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Top 100 Vatican City Artworks

"A stunning collection of religious and secular masterpieces housed in the smallest country in the world."

Vatican City is home to some of the most significant works of art in human history, spanning centuries of Western artistic tradition. From iconic frescoes and sculptures to intricate tapestries and paintings, the Vatican's art collection tells the story of religious devotion, artistic genius, and cultural heritage. This list showcases the top 100 artworks housed in the Vatican Museums, St. Peter's Basilica, and other Vatican institutions.



  • Title: "Top 100 Vatican City Artworks"
  • Subtitle: "A Journey Through the Masterpieces of the Vatican"
  • Tagline: "From Michelangelo’s ceilings to Raphael’s tapestries, every corner of the Vatican is an art gallery."
  • Description: "A curated list of the top 100 artworks located in Vatican City, highlighting the masterpieces of Renaissance, Baroque, and more."
  • Keywords: Vatican art, Vatican museums, Michelangelo, Raphael, Vatican paintings, Vatican sculptures, religious art, Renaissance art


# Top 100 Vatican City Artworks
- A Journey Through the Masterpieces of the Vatican
- From Michelangelo’s ceilings to Raphael’s tapestries, every corner of the Vatican is an art gallery.
- 5 Topics

## Topics
- Topic 1: Frescoes, Renaissance, Michelangelo, Sistine Chapel, Raphael
- Topic 2: Paintings, Religious Art, Baroque, Leonardo da Vinci, Titian
- Topic 3: Sculptures, Ancient Rome, Michelangelo, Bernini, St. Peter’s Basilica
- Topic 4: Tapestries, Raphael, Baroque, Flemish, Renaissance
- Topic 5: Religious Artifacts, Papal, Catholicism, Relics, Goldsmithing

Topic 1: "Frescoes of Vatican City"

"Masterpieces that adorn the walls and ceilings of Vatican chapels and palaces."

Frescoes in the Vatican are among the most iconic artworks in the world. Many of them, like Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel and Raphael’s frescoes in the Vatican Palace, define the Renaissance. These grand works are infused with religious symbolism, historical events, and artistic innovation.

  1. Sistine Chapel Ceiling by Michelangelo: Perhaps the most famous fresco ever created, depicting the Creation of Adam.
  2. The Last Judgment by Michelangelo: A powerful depiction of the final judgment in the Sistine Chapel.
  3. The School of Athens by Raphael: Celebrates philosophy, located in the Raphael Rooms.
  4. The Expulsion of Heliodorus from the Temple by Raphael: A dramatic scene of divine intervention in the Vatican Palace.
  5. The Disputation of the Holy Sacrament by Raphael: A theological masterpiece from Raphael’s "Stanza della Segnatura."
  6. The Fire in the Borgo by Raphael: Depicts a miraculous event, also found in the Vatican Palace.
  7. The Liberation of St. Peter by Raphael: Symbolizes divine protection of the papacy.
  8. The Battle of Constantine by Giulio Romano: A historic fresco representing Constantine’s victory.
  9. The Coronation of Charlemagne by Raphael: An important piece in the series on the life of Charlemagne.
  10. The Annunciation by Melozzo da Forlì: A stunning early Renaissance fresco in the Vatican Museum.

Topic 2: "Masterpieces of Painting in the Vatican"

"A showcase of religious devotion, myth, and history through canvas and brush."

The Vatican Museums hold an unparalleled collection of religious paintings, some by the most celebrated masters of the Renaissance and Baroque periods. These works depict sacred moments, religious figures, and mythological themes.

  1. The Transfiguration by Raphael: One of Raphael’s last works, a masterpiece of light and emotion.
  2. The Entombment of Christ by Caravaggio: A dramatic Baroque piece showing Christ’s entombment.
  3. The Deposition by Caravaggio: A dark and emotional rendering of Christ’s body being laid to rest.
  4. St. Jerome in the Wilderness by Leonardo da Vinci: An unfinished masterpiece showing St. Jerome’s asceticism.
  5. The Crucifixion of St. Peter by Guido Reni: A powerful portrayal of St. Peter’s martyrdom.
  6. Madonna of Foligno by Raphael: A serene vision of the Virgin Mary.
  7. Madonna and Child by Fra Angelico: One of the early Renaissance's best devotional paintings.
  8. St. Sebastian by Titian: A dramatic rendering of the martyrdom of St. Sebastian.
  9. The Madonna of the Carnation by Leonardo da Vinci: A symbolic depiction of Mary and Jesus.
  10. The Vision of the Cross by Raphael: A vision of Constantine before his decisive battle.

Topic 3: "Sculptures of the Vatican"

"Classical and Renaissance sculptures that breathe life into stone."

The Vatican boasts an impressive array of sculptures, from ancient Roman pieces to Renaissance creations. These masterpieces often express religious devotion or classical myth, using stone as their medium.

  1. Laocoön and His Sons: An iconic Hellenistic sculpture discovered in Rome and housed in the Vatican.
  2. Pietà by Michelangelo: A Renaissance masterpiece in St. Peter’s Basilica depicting Mary holding the body of Christ.
  3. Apollo Belvedere: A celebrated Roman statue of Apollo, symbolizing classical beauty.
  4. The Belvedere Torso: An influential fragment of an ancient Greek statue.
  5. St. Longinus by Bernini: A magnificent Baroque sculpture in St. Peter’s Basilica.
  6. The Risen Christ by Michelangelo: A powerful, life-sized sculpture of Christ.
  7. The Barberini Faun: A dynamic Hellenistic sculpture of a faun in repose.
  8. Augustus of Prima Porta: A Roman statue of the Emperor Augustus, representing imperial power.
  9. The Dying Gaul: A poignant statue of a fallen warrior, symbolizing nobility in defeat.
  10. St. Andrew by François Duquesnoy: A Baroque masterpiece of the apostle Andrew.

Topic 4: "The Tapestries of the Vatican"

"Threads of gold and silk weave stories of faith and history."

The Vatican holds one of the finest collections of tapestries in the world, with many pieces designed by Raphael and executed by Flemish artisans. These monumental works illustrate biblical stories and papal history.

  1. The Miraculous Draught of Fishes by Raphael: A tapestry based on one of Raphael’s cartoons.
  2. The Sacrifice at Lystra by Raphael: Another of Raphael’s grand biblical tapestries.
  3. The Battle of Milvian Bridge by Raphael: Celebrating Constantine’s victory.
  4. The Conversion of Saul by Raphael: Depicts Saul’s moment of conversion to Christianity.
  5. The Death of Ananias by Raphael: Shows a dramatic biblical moment with divine justice.
  6. The Presentation of the Keys to St. Peter by Raphael: A tapestry symbolizing the authority of the pope.
  7. The Resurrection of Christ by Raphael: An exquisite portrayal of Christ’s resurrection.
  8. The Battle of Ostia by Raphael: A grand scene of naval warfare.
  9. The Stoning of St. Stephen by Raphael: Depicts the martyrdom of Christianity’s first deacon.
  10. The Healing of the Lame Man by Raphael: A miracle performed by Saints Peter and John.

Topic 5: "Religious Artifacts and Treasures of the Vatican"

"The spiritual and material wealth of the Catholic Church."

The Vatican holds a vast array of religious treasures, from relics to goldsmithing masterpieces. These artifacts carry immense religious and historical significance, representing the wealth and power of the Catholic Church.

  1. The Papal Tiara: A symbol of papal authority, often lavishly decorated.
  2. The Cross of Constantine: A relic said to contain part of the True Cross.
  3. The Chair of St. Peter: A relic housed in Bernini’s stunning architectural creation.
  4. The Spear of Longinus: A relic of the spear used during Christ’s crucifixion.
  5. The Vatican Chalice: A golden chalice used in the celebration of the Eucharist.
  6. The Relics of St. Peter: Bone fragments believed to belong to St. Peter, housed beneath St. Peter’s Basilica.
  7. The Papal Cross: Carried by popes during processions, symbolizing their pastoral role.
  8. The Vatican Reliquary: A collection of relics of saints, encased in gold and jewels.
  9. The Papal Vestments: Ornate robes worn by the pope during important ceremonies.
  10. The Crux Vaticana: A gem-encrusted cross given to the Vatican by Emperor Justinian.

Top 100 List

  1. Sistine Chapel Ceiling (Topic 1)
  2. The Last Judgment (Topic 1)
  3. The School of Athens (Topic 1)
  4. The Transfiguration (Topic 2)
  5. Laocoön and His Sons (Topic 3)
  6. Pietà (Topic 3)
  7. Apollo Belvedere (Topic 3)
  8. The Miraculous Draught of Fishes (Topic 4)
  9. The Papal Tiara (Topic 5)
  10. The Papal Cross (Topic 5)
  11. The Expulsion of Heliodorus from the Temple (Topic 1): Raphael’s dynamic fresco of divine intervention.
  12. The Entombment of Christ (Topic 2): Caravaggio’s intense Baroque masterpiece.
  13. The Belvedere Torso (Topic 3): A fragmentary but influential piece of ancient sculpture.
  14. The Coronation of Charlemagne (Topic 1): Raphael’s historical fresco of the emperor’s anointment.
  15. The Deposition by Caravaggio (Topic 2): A deeply emotional depiction of Christ’s descent from the cross.
  16. The Battle of Constantine (Topic 1): Giulio Romano’s fresco illustrating Constantine’s triumph.
  17. St. Jerome in the Wilderness (Topic 2): Leonardo da Vinci’s incomplete but powerful portrayal of the saint.
  18. St. Longinus by Bernini (Topic 3): A magnificent statue embodying Bernini’s Baroque style.
  19. The Presentation of the Keys to St. Peter (Topic 4): Raphael’s celebrated tapestry of papal authority.
  20. Augustus of Prima Porta (Topic 3): A powerful Roman statue of the first emperor.
  21. The Death of Ananias by Raphael (Topic 4): A dramatic tapestry illustrating divine retribution.
  22. The Disputation of the Holy Sacrament (Topic 1): Raphael’s theological fresco, part of his Vatican masterpieces.
  23. The Crucifixion of St. Peter by Guido Reni (Topic 2): A haunting painting of the martyrdom of St. Peter.
  24. The Risen Christ by Michelangelo (Topic 3): A life-sized marble sculpture of the resurrected Christ.
  25. The Resurrection of Christ by Raphael (Topic 4): A magnificent tapestry of the central Christian mystery.
  26. The Annunciation by Melozzo da Forlì (Topic 1): A Renaissance fresco of the angel Gabriel’s announcement to Mary.
  27. The Madonna of Foligno by Raphael (Topic 2): A serene vision of the Virgin Mary in a heavenly setting.
  28. Apollo Belvedere (Topic 3): A quintessential statue of classical beauty and perfection.
  29. The Madonna and Child by Fra Angelico (Topic 2): A devotional painting by the early Renaissance master.
  30. The Chair of St. Peter (Topic 5): A symbolic relic encased in Bernini’s sculptural masterpiece.
  31. The Fire in the Borgo (Topic 1): Raphael’s fresco of a miraculous fire suppression in the Vatican Palace.
  32. The Miraculous Draught of Fishes (Topic 4): A tapestry showing Christ’s miracle on the Sea of Galilee.
  33. The Dying Gaul (Topic 3): A Roman statue symbolizing the dignity of a defeated warrior.
  34. The Vision of the Cross (Topic 2): Raphael’s painting of Constantine’s divine vision before battle.
  35. St. Sebastian by Titian (Topic 2): A masterful representation of St. Sebastian’s martyrdom.
  36. The Battle of Ostia by Raphael (Topic 4): A grand scene of naval warfare from the papal archives.
  37. The Vatican Chalice (Topic 5): A golden chalice used in important Eucharistic ceremonies.
  38. The Barberini Faun (Topic 3): A famous Hellenistic sculpture of a mythological creature in repose.
  39. The Liberation of St. Peter by Raphael (Topic 1): A fresco symbolizing the protection of the papacy.
  40. The Spear of Longinus (Topic 5): A relic associated with the crucifixion of Christ.
  41. The Conversion of Saul by Raphael (Topic 4): A tapestry depicting Saul’s dramatic conversion on the road to Damascus.
  42. The Relics of St. Peter (Topic 5): Fragments of bones believed to be from the first pope.
  43. The Papal Vestments (Topic 5): Lavish robes worn by the pope during significant ceremonies.
  44. The Papal Cross (Topic 5): A symbol of pastoral leadership carried by the pope.
  45. The Healing of the Lame Man by Raphael (Topic 4): A tapestry depicting the miraculous healing by Saints Peter and John.
  46. The Sacrifice at Lystra by Raphael (Topic 4): A biblical scene of sacrifice woven into an intricate tapestry.
  47. The Battle of Milvian Bridge by Raphael (Topic 4): A tapestry celebrating Constantine’s decisive victory.
  48. The Crux Vaticana (Topic 5): A gem-encrusted cross given to the Vatican by Emperor Justinian.
  49. The Stoning of St. Stephen by Raphael (Topic 4): A powerful depiction of the martyrdom of the first Christian deacon.
  50. The Madonna of the Carnation by Leonardo da Vinci (Topic 2): A symbolic depiction of the Virgin Mary and the Christ child.
  51. St. Andrew by François Duquesnoy (Topic 3): A Baroque statue of the apostle Andrew in St. Peter’s Basilica.
  52. The Stigmata of St. Francis by Orazio Gentileschi (Topic 2): A dramatic Baroque painting showing the divine wounds of St. Francis.
  53. The Vatican Reliquary (Topic 5): A collection of saintly relics housed in gold and jewels.
  54. The Flagellation of Christ by Caravaggio (Topic 2): A stark, emotionally intense rendering of Christ’s suffering.
  55. The Martyrdom of St. Lawrence by Bernini (Topic 3): A dynamic Baroque sculpture of the saint’s execution.
  56. The Death of St. Cecilia by Stefano Maderno (Topic 3): A haunting sculpture of the martyr in peaceful repose.
  57. The Madonna of the Goldfinch by Raphael (Topic 2): A graceful and symbolic painting of the Virgin and Child.
  58. The Baptism of Constantine by Gianfrancesco Penni (Topic 1): A fresco showing the emperor’s conversion to Christianity.
  59. The Deposition by Daniele da Volterra (Topic 1): A poignant fresco showing Christ’s descent from the cross.
  60. The Triumph of the Church by Guido Reni (Topic 2): A Baroque painting celebrating the glory of the Catholic Church.
  61. The Presentation of the Virgin by Titian (Topic 2): A Venetian masterpiece of Mary’s life.
  62. The Coronation of the Virgin by Fra Angelico (Topic 2): A serene depiction of the Virgin Mary being crowned in heaven.
  63. The Raising of Lazarus by Caravaggio (Topic 2): A dramatic portrayal of one of Christ’s greatest miracles.
  64. The Deliverance of St. Peter by Raphael (Topic 4): A tapestry of St. Peter’s miraculous escape from prison.
  65. St. Paul Preaching at Athens by Raphael (Topic 4): A biblical scene of Paul’s sermon woven into a magnificent tapestry.
  66. The Adoration of the Shepherds by Domenichino (Topic 2): A Baroque painting of the nativity scene.
  67. The Baptism of Christ by Perugino (Topic 2): A Renaissance painting of the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist.
  68. The Madonna of Mercy by Piero della Francesca (Topic 2): A powerful depiction of Mary’s protective mantle over believers.
  69. The Vision of St. Francis by Ludovico Carracci (Topic 2): A mystical Baroque painting of St. Francis.
  70. The Incredulity of St. Thomas by Caravaggio (Topic 2): A stark depiction of doubt and faith.
  71. The Punishment of Korah by Sandro Botticelli (Topic 1): A fresco depicting divine punishment from the Old Testament.
  72. The Marriage of the Virgin by Raphael (Topic 2): A painting of the union between Mary and Joseph.
  73. St. Peter’s Basilica Altar Canopy by Bernini (Topic 3): A monumental Baroque canopy over the high altar of St. Peter’s.
  74. The Mosaic of Christ Pantocrator (Topic 2): A stunning mosaic of Christ as ruler of the universe.
  75. The Bronze Doors of St. Peter’s Basilica (Topic 3): Ornate bronze doors illustrating key moments in Christian history.
  76. The Martyrdom of St. Lawrence by Titian (Topic 2): A Renaissance masterpiece depicting the martyrdom of St. Lawrence.
  77. The Triumph of the Cross by Pietro Perugino (Topic 1): A fresco celebrating the power of the Cross.
  78. The Descent from the Cross by Rosso Fiorentino (Topic 2): A powerful, emotional rendering of Christ’s descent.
  79. The Annunciation by Filippo Lippi (Topic 2): A graceful depiction of the angel Gabriel’s visit to Mary.
  80. The Sistine Madonna by Raphael (Topic 2): One of the most famous paintings of the Virgin Mary and Christ Child.
  81. The Creation of the Sun and Moon by Michelangelo (Topic 1): Part of the Sistine Chapel ceiling depicting the creation of the cosmos.
  82. The Madonna della Seggiola by Raphael (Topic 2): A circular portrait of Mary and the Christ Child.
  83. The Fountain of the Four Rivers by Bernini (Topic 3): A magnificent Baroque fountain symbolizing the world’s great rivers.
  84. The Mosaic of St. Peter’s Chair (Topic 3): A mosaic representing the spiritual authority of St. Peter.
  85. The Last Communion of St. Jerome by Domenichino (Topic 2): A moving Baroque painting of St. Jerome’s final moments.
  86. The Conversion of St. Paul by Caravaggio (Topic 2): A powerful portrayal of Paul’s divine vision.
  87. The Choir of Angels by Melozzo da Forlì (Topic 1): A fresco of angelic musicians celebrating in heaven.
  88. The Martyrdom of St. Peter by Caravaggio (Topic 2): A dramatic portrayal of Peter’s crucifixion.
  89. The Vision of Ezekiel by Raphael (Topic 2): A small but dramatic rendering of Ezekiel’s vision.
  90. The Sacrifice of Isaac by Caravaggio (Topic 2): A tense portrayal of Abraham’s near-sacrifice of his son.
  91. The Crucifixion by Masaccio (Topic 2): A deeply emotional fresco of Christ’s crucifixion.
  92. The Triumph of Death by Giorgio Vasari (Topic 2): A painting of the inevitability of death and the afterlife.
  93. The Madonna of the Chair by Raphael (Topic 2): A tender portrayal of the Madonna and Child.
  94. The Baptism of Constantine by Raphael (Topic 1): A fresco of Constantine’s initiation into Christianity.
  95. The Immaculate Conception by Murillo (Topic 2): A serene Baroque painting of the Virgin Mary.
  96. The Ascension of Christ by Garofalo (Topic 2): A Renaissance painting of Christ’s ascent into heaven.
  97. The Assumption of the Virgin by Titian (Topic 2): A monumental painting of Mary’s bodily ascent into heaven.
  98. The Coronation of the Virgin by Raphael (Topic 2): A sublime painting of Mary’s heavenly coronation.
  99. The Vision of St. Helena by Paolo Veronese (Topic 2): A Renaissance masterpiece depicting the empress’ vision of the True Cross.
  100. The Madonna of the Veil by Raphael (Topic 2): A small, intimate painting of the Virgin Mary.

Top 100 Table

Rank Name Topic Tagline
1 Sistine Chapel Ceiling Topic 1 "Michelangelo’s masterpiece."
2 The Last Judgment Topic 1 "A powerful depiction of divine justice."
3 The School of Athens Topic 1 "Raphael’s celebration of philosophy."
4 The Transfiguration Topic 2 "Raphael’s last and greatest painting."
5 Laocoön and His Sons Topic 3 "A timeless Hellenistic masterpiece."
6 Pietà Topic 3 "Michelangelo’s tender depiction of Mary."
7 Apollo Belvedere Topic 3 "Classical beauty in Roman sculpture."
8 The Miraculous Draught of Fishes Topic 4 "Raphael’s biblical tapestry."
9 The Papal Tiara Topic 5 "Symbol of papal authority."
10 The Papal Cross Topic 5 "The pope’s symbol of leadership."
11 The Expulsion of Heliodorus Topic 1 "Raphael’s divine intervention."
12 The Entombment of Christ Topic 2 "Caravaggio’s Baroque masterpiece."
13 The Belvedere Torso Topic 3 "A fragment that influenced Renaissance art."
14 The Coronation of Charlemagne Topic 1 "A historic fresco by Raphael."
15 The Deposition by Caravaggio Topic 2 "Emotional portrayal of Christ’s descent."
16 The Battle of Constantine Topic 1 "A historic victory in fresco form."
17 St. Jerome in the Wilderness Topic 2 "Da Vinci’s unfinished yet powerful work."
18 St. Longinus Topic 3 "Bernini’s masterpiece in St. Peter’s."
19 The Presentation of the Keys Topic 4 "Tapestry of papal authority."
20 Augustus of Prima Porta Topic 3 "A symbol of Roman imperial power."
21 The Death of Ananias Topic 4 "Divine justice in tapestry form."
22 The Disputation of the Holy Sacrament Topic 1 "Raphael’s theological masterpiece."
23 The Crucifixion of St. Peter Topic 2 "Depiction of St. Peter’s martyrdom."
24 The Risen Christ Topic 3 "A marble sculpture by Michelangelo."
25 The Resurrection of Christ Topic 4 "Tapestry of the central Christian mystery."
26 The Annunciation by Melozzo Topic 1 "An early Renaissance masterpiece."
27 The Madonna of Foligno Topic 2 "Raphael’s serene Madonna."
28 Apollo Belvedere Topic 3 "A classical symbol of beauty."
29 The Madonna and Child by Fra Angelico Topic 2 "Devotional early Renaissance painting."
30 The Chair of St. Peter Topic 5 "A relic and symbol of papal authority."
31 The Fire in the Borgo Topic 1 "Miraculous fire suppression fresco."
32 The Miraculous Draught of Fishes Topic 4 "Tapestry illustrating Christ’s miracle."
33 The Dying Gaul Topic 3 "A noble statue of defeat."
34 The Vision of the Cross Topic 2 "Constantine’s vision before battle."
35 St. Sebastian by Titian Topic 2 "Titian’s portrayal of martyrdom."
36 The Battle of Ostia Topic 4 "A naval battle tapestry."
37 The Vatican Chalice Topic 5 "A golden Eucharistic chalice."
38 The Barberini Faun Topic 3 "Dynamic Hellenistic sculpture."
39 The Liberation of St. Peter Topic 1 "Symbolizing divine protection of the pope."
40 The Spear of Longinus Topic 5 "A relic of Christ’s crucifixion."
41 The Conversion of Saul Topic 4 "Tapestry of Saul’s conversion."
42 The Relics of St. Peter Topic 5 "Saint Peter’s relics beneath St. Peter’s."
43 The Papal Vestments Topic 5 "Ornate robes worn by the pope."
44 The Papal Cross Topic 5 "The symbol of pastoral leadership."
45 The Healing of the Lame Man Topic 4 "A tapestry of miraculous healing."
46 The Sacrifice at Lystra Topic 4 "Biblical scene in tapestry form."
47 The Battle of Milvian Bridge Topic 4 "Constantine’s victory celebrated in tapestry."
48 The Crux Vaticana Topic 5 "A gem-encrusted cross from Justinian."
49 The Stoning of St. Stephen Topic 4 "Depiction of the first Christian martyr."
50 The Madonna of the Carnation Topic 2 "Da Vinci’s symbolic Madonna."
51 St. Andrew by Duquesnoy Topic 3 "A Baroque statue of the apostle."
52 The Stigmata of St. Francis Topic 2 "Dramatic painting of St. Francis’s wounds."
53 The Vatican Reliquary Topic 5 "A collection of relics in gold and jewels."
54 The Flagellation of Christ Topic 2 "Caravaggio’s portrayal of suffering."
55 The Martyrdom of St. Lawrence Topic 3 "A dynamic Baroque sculpture."
56 The Death of St. Cecilia Topic 3 "A serene sculpture of the saint’s repose."
57 The Madonna of the Goldfinch Topic 2 "A graceful painting of the Virgin and Child."
58 The Baptism of Constantine Topic 1 "Fresco of Constantine’s conversion."
59 The Deposition by Daniele Topic 1 "Christ’s descent in fresco form."
60 The Triumph of the Church Topic 2 "A Baroque painting of the Church’s glory."
61 The Presentation of the Virgin Topic 2 "Titian’s depiction of Mary’s early life."
62 The Coronation of the Virgin Topic 2 "Fra Angelico’s serene vision of Mary."
63 The Raising of Lazarus by Caravaggio Topic 2 "Christ’s miracle of resurrection."
64 The Deliverance of St. Peter Topic 4 "Tapestry of St. Peter’s escape."
65 St. Paul Preaching at Athens Topic 4 "Paul’s sermon woven into tapestry."
66 The Adoration of the Shepherds Topic 2 "Baroque nativity scene."
67 The Baptism of Christ by Perugino Topic 2 "A Renaissance baptism scene."
68 The Madonna of Mercy Topic 2 "A powerful depiction of Mary’s protection."
69 The Vision of St. Francis Topic 2 "A mystical Baroque painting."
70 The Incredulity of St. Thomas Topic 2 "Caravaggio’s portrayal of doubt and faith."
71 The Punishment of Korah Topic 1 "Old Testament punishment in fresco form."
72 The Marriage of the Virgin Topic 2 "Raphael’s depiction of Mary’s union."
73 St. Peter’s Basilica Altar Canopy Topic 3 "A monumental Baroque canopy by Bernini."
74 The Mosaic of Christ Pantocrator Topic 2 "Christ as ruler of the universe in mosaic."
75 The Bronze Doors of St. Peter’s Topic 3 "Ornate doors illustrating Christian history."
76 The Martyrdom of St. Lawrence by Titian Topic 2 "A Renaissance painting of St. Lawrence."
77 The Triumph of the Cross Topic 1 "Fresco celebrating the Cross."
78 The Descent from the Cross Topic 2 "Rosso Fiorentino’s emotional rendering."
79 The Annunciation by Filippo Lippi Topic 2 "Graceful depiction of Gabriel’s visit."
80 The Sistine Madonna Topic 2 "Raphael’s famous painting of Mary."
81 The Creation of the Sun and Moon Topic 1 "Michelangelo’s cosmic fresco."
82 The Madonna della Seggiola Topic 2 "Circular portrait of Mary and Child."
83 The Fountain of the Four Rivers Topic 3 "Bernini’s symbol of world rivers."
84 The Mosaic of St. Peter’s Chair Topic 3 "Mosaic of St. Peter’s spiritual authority."
85 The Last Communion of St. Jerome Topic 2 "Baroque painting of St. Jerome’s final moment."
86 The Conversion of St. Paul Topic 2 "Caravaggio’s powerful portrayal of conversion."
87 The Choir of Angels by Melozzo Topic 1 "Heavenly music in fresco form."
88 The Martyrdom of St. Peter by Caravaggio Topic 2 "St. Peter’s crucifixion."
89 The Vision of Ezekiel Topic 2 "Ezekiel’s divine vision rendered by Raphael."
90 The Sacrifice of Isaac by Caravaggio Topic 2 "Abraham’s test of faith."
91 The Crucifixion by Masaccio Topic 2 "Emotional fresco of Christ’s death."
92 The Triumph of Death by Vasari Topic 2 "A painting on the inevitability of death."
93 The Madonna of the Chair by Raphael Topic 2 "Tender portrayal of the Madonna and Child."
94 The Baptism of Constantine by Raphael Topic 1 "Constantine’s initiation into Christianity."
95 The Immaculate Conception by Murillo Topic 2 "Baroque vision of the Virgin Mary."
96 The Ascension of Christ by Garofalo Topic 2 "Christ’s ascension into heaven."
97 The Assumption of the Virgin by Titian Topic 2 "Mary’s ascent to heaven."
98 The Coronation of the Virgin Topic 2 "Raphael’s vision of Mary’s crowning."
99 The Vision of St. Helena by Veronese Topic 2 "Renaissance depiction of the True Cross."
100 The Madonna of the Veil by Raphael Topic 2 "An intimate painting of the Virgin Mary."


Vatican City is a treasure trove of art, holding some of the most iconic and influential artworks in history. From Michelangelo's sublime frescoes to Raphael's intricate tapestries, every corner of the Vatican tells a story of artistic mastery and religious devotion. Whether you're interested in Renaissance paintings, ancient sculptures, or sacred relics, this collection offers a glimpse into the soul of Western art and Christian history.