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Top 100 Post-Impressionism Paintings

"Exploring the vivid emotions and innovative techniques that defined Post-Impressionism."

Post-Impressionism was an artistic movement that emerged as a reaction against Impressionists' concern for the naturalistic depiction of light and color. This movement focused more on symbolic content, formal order, and structure, with artists using bold colors, expressive brushstrokes, and exaggerated forms. Some of the most iconic pieces in art history come from this movement, with works from Van Gogh, Gauguin, Cézanne, and many others.


  • Landscapes
  • Portraits
  • Still Life
  • Symbolism
  • Religious & Mythological Themes


# Top 100 Post-Impressionism Paintings
- Explore the colors, forms, and emotions of Post-Impressionist art.
- Bold colors, expressive brushstrokes
- Post-Impressionism's impact on modern art
- 5 Topics: Landscapes, Portraits, Still Life, Symbolism, Religious & Mythological Themes

## Topics
- Landscapes: Van Gogh, Cézanne, Gauguin, Seurat, etc.
- Portraits: Gauguin, Lautrec, Van Gogh, etc.
- Still Life: Cézanne, Gauguin, Serusier, etc.
- Symbolism: Gauguin, Redon, Van Gogh, etc.
- Religious & Mythological Themes: Van Gogh, Puvis de Chavannes, Denis, etc.

Topic 1: Landscapes

"Where nature meets imagination"

Landscapes were a major focus of Post-Impressionist artists, who sought to move beyond simple depictions of scenery. Instead, they imbued their landscapes with emotion, memory, and symbolic meaning. Van Gogh and Cézanne were among the most famous for their landscape work.

  1. The Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh: An iconic swirling sky over a sleepy town.
  2. Mont Sainte-Victoire by Paul Cézanne: A masterpiece of form and color.
  3. Wheatfield with Crows by Vincent van Gogh: Brooding and intense.
  4. A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte by Georges Seurat: A pointillist technique.
  5. The Yellow Christ by Paul Gauguin: A rural landscape with symbolic meaning.
  6. Wheatfield with Cypress Trees by Vincent van Gogh: A dynamic and vibrant landscape.
  7. Tahitian Landscape by Paul Gauguin: Exotic and mystical.
  8. View of Auvers-sur-Oise by Vincent van Gogh: A quiet French village in dynamic color.
  9. The Blue Trees by Paul Cézanne: A balance between nature and geometry.
  10. Landscape at Pont-Aven by Paul Gauguin: Color-rich Breton countryside.
  11. The Sea at L'Estaque by Paul Cézanne: A vivid coastal view.
  12. The Olive Trees by Vincent van Gogh: Turbulent and expressive.
  13. La Montagne Sainte-Victoire by Paul Cézanne: Cézanne’s frequent muse in brushstrokes.
  14. The Beach at Saintes-Maries by Vincent van Gogh: Rolling waves and golden sands.
  15. The Bay of Marseilles, Seen from L'Estaque by Paul Cézanne: Pure Mediterranean essence.
  16. The Night Café by Vincent van Gogh: A surreal, charged scene of a café.
  17. The Talisman by Paul Sérusier: An abstract vision of nature.
  18. Harvest at La Crau by Vincent van Gogh: Blazing fields under a high sun.
  19. Landscape with Peacocks by Paul Gauguin: A dreamlike, lush environment.
  20. The Vision After the Sermon by Paul Gauguin: Breton landscape fused with symbolic power.

Topic 2: Portraits

"Capturing human soul through colors and lines"

Portraits in Post-Impressionism aimed to move beyond physical likeness to capture the emotional and psychological essence of the subject. Bold colors and distorted forms were often used to express the inner life of the people depicted.

  1. Portrait of Dr. Gachet by Vincent van Gogh: Emotional intensity in every stroke.
  2. Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear by Vincent van Gogh: Pain and resilience captured on canvas.
  3. La Belle Angèle by Paul Gauguin: Bold and flat colors portraying a woman’s stoicism.
  4. Madame Cézanne in a Red Armchair by Paul Cézanne: Calm and introspective.
  5. Vincent van Gogh Self-Portrait by Vincent van Gogh: Frenetic brushstrokes, deep introspection.
  6. Young Girl in a Boat by Pierre-Auguste Renoir: A soft, dreamy portrait.
  7. Self-Portrait with Halo by Paul Gauguin: A mix of spirituality and self-exploration.
  8. The Peasant Woman by Vincent van Gogh: Strength and simplicity.
  9. Mademoiselle de Pompadour by Odilon Redon: A hauntingly beautiful figure.
  10. L'Arlésienne by Vincent van Gogh: A woman in thoughtful repose.
  11. Portrait of Père Tanguy by Vincent van Gogh: A colorful depiction of a beloved figure.
  12. The Little Actress by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec: A theatrical yet intimate portrait.
  13. The Postman Joseph Roulin by Vincent van Gogh: A close friendship rendered in vibrant color.
  14. Girl in a White Dress by Vincent van Gogh: Innocence and grace.
  15. The Poet's Garden by Vincent van Gogh: Evocative and metaphorical.
  16. La Mousmé by Vincent van Gogh: A young girl, energetic and vibrant.
  17. Portrait of Felix Fénéon by Paul Signac: Pointillist and full of personality.
  18. Woman with a Hat by Odilon Redon: Delicate, dreamy, and symbolic.
  19. Young Breton Girl by Paul Gauguin: Simplified yet soulful.
  20. La Goulue Entering the Moulin Rouge by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec: Frenzied and bold.

Topic 3: Still Life

"Exploring the essence of inanimate objects"

Post-Impressionists transformed the still life genre by emphasizing the form, color, and composition of objects rather than just realistic representation. Cézanne, in particular, played a significant role in reshaping this genre.

  1. Still Life with Apples by Paul Cézanne: A study in color and form.
  2. Basket of Apples by Paul Cézanne: Laying the foundation for Cubism.
  3. Still Life with a Mandolin by Paul Gauguin: Exotic and vibrant.
  4. Still Life with Peaches by Paul Cézanne: A blend of rich colors and geometry.
  5. Still Life with Curtain and Flowered Pitcher by Paul Cézanne: Balancing harmony and tension.
  6. Still Life with Plaster Cupid by Paul Cézanne: A symbolic composition.
  7. Still Life with Parrot by Paul Gauguin: Exotic birds and colorful objects.
  8. Still Life with Onions by Paul Cézanne: A minimal yet powerful composition.
  9. Still Life with Apples and Oranges by Paul Cézanne: Geometric simplicity.
  10. Still Life with Pears by Paul Cézanne: Depth through color and light.
  11. Still Life with Fruit Dish by Paul Gauguin: Bold and simplified forms.
  12. Still Life with Melon and Bowl of Apples by Paul Cézanne: Play on space and volume.
  13. Still Life with a Skull by Paul Cézanne: A meditation on mortality.
  14. Still Life with Pitcher and Fruit by Paul Cézanne: Quiet elegance.
  15. Still Life with a Buddha by Paul Gauguin: Symbolism in simplicity.
  16. Still Life with Apples and a Pot of Primroses by Paul Cézanne: Nature’s bounty.
  17. Still Life with Eggplant by Paul Cézanne: Intense colors and strong composition.
  18. Still Life with Ginger Pot by Paul Gauguin: A fusion of color and culture.
  19. Still Life with Peaches and Pears by Paul Cézanne: Warmth and balance.
  20. Still Life with Chinese Vase by Paul Gauguin: Mixing tradition with modernity.

Topic 4: Symbolism

"Delving into deeper meaning through images"

Symbolism in Post-Impressionism sought to express ideas and emotions beyond mere physical appearance. Artists like Gauguin and Redon imbued their works with metaphysical themes, drawing on literature, myth, and personal introspection.

  1. The Yellow Christ by Paul Gauguin: Spiritual symbolism.
  2. Jacob Wrestling with the Angel by Paul Gauguin: Biblical themes through color.
  3. Orpheus by Odilon Redon: Mythology in muted, surreal tones.
  4. The Cyclops by Odilon Redon: Mythological dreamscape.
  5. The Spirit of the Dead Watching by Paul Gauguin: Symbolic fear and spirituality.
  6. The Sacred Heart by Paul Gauguin: A spiritual representation.
  7. Calvary (Green Christ) by Paul Gauguin: A highly symbolic rural scene.
  8. The Eye, Like a Strange Balloon by Odilon Redon: Surreal, metaphorical vision.
  9. The Raven by Odilon Redon: Literature transformed into image.
  10. Pandora by Odilon Redon: The myth of Pandora rendered in color.
  11. Joan of Arc by Paul Gauguin: Heroic symbolism.
  12. The Nightmare by Odilon Redon: Dark and fantastical.
  13. Sita by Odilon Redon: Exotic and metaphysical.
  14. Breton Woman with a Cloak by Paul Gauguin: Symbolism through simplicity.
  15. The Dream by Henri Rousseau: A surreal, symbolic landscape.
  16. Woman with a Parasol by Paul Gauguin: A dreamlike atmosphere.
  17. The Struggle of Jacob with the Angel by Paul Gauguin: Symbolic spiritual struggle.
  18. The Evening Bell by Odilon Redon: A calm, introspective painting.
  19. The Buddha by Odilon Redon: Mystical and serene.
  20. Christ in the Garden of Olives by Paul Gauguin: A powerful religious symbol.

Topic 5: Religious & Mythological Themes

"Exploring the divine and mythological realms through art"

Religious and mythological themes were prevalent in Post-Impressionist works, with artists using bold colors and non-traditional compositions to explore themes of spirituality, mythology, and morality.

  1. The Yellow Christ by Paul Gauguin: Symbolic and bold.
  2. Jacob Wrestling with the Angel by Paul Gauguin: Spiritual conflict depicted in vibrant color.
  3. The Cyclops by Odilon Redon: Surreal mythology.
  4. Orpheus by Odilon Redon: Dreamlike, poetic.
  5. The Spirit of the Dead Watching by Paul Gauguin: An eerie depiction of Polynesian beliefs.
  6. Christ in the Garden of Olives by Paul Gauguin: Vivid religious symbolism.
  7. The Sacred Heart by Paul Gauguin: Expression of faith.
  8. Pandora by Odilon Redon: Symbolism from ancient myth.
  9. Sita by Odilon Redon: Myth and emotion in harmony.
  10. The Nightmare by Odilon Redon: Haunting and symbolic.

Top 100 List

  1. The Starry Night (Landscapes)
  2. Mont Sainte-Victoire (Landscapes)
  3. Wheatfield with Crows (Landscapes)
  4. A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte (Landscapes)
  5. The Yellow Christ (Religious & Mythological Themes)
  6. Wheatfield with Cypress Trees (Landscapes)
  7. Tahitian Landscape (Landscapes)
  8. Portrait of Dr. Gachet (Portraits)
  9. The Spirit of the Dead Watching (Symbolism)
  10. Still Life with Apples (Still Life)
  11. Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear (Portraits)
  12. La Belle Angèle (Portraits)
  13. Madame Cézanne in a Red Armchair (Portraits)
  14. Jacob Wrestling with the Angel (Religious & Mythological Themes)
  15. Still Life with Pears (Still Life)
  16. Orpheus (Symbolism)
  17. Wheatfield with a Reaper (Landscapes)
  18. The Postman Joseph Roulin (Portraits)
  19. The Cyclops (Symbolism)
  20. Still Life with Apples and Oranges (Still Life)
  21. The Sea at L'Estaque (Landscapes)
  22. Self-Portrait with Halo (Portraits)
  23. The Vision After the Sermon (Landscapes)
  24. Portrait of Père Tanguy (Portraits)
  25. The Blue Trees (Landscapes)
  26. Still Life with Parrot (Still Life)
  27. The Eye, Like a Strange Balloon (Symbolism)
  28. Landscape at Pont-Aven (Landscapes)
  29. Joan of Arc (Symbolism)
  30. La Mousmé (Portraits)
  31. Pandora (Symbolism)
  32. Mademoiselle de Pompadour (Portraits)
  33. Sita (Symbolism)
  34. Breton Woman with a Cloak (Portraits)
  35. The Raven (Symbolism)
  36. The Talisman (Landscapes)
  37. Still Life with a Mandolin (Still Life)
  38. Young Girl in a Boat (Portraits)
  39. The Poet's Garden (Portraits)
  40. Still Life with Peaches (Still Life)
  41. The Little Actress (Portraits)
  42. L'Arlésienne (Portraits)
  43. The Peasant Woman (Portraits)
  44. Still Life with Pitcher and Fruit (Still Life)
  45. Woman with a Parasol (Symbolism)
  46. Still Life with a Skull (Still Life)
  47. The Yellow House (Landscapes)
  48. Woman with a Hat (Portraits)
  49. Christ in the Garden of Olives (Religious & Mythological Themes)
  50. The Olive Trees (Landscapes)
  51. Still Life with Curtain and Flowered Pitcher (Still Life)
  52. The Evening Bell (Symbolism)
  53. Still Life with Melon and Bowl of Apples (Still Life)
  54. The Dream (Symbolism)
  55. La Goulue Entering the Moulin Rouge (Portraits)
  56. Still Life with Chinese Vase (Still Life)
  57. View of Auvers-sur-Oise (Landscapes)
  58. Still Life with Onions (Still Life)
  59. Young Breton Girl (Portraits)
  60. Vincent van Gogh Self-Portrait (Portraits)
  61. The Beach at Saintes-Maries (Landscapes)
  62. Girl in a White Dress (Portraits)
  63. The Nightmare (Symbolism)
  64. Still Life with Fruit Dish (Still Life)
  65. Still Life with a Buddha (Still Life)
  66. Portrait of Felix Fénéon (Portraits)
  67. Portrait of Père Tanguy (Portraits)
  68. The Struggle of Jacob with the Angel (Religious & Mythological Themes)
  69. Basket of Apples (Still Life)
  70. The Sacred Heart (Religious & Mythological Themes)
  71. The Eye (Symbolism)
  72. Still Life with Apples and a Pot of Primroses (Still Life)
  73. Young Breton Woman (Portraits)
  74. La Mousmé (Portraits)
  75. The Harvest at La Crau (Landscapes)
  76. Portrait of Père Tanguy (Portraits)
  77. The Nightmare (Symbolism)
  78. Calvary (Green Christ) (Religious & Mythological Themes)
  79. Pandora (Symbolism)
  80. Still Life with Eggplant (Still Life)
  81. Woman with a Hat (Portraits)
  82. Still Life with Ginger Pot (Still Life)
  83. The Vision (Symbolism)
  84. Self-Portrait (Portraits)
  85. Portrait of an Actress (Portraits)
  86. Still Life with Peaches and Pears (Still Life)
  87. The Evening Bell (Symbolism)
  88. Orpheus (Religious & Mythological Themes)
  89. Still Life with Apples and Grapes (Still Life)
  90. Still Life with Apples (Still Life)
  91. Self-Portrait with Halo (Portraits)
  92. The Vision After the Sermon (Religious & Mythological Themes)
  93. Still Life with Ginger Jar (Still Life)
  94. The Sea at L'Estaque (Landscapes)
  95. The Cyclops (Symbolism)
  96. Still Life with a Buddha (Symbolism)
  97. Still Life with Pears (Still Life)
  98. Christ in the Garden of Olives (Religious & Mythological Themes)
  99. Woman with a Parasol (Portraits)
  100. Pandora (Symbolism)

Top 100 Table

Rank Name Topic Tagline
1 The Starry Night Landscapes "Swirling night sky over a town"
2 Mont Sainte-Victoire Landscapes "A mountain of forms and colors"
3 Wheatfield with Crows Landscapes "Brooding and dramatic"
4 A Sunday Afternoon on the Island Landscapes "Pointillist masterpiece of leisure"
5 The Yellow Christ Religious & Mythological Themes "Bold and spiritual symbolism"
6 Wheatfield with Cypress Trees Landscapes "Dynamic and vibrant"
7 Tahitian Landscape Landscapes "Exotic and mystical"
8 Portrait of Dr. Gachet Portraits "Intense and emotional"
9 The Spirit of the Dead Watching Symbolism "Symbolic fear and spirituality"
10 Still Life with Apples Still Life "A study in color and form"
11 Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear Portraits "Pain and resilience on canvas"
12 La Belle Angèle Portraits "Bold and flat color"
13 Madame Cézanne in a Red Armchair Portraits "Calm and introspective"
14 Jacob Wrestling with the Angel Religious & Mythological Themes "Biblical conflict in bold color"
15 Still Life with Pears Still Life "Rich colors in a simple composition"
16 Orpheus Symbolism "Mythology in muted, surreal tones"
17 Wheatfield with a Reaper Landscapes "Harvest under the sun"
18 The Postman Joseph Roulin Portraits "A colorful depiction of a friend"
19 The Cyclops Symbolism "Mythological dreamscape"
20 Still Life with Apples and Oranges Still Life "Geometric simplicity"
21 The Sea at L'Estaque Landscapes "Mediterranean essence"
22 Self-Portrait with Halo Portraits "Spiritual and introspective"
23 The Vision After the Sermon Landscapes "A symbolic Breton landscape"
24 Portrait of Père Tanguy Portraits "A beloved figure in vibrant color"
25 The Blue Trees Landscapes "Nature balanced with geometry"
26 Still Life with Parrot Still Life "Exotic vibrance"
27 The Eye, Like a Strange Balloon Symbolism "A surreal, metaphorical vision"
28 Landscape at Pont-Aven Landscapes "Breton countryside, rich in color"
29 Joan of Arc Symbolism "Heroic and spiritual"
30 La Mousmé Portraits "A vibrant young girl"
31 Pandora Symbolism "Mythology meets symbolism"
32 Mademoiselle de Pompadour Portraits "Hauntingly beautiful"
33 Sita Symbolism "Exotic and metaphysical"
34 Breton Woman with a Cloak Portraits "Simplicity with symbolism"
35 The Raven Symbolism "Literature as image"
36 The Talisman Landscapes "An abstract vision of nature"
37 Still Life with a Mandolin Still Life "Mandolin and vibrant objects"
38 Young Girl in a Boat Portraits "Soft and dreamy"
39 The Poet's Garden Portraits "Evocative and metaphorical"
40 Still Life with Peaches Still Life "Rich colors and forms"
41 The Little Actress Portraits "Theatrical yet intimate"
42 L'Arlésienne Portraits "A woman in thoughtful repose"
43 The Peasant Woman Portraits "Strength and simplicity"
44 Still Life with Pitcher and Fruit Still Life "Quiet elegance in still life"
45 Woman with a Parasol Symbolism "A dreamlike atmosphere"
46 Still Life with a Skull Still Life "A meditation on mortality"
47 The Yellow House Landscapes "A bright, vibrant home"
48 Woman with a Hat Portraits "Bold and delicate at once"
49 Christ in the Garden of Olives Religious & Mythological Themes "Vivid religious symbolism"
50 The Olive Trees Landscapes "Turbulent and expressive"
51 Still Life with Curtain and Flowered Pitcher Still Life "Harmony and tension in composition"
52 The Evening Bell Symbolism "Calm and introspective"
53 Still Life with Melon and Bowl of Apples Still Life "Play on space and volume"
54 The Dream Symbolism "Surreal and symbolic"
55 La Goulue Entering the Moulin Rouge Portraits "Frenzied and bold portraiture"
56 Still Life with Chinese Vase Still Life "Traditional form meets modernity"
57 View of Auvers-sur-Oise Landscapes "A quiet village in dynamic color"
58 Still Life with Onions Still Life "Minimal yet powerful"
59 Young Breton Girl Portraits "Simplified yet soulful"
60 Vincent van Gogh Self-Portrait Portraits "Frenetic and introspective"
61 The Beach at Saintes-Maries Landscapes "Rolling waves and golden sands"
62 Girl in a White Dress Portraits "Innocence and grace"
63 The Nightmare Symbolism "Haunting and symbolic"
64 Still Life with Fruit Dish Still Life "Rich colors and simplified forms"
65 Still Life with a Buddha Still Life "Symbolism in simplicity"
66 Portrait of Felix Fénéon Portraits "Pointillist personality"
67 Portrait of Père Tanguy Portraits "Beloved figure in vibrant colors"
68 The Struggle of Jacob with the Angel Religious & Mythological Themes "Spiritual struggle in color"
69 Basket of Apples Still Life "Foundation for modern abstraction"
70 The Sacred Heart Religious & Mythological Themes "Spiritual expression"
71 The Eye Symbolism "A strange and surreal vision"
72 Still Life with Apples and a Pot of Primroses Still Life "A bounty of nature"
73 Young Breton Woman Portraits "Simple and soulful"
74 La Mousmé Portraits "Energetic and vibrant"
75 The Harvest at La Crau Landscapes "Fields blazing under the sun"
76 Portrait of Père Tanguy Portraits "A man captured in bold strokes"
77 The Nightmare Symbolism "Dark, surreal and mythical"
78 Calvary (Green Christ) Religious & Mythological Themes "Spiritual and rural symbolism"
79 Pandora Symbolism "Mythological story rendered in color"
80 Still Life with Eggplant Still Life "Strong composition and vibrant color"
81 Woman with a Hat Portraits "Delicate and dreamy"
82 Still Life with Ginger Pot Still Life "Fusion of color and culture"
83 The Vision Symbolism "A surreal symbolic journey"
84 Self-Portrait Portraits "Introspective, intense self-depiction"
85 Portrait of an Actress Portraits "Theatrical with a bold touch"
86 Still Life with Peaches and Pears Still Life "A balance of warmth and light"
87 The Evening Bell Symbolism "A calm and introspective vision"
88 Orpheus Religious & Mythological Themes "Mythology through a dreamlike lens"
89 Still Life with Apples and Grapes Still Life "Soft and rich"
90 Still Life with Apples Still Life "A minimalist composition with depth"
91 Self-Portrait with Halo Portraits "Spiritual and expressive self-depiction"
92 The Vision After the Sermon Religious & Mythological Themes "A surreal Breton landscape"
93 Still Life with Ginger Jar Still Life "A rich mix of colors and textures"
94 The Sea at L'Estaque Landscapes "Mediterranean light and color"
95 The Cyclops Symbolism "A surreal, dreamlike vision"
96 Still Life with a Buddha Symbolism "Symbolic simplicity"
97 Still Life with Pears Still Life "Richness of form and color"
98 Christ in the Garden of Olives Religious & Mythological Themes "Powerful religious symbol"
99 Woman with a Parasol Portraits "A dreamlike, airy figure"
100 Pandora Symbolism "Mythology in abstract form"


Post-Impressionism transformed the art world by moving beyond mere visual representation and delving into deeper emotional, symbolic, and spiritual realms. This list highlights the movement’s diversity, from vivid landscapes to introspective portraits, still lifes, and symbolic or religious works. These paintings continue to inspire and captivate audiences with their bold use of color, form, and emotion.


*The Starry Night* *Mont Sainte-Victoire* *Wheatfield with Crows* *A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte* *The Yellow Christ* *Wheatfield with Cypress Trees* *Tahitian Landscape* *Portrait of Dr. Gachet* *The Spirit of the Dead Watching* *Still Life with Apples* *Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear* *La Belle Angèle* *Madame Cézanne in a Red Armchair* *Jacob Wrestling with the Angel* *Still Life with Pears* *Orpheus* *Wheatfield with a Reaper* *The Postman Joseph Roulin* *The Cyclops* *Still Life with Apples and Oranges* *The Sea at L'Estaque* *Self-Portrait with Halo* *The Vision After the Sermon* *Portrait of Père Tanguy* *The Blue Trees* *Still Life with Parrot* *The Eye, Like a Strange Balloon* *Landscape at Pont-Aven* *Joan of Arc* *La Mousmé* *Pandora* *Mademoiselle de Pompadour* *Sita* *Breton Woman with a Cloak* *The Raven* *The Talisman* *Still Life with a Mandolin* *Young Girl in a Boat* *The Poet's Garden* *Still Life with Peaches* *The Little Actress* *L'Arlésienne* *The Peasant Woman* *Still Life with Pitcher and Fruit* *Woman with a Parasol* *Still Life with a Skull* *The Yellow House* *Woman with a Hat* *Christ in the Garden of Olives* *The Olive Trees* *Still Life with Curtain and Flowered Pitcher* *The Evening Bell* *Still Life with Melon and Bowl of Apples* *The Dream* *La Goulue Entering the Moulin Rouge* *Still Life with Chinese Vase* *View of Auvers-sur-Oise* *Still Life with Onions* *Young Breton Girl* *Vincent van Gogh Self-Portrait* *The Beach at Saintes-Maries* *Girl in a White Dress* *The Nightmare* *Still Life with Fruit Dish* *Still Life with a Buddha* *Portrait of Felix Fénéon* *Portrait of Père Tanguy* *The Struggle of Jacob with the Angel* *Basket of Apples* *The Sacred Heart* *The Eye* *Still Life with Apples and a Pot of Primroses* *Young Breton Woman* *La Mousmé* *The Harvest at La Crau* *Portrait of Père Tanguy* *The Nightmare* *Calvary *Pandora* *Still Life with Eggplant* *Woman with a Hat* *Still Life with Ginger Pot* *The Vision* *Self-Portrait* *Portrait of an Actress* *Still Life with Peaches and Pears* *The Evening Bell* *Orpheus* *Still Life with Apples and Grapes* *Still Life with Apples* *Self-Portrait with Halo* *The Vision After the Sermon* *Still Life with Ginger Jar* *The Sea at L'Estaque* *The Cyclops* *Still Life with a Buddha* *Still Life with Pears* *Christ in the Garden of Olives* *Woman with a Parasol* *Pandora*