- "Perro ladrador, poco mordedor." - A barking dog seldom bites.
- "No hay mal que dure cien años." - No evil lasts a hundred years.
- "Más vale pájaro en mano que ciento volando." - A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
- "Quien mucho abarca, poco aprieta." - He who grasps too much, holds little.
Topic 2: "Love and Relationships"¶
"Love is the universal language."
Love and relationships are a central theme in Spanish sayings. These refranes offer insights into the complexities of love, the importance of relationships, and the emotions that come with them.
- "Amor con amor se paga." - Love is repaid with love.
- "Ojos que no ven, corazón que no siente." - Out of sight, out of mind.
- "Amor de lejos, amor de pendejos." - Long-distance love is for fools.
- "El amor todo lo puede." - Love conquers all.
- "El corazón tiene razones que la razón no entiende." - The heart has its reasons that reason does not understand.
- "Quien bien te quiere, te hará llorar." - Those who love you well will make you cry.
- "No hay amor sin espinas." - There is no love without thorns.
- "Amor y celos, hermanos gemelos." - Love and jealousy are twin siblings.
- "El amor es ciego." - Love is blind.
- "El amor entra por la cocina." - Love enters through the kitchen.
- "Donde hubo fuego, cenizas quedan." - Where there was fire, ashes remain.
- "El que quiere celeste, que le cueste." - If you want something good, you have to work for it.
- "Amor de madre, que todo lo demás es aire." - A mother's love is everything else is air.
- "El amor no tiene edad." - Love has no age.
- "Quien ama, sufre." - Who loves, suffers.
- "El amor no se mendiga." - Love is not begged for.
- "Amor y odio son dos caras de la misma moneda." - Love and hate are two sides of the same coin.
- "El amor no se compra." - Love cannot be bought.
- "La pareja perfecta no existe." - The perfect couple does not exist.
- "El amor es un viaje, no un destino." - Love is a journey, not a destination.
Topic 3: "Humor and Wit"¶
"Laughter is the spice of life."
Humor is a vital part of Spanish culture, and many sayings reflect this playful spirit. These refranes often use wit and humor to convey deeper truths and bring a smile to one's face.
- "A caballo regalado, no le mires el diente." - Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.
- "El que ríe último, ríe mejor." - He who laughs last, laughs best.
- "El muerto al hoyo y el vivo al bollo." - The dead to the hole and the living to the bun.
- "Más sabe el diablo por viejo que por diablo." - The devil knows more because he is old than because he is the devil.
- "No hay tonto, tonto, sino tonto conocido." - There is no fool like a known fool.
- "Cada loco con su tema." - Every fool has his fancy.
- "En casa del herrero, cuchillo de palo." - In the blacksmith's house, a wooden knife.
- "Dios da pan a quien no tiene dientes." - God gives bread to those without teeth.
- "No hay mal que dure cien años, ni cuerpo que lo aguante." - No evil lasts a hundred years, nor body that can endure it.
- "Aunque la mona se vista de seda, mona se queda." - Although the monkey dresses in silk, it remains a monkey.
- "El pez por su boca muere." - The fish dies by its mouth.
- "Lo prometido es deuda." - A promise is a debt.
- "El que mucho abarca, poco aprieta." - He who grasps too much, holds little.
- "Cría cuervos y te sacarán los ojos." - Raise ravens, and they'll peck your eyes out.
- "Más vale tarde que nunca." - Better late than never.
- "Donde hay patrón, no manda marinero." - Where there is a captain, the sailor does not command.
- "La suerte de la fea, la bonita la desea." - The luck of the ugly, the beautiful desires.
- "El hábito no hace al monje." - The habit does not make the monk.
- "Mala hierba nunca muere." - Bad grass never dies.
- "No hay más ciego que el que no quiere ver." - There is no worse blind man than the one who does not want to see.
Topic 4: "Work and Effort"¶
"Hard work and dedication lead to success."
Spanish sayings about work and effort emphasize the value of hard work, perseverance, and dedication. These refranes inspire and motivate individuals to strive for their goals and overcome challenges.
- "El que no trabaja, no come." - He who does not work, does not eat.
- "A trabajar, que para eso estamos." - To work, that's what we're here for.
- "El que la sigue, la consigue." - He who pursues it, achieves it.
- "No hay atajo sin trabajo." - There is no shortcut without work.
- "El que algo quiere, algo le cuesta." - If you want something, it will cost you.
- "Quien
no arriesga, no gana." - He who does not risk, does not win. 7. "El trabajo dignifica." - Work dignifies. 8. "A más trabajo, más cansancio." - More work, more fatigue. 9. "El éxito no llega solo." - Success does not come alone. 10. "El esfuerzo siempre vale la pena." - Effort is always worth it. 11. "La paciencia es la madre de la ciencia." - Patience is the mother of science. 12. "Persevera y triunfarás." - Persevere and you will triumph. 13. "El que siembra, recoge." - He who sows, reaps. 14. "A mal tiempo, buena cara." - In bad times, keep a good face. 15. "Cada uno recoge lo que siembra." - Each one reaps what he sows. 16. "Quien tiene paciencia, obtiene lo que desea." - He who has patience, obtains what he desires. 17. "El que trabaja, Dios le ayuda." - God helps those who work. 18. "No hay peor lucha que la que no se hace." - There is no worse struggle than the one that is not undertaken. 19. "El trabajo todo lo vence." - Work conquers all. 20. "A la cima no se llega superando a los demás, sino superándote a ti mismo." - You don't reach the top by surpassing others, but by surpassing yourself.
Topic 5: "Nature and Animals"¶
"Nature speaks the language of the soul."
Spanish sayings about nature and animals reflect the deep connection that people have with the natural world. These refranes often use animals and nature as metaphors for human behavior and life's lessons.
- "Más vale pájaro en mano que ciento volando." - A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
- "No por mucho madrugar amanece más temprano." - No matter how early you get up, it doesn't dawn any sooner.
- "A caballo regalado no se le miran los dientes." - Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.
- "El que siembra vientos, recoge tempestades." - He who sows winds reaps storms.
- "Más sabe el diablo por viejo que por diablo." - The devil knows more because he is old than because he is the devil.
- "Cría cuervos y te sacarán los ojos." - Raise ravens, and they'll peck your eyes out.
- "Perro ladrador, poco mordedor." - A barking dog seldom bites.
- "A buen hambre no hay pan duro." - When you're hungry, no bread is hard.
- "El pez por la boca muere." - The fish dies by its mouth.
- "Más vale ser cabeza de ratón que cola de león." - Better to be the head of a mouse than the tail of a lion.
- "Cada oveja con su pareja." - Each sheep with its partner.
- "No hay burro calvo ni calabaza con pelo." - There is no bald donkey nor pumpkin with hair.
- "Cuando el río suena, agua lleva." - When the river sounds, it carries water.
- "A quien buen árbol se arrima, buena sombra le cobija." - He who leans against a good tree, finds good shade.
- "Ladrón que roba a ladrón, tiene cien años de perdón." - A thief who steals from a thief has a hundred years of pardon.
- "El que no llora, no mama." - He who does not cry, does not suckle.
- "Gato escaldado, del agua fría huye." - A scalded cat flees from cold water.
- "A caballo viejo, hay que darle paso." - An old horse must be given way.
- "El que no quiere caldo, se le dan dos tazas." - He who doesn't want broth gets two cups.
- "Más vale prevenir que lamentar." - Better safe than sorry.
Top 100 List¶
- "A buen entendedor, pocas palabras bastan." (Life and Wisdom)
- "Amor con amor se paga." (Love and Relationships)
- "A caballo regalado, no le mires el diente." (Humor and Wit)
- "El que no trabaja, no come." (Work and Effort)
- "Más vale pájaro en mano que ciento volando." (Nature and Animals)
- "Más vale tarde que nunca." (Life and Wisdom)
- "Ojos que no ven, corazón que no siente." (Love and Relationships)
- "El que ríe último, ríe mejor." (Humor and Wit)
- "A trabajar, que para eso estamos." (Work and Effort)
- "No por mucho madrugar amanece más temprano." (Nature and Animals)
- "No hay mal que por bien no venga." (Life and Wisdom)
- "Amor de lejos, amor de pendejos." (Love and Relationships)
- "El muerto al hoyo y el vivo al bollo." (Humor and Wit)
- "El que la sigue, la consigue." (Work and Effort)
- "A caballo regalado no se le miran los dientes." (Nature and Animals)
- "El tiempo lo cura todo." (Life and Wisdom)
- "El amor todo lo puede." (Love and Relationships)
- "Más sabe el diablo por viejo que por diablo." (Humor and Wit)
- "No hay atajo sin trabajo." (Work and Effort)
- "El que siembra vientos, recoge tempestades." (Nature and Animals)
- "A quien madruga, Dios le ayuda." (Life and Wisdom)
- "El corazón tiene razones que la razón no entiende." (Love and Relationships)
- "No hay tonto, tonto, sino tonto conocido." (Humor and Wit)
- "El que algo quiere, algo le cuesta." (Work and Effort)
- "Cría cuervos y te sacarán los ojos." (Nature and Animals)
- "Dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres." (Life and Wisdom)
- "Quien bien te quiere, te hará llorar." (Love and Relationships)
- "Cada loco con su tema." (Humor and Wit)
- "Quien no arriesga, no gana." (Work and Effort)
- "Perro ladrador, poco mordedor." (Nature and Animals)
- "Al mal tiempo, buena cara." (Life and Wisdom)
- "No hay amor sin espinas." (Love and Relationships)
- "En casa del herrero, cuchillo de palo." (Humor and Wit)
- "El que no arriesga, no gana." (Work and Effort)
- "A buen hambre no hay pan duro." (Nature and Animals)
- "No dejes para mañana lo que puedes hacer hoy." (Life and Wisdom)
- "Amor y celos, hermanos gemelos." (Love and Relationships)
- "Dios da pan a quien no tiene dientes." (Humor and Wit)
- "El trabajo dignifica." (Work and Effort)
- "El pez por la boca muere." (Nature and Animals)
- "El que no arriesga, no gana." (Life and Wisdom)
- "El amor es ciego." (Love and Relationships)
- "Aunque la mona se vista de seda, mona se queda." (Humor and Wit)
- "A más trabajo, más cansancio." (Work and Effort)
- "Más vale ser cabeza de ratón que cola de león." (Nature and Animals)
- "No hay peor ciego que el que no quiere ver." (Life and Wisdom)
- "El amor entra por la cocina." (Love and Relationships)
- "El pez por la boca muere." (Humor and Wit)
- "El éxito no llega solo." (Work and Effort)
- "Cada oveja con su pareja." (Nature and Animals)
- "Lo que siembras, cosechas." (Life and Wisdom)
- "Donde hubo fuego, cenizas quedan." (Love and Relationships)
- "Lo prometido es deuda." (Humor and Wit)
- "El esfuerzo siempre vale la pena." (Work and Effort)
- "No hay burro calvo ni calabaza con pelo." (Nature and Animals)
- "Más vale solo que mal acompañado." (Life and Wisdom)
- "El que quiere celeste, que le cueste." (Love and Relationships)
- "El que mucho abarca, poco aprieta." (Humor and Wit)
- "La paciencia es la madre de la ciencia." (Work and Effort)
- "Cuando el río suena, agua lleva." (Nature and Animals)
- "Camarón que se duerme, se lo lleva la corriente." (Life and Wisdom)
- "Amor de madre, que todo lo demás es aire." (Love and Relationships)
- "Cría cuervos y te sacarán los ojos." (Humor and Wit)
- "Persevera y triunfarás." (Work and Effort)
- "A quien buen árbol se arrima, buena sombra le cobija." (Nature and Animals)
- "En boca cerrada no entran moscas." (Life and Wisdom)
- "El amor no tiene edad." (Love and Relationships)
- "Más vale tarde que nunca." (Humor and Wit)
- "El que siembra, recoge." (Work and Effort)
- "Ladrón que roba a ladrón, tiene cien años de perdón." (Nature and Animals)
- "El que tiene boca se equivoca." (Life and Wisdom)
- "Quien ama, sufre." (Love and Relationships)
- "Donde hay patrón, no manda marinero." (Humor and Wit)
- "A mal tiempo, buena cara." (Work and Effort)
- "El que no llora, no mama." (Nature and Animals)
- "El hábito no hace al monje." (Life and Wisdom)
- "El amor no se mendiga." (Love and Relationships)
- "La suerte de la fea, la bonita la desea." (Humor and Wit)
- "Cada uno recoge lo que siembra." (Work and Effort)
- "Gato escaldado, del agua fría huye." (Nature and Animals)
- "Perro ladrador, poco mordedor." (Life and Wisdom)
- "Amor y odio son dos caras de la misma moneda." (Love and Relationships)
- "El hábito no hace al monje." (Humor and Wit)
- "Quien tiene paciencia, obtiene lo que desea." (Work and Effort)
- "A caballo viejo, hay que darle paso." (Nature and Animals)
- "No hay mal que dure cien años." (Life and Wisdom)
- "El amor no se compra." (Love and Relationships)
- "Mala hierba nunca muere." (Humor and Wit)
- "El que trabaja, Dios le ayuda." (Work and Effort)
- "El que no quiere caldo, se le dan dos tazas." (Nature and Animals)
- "Más vale pájaro en mano que ciento volando." (Life and Wisdom)
- "La pareja perfecta no existe." (Love and Relationships)
- "No hay más ciego que el que no quiere ver." (Humor and Wit)
- "No hay peor lucha que la que no se hace." (Work and Effort)
- "Más vale prevenir que lamentar." (Nature and Animals)
- "Más vale pájaro en mano que ciento volando." (Life and Wisdom)
- "El amor es un viaje, no un destino." (Love and Relationships)
- "No hay peor ciego que el que no quiere ver." (Humor and Wit)
- "El trabajo todo lo vence." (Work and Effort)
- "A la cima no se llega superando a los demás, sino superándote a ti mismo." (Nature and Animals)
Top 100 Table¶
Rank | Name | Topic | Tagline |
1 | "A buen entendedor, pocas palabras bastan." | Life and Wisdom | "Life is a journey filled with lessons." |
2 | "Amor con amor se paga." | Love and Relationships | "Love is the universal language." |
3 | "A caballo regalado, no le mires el diente." | Humor and Wit | "Laughter is the spice of life." |
4 | "El que no trabaja, no come." | Work and Effort | "Hard work and dedication lead to success." |
5 | "Más vale pájaro en mano que ciento volando." | Nature and Animals | "Nature speaks the language of the soul." |
6 | "Más vale tarde que nunca." | Life and Wisdom | "Life is a journey filled with lessons." |
7 | "Ojos que no ven, corazón que no siente." | Love and Relationships | "Love is the universal language." |
8 | "El que ríe último, ríe mejor." | Humor and Wit | "Laughter is the spice of life." |
9 | "A trabajar, que para eso estamos." | Work and Effort | "Hard work and dedication lead to success." |
10 | "No por mucho madrugar amanece más temprano." | Nature and Animals | "Nature speaks the language of the soul." |
11 | "No hay mal que por bien no venga." | Life and Wisdom | "Life is a journey filled with lessons." |
12 | "Amor de lejos, amor de pendejos." | Love and Relationships | "Love is the universal language." |
13 | "El muerto al hoyo y el vivo al bollo." | Humor and Wit | "Laughter is the spice of life." |
14 | "El que la sigue, la consigue." | Work and Effort | "Hard work and dedication lead to success." |
15 | "A caballo regalado no se le miran los dientes." | Nature and Animals | "Nature speaks the language of the soul." |
16 | "El tiempo lo cura todo." | Life and Wisdom | "Life is a journey filled with lessons." |
17 | "El amor todo lo puede." | Love and Relationships | "Love is the universal language." |
18 | "Más sabe el diablo por viejo que por diablo." | Humor and Wit | "Laughter is the spice of life." |
19 | "No hay atajo sin trabajo." | Work and Effort | "Hard work and dedication lead to success." |
20 | "El que siembra vientos, recoge tempestades." | Nature and Animals | "Nature speaks the language of the soul." |
21 | "A quien madruga, Dios le ayuda." | Life and Wisdom | "Life is a journey filled with lessons." |
22 | "El corazón tiene razones que la razón no entiende." | Love and Relationships | "Love is the universal language." |
23 | "No hay tonto, tonto, sino tonto conocido." | Humor and Wit | "Laughter is the spice of life." |
24 | "El que algo quiere, algo le cuesta." | Work and Effort | "Hard work and dedication lead to success." |
25 | "Cría cuervos y te sacarán los ojos." | Nature and Animals | "Nature speaks the language of the soul." |
26 | "Dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres." | Life and Wisdom | "Life is a journey filled with lessons." |
27 | "Quien bien te quiere, te hará llorar." | Love and Relationships | "Love is the universal language." |
28 | "Cada loco con su tema." | Humor and Wit | "Laughter is the spice of life." |
29 | "Quien no arriesga, no gana." | Work and Effort | "Hard work and dedication lead to success." |
30 | "Perro ladrador, poco mordedor." | Nature and Animals | "Nature speaks the language of the soul." |
31 | "Al mal tiempo, buena cara." | Life and Wisdom | "Life is a journey filled with lessons." |
32 | "No hay amor sin espinas." | Love and Relationships | "Love is the universal language." |
33 | "En casa del herrero, cuchillo de palo." | Humor and Wit | "Laughter is the spice of life." |
34 | "El que no arriesga, no gana." | Work and Effort | "Hard work and dedication lead to success." |
35 | "A buen hambre no hay pan duro." | Nature and Animals | "Nature speaks the language of the soul." |
36 | "No dejes para mañana lo que puedes hacer hoy." | Life and Wisdom | "Life is a journey filled with lessons." |
37 | "Amor y celos, hermanos gemelos." | Love and Relationships | "Love is the universal language." |
38 | "Dios da pan a quien no tiene dientes." | Humor and Wit | "Laughter is the spice of life." |
39 | "El trabajo dignifica." | Work and Effort | "Hard work and dedication lead to success." |
40 | "El pez por la boca muere." | Nature and Animals | "Nature speaks the language of the soul." |
41 | "El que no arriesga, no gana." | Life and Wisdom | "Life is a journey filled with lessons." |
42 | "El amor es ciego." | Love and Relationships | "Love is the universal language." |
43 | "Aunque la mona se vista de seda, mona se queda." | Humor and Wit | "Laughter is the spice of life." |
44 | "A más trabajo, más cansancio." | Work and Effort | "Hard work and dedication lead to success." |
45 | "Más vale ser cabeza de ratón que cola de león." | Nature and Animals | "Nature speaks the language of the soul." |
46 | "No hay peor ciego que el que no quiere ver." | Life and Wisdom | "Life is a journey filled with lessons." |
47 | "El amor entra por la cocina." | Love and Relationships | "Love is the universal language." |
48 | "El pez por la boca muere." | Humor and Wit | "Laughter is the spice of life." |
49 | "El éxito no llega solo." | Work and Effort | "Hard work and dedication lead to success." |
50 | "Cada oveja con su pareja." | Nature and Animals | "Nature speaks the language of the soul." |
51 | "Lo que siembras, cosechas." | Life and Wisdom | "Life is a journey filled with lessons." |
52 | "Donde hubo fuego, cenizas quedan." | Love and Relationships | "Love is the universal language." |
53 | "Lo prometido es deuda." | Humor and Wit | "Laughter is the spice of life." |
54 | "El esfuerzo siempre vale la pena." | Work and Effort | "Hard work and dedication lead to success." |
55 | "No hay burro calvo ni calabaza con pelo." | Nature and Animals | "Nature speaks the language of the soul." |
56 | "Más vale solo que mal acompañado." | Life and Wisdom | "Life is a journey filled with lessons." |
57 | "El que quiere celeste, que le cueste." | Love and Relationships | "Love is the universal language." |
58 | "El que mucho abarca, poco aprieta." | Humor and Wit | "Laughter is the spice of life." |
59 | "La paciencia es la madre de la ciencia." | Work and Effort | "Hard work and dedication lead to success." |
60 | "Cuando el río suena, agua lleva." | Nature and Animals | "Nature speaks the language of the soul." |
61 | "Camarón que se duerme, se lo lleva la corriente." | Life and Wisdom | "Life is a journey filled with lessons." |
62 | "Amor de madre, que todo lo demás es aire." | Love and Relationships | "Love is the universal language." |
63 | "Cría cuervos y te sacarán los ojos." | Humor and Wit | "Laughter is the spice of life." |
64 | "Persevera y triunfarás." | Work and Effort | "Hard work and dedication lead to success." |
65 | "A quien buen árbol se arrima, buena sombra le cobija." | Nature and Animals | "Nature speaks the language of the soul." |
66 | "En boca cerrada no entran moscas." | Life and Wisdom | "Life is a journey filled with lessons." |
67 | "El amor no tiene edad." | Love and Relationships | "Love is the universal language." |
68 | "Más vale tarde que nunca." | Humor and Wit | "Laughter is the spice of life." |
69 | "El que siembra, recoge." | Work and Effort | "Hard work and dedication lead to success." |
70 | "Ladrón que roba a ladrón, tiene cien años de perdón." | Nature and Animals | "Nature speaks the language of the soul." |
71 | "El que tiene boca se equivoca." | Life and Wisdom | "Life is a journey filled with lessons." |
72 | "Quien ama, sufre." | Love and Relationships | "Love is the universal language." |
73 | "Donde hay patrón, no manda marinero." | Humor and Wit | "Laughter is the spice of life." |
74 | "A mal tiempo, buena cara." | Work and Effort | "Hard work and dedication lead to success." |
75 | "El que no llora, no mama." | Nature and Animals | "Nature speaks the language of the soul." |
76 | "El hábito no hace al monje." | Life and Wisdom | "Life is a journey filled with lessons." |
77 | "El amor no se mendiga." | Love and Relationships | "Love is the universal language." |
78 | "La suerte de la fea, la bonita la desea." | Humor and Wit | "Laughter is the spice of life." |
79 | "Cada uno recoge lo que siembra." | Work and Effort | "Hard work and dedication lead to success." |
80 | "Gato escaldado, del agua fría huye." | Nature and Animals | "Nature speaks the language of the soul." |
81 | "Perro ladrador, poco mordedor." | Life and Wisdom | "Life is a journey filled with lessons." |
82 | "Amor y odio son dos caras de la misma moneda." | Love and Relationships | "Love is the universal language." |
83 | "El hábito no hace al monje." | Humor and Wit | "Laughter is the spice of life." |
84 | "Quien tiene paciencia, obtiene lo que desea." | Work and Effort | "Hard work and dedication lead to success." |
85 | "A caballo viejo, hay que darle paso." | Nature and Animals | "Nature speaks the language of the soul." |
86 | "No hay mal que dure cien años." | Life and Wisdom | "Life is a journey filled with lessons." |
87 | "El amor no se compra." | Love and Relationships | "Love is the universal language." |
88 | "Mala hierba nunca muere." | Humor and Wit | "Laughter is the spice of life." |
89 | "El que trabaja, Dios le ayuda." | Work and Effort | "Hard work and dedication lead to success." |
90 | "El que no quiere caldo, se le dan dos tazas." | Nature and Animals | "Nature speaks the language of the soul." |
91 | "Más vale pájaro en mano que ciento volando." | Life and Wisdom | "Life is a journey filled with lessons." |
92 | "La pareja perfecta no existe." | Love and Relationships | "Love is the universal language." |
93 | "No hay más ciego que el que no quiere ver." | Humor and Wit | "Laughter is the spice of life." |
94 | "No hay peor lucha que la que no se hace." | Work and Effort | "Hard work and dedication lead to success." |
95 | "Más vale prevenir que lamentar." | Nature and Animals | "Nature speaks the language of the soul." |
96 | "Más vale pájaro en mano que ciento volando." | Life and Wisdom | "Life is a journey filled with lessons." |
97 | "El amor es un viaje, no un destino." | Love and Relationships | "Love is the universal language." |
98 | "No hay peor ciego que el que no quiere ver." | Humor and Wit | "Laughter is the spice of life." |
99 | "El trabajo todo lo vence." | Work and Effort | "Hard work and dedication lead to success." |
100 | "A la cima no se llega superando a los demás, sino superándote a ti mismo." | Nature and Animals | "Nature speaks the language of the soul." |
Spanish sayings offer a profound glimpse into the cultural heritage of Spain and Latin America. These refranes, filled with wisdom, humor, and universal truths, continue to resonate across generations. Whether you're seeking advice, a laugh, or a moment of reflection, this collection of top 100 Spanish sayings provides timeless wisdom that transcends language and borders.