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Top 100 Street Foods Around the World

"Explore the world's most delicious street food offerings"

Street food is a vibrant and essential part of culinary culture, offering unique flavors and experiences in every corner of the world. This list celebrates the top 100 street foods, highlighting the best dishes you can find while wandering through bustling markets, vibrant streets, and hidden alleys in cities across the globe.



  • Title: "Top 100 Street Foods Around the World"
  • Subtitle: "A Culinary Journey Through Global Street Food"
  • Tagline: "Explore the world's most delicious street food offerings"
  • Description: "This list celebrates the top 100 street foods, highlighting the best dishes you can find while wandering through bustling markets, vibrant streets, and hidden alleys in cities across the globe."
  • Keywords: Street food, global cuisine, culinary culture, street vendors, food markets


# Top 100 Street Foods Around the World
- A Culinary Journey Through Global Street Food
- Explore the world's most delicious street food offerings
- This list celebrates the top 100 street foods, highlighting the best dishes you can find while wandering through bustling markets, vibrant streets, and hidden alleys in cities across the globe.
- 5 Topics

## Topics
- Asian Delights: Banh Mi, Pho, Sushi, Satay, Takoyaki...
- European Treats: Crepes, Gelato, Pretzels, Waffles, Churros...
- American Bites: Hot Dogs, Tacos, Arepas, Empanadas, BBQ Ribs...
- African Flavors: Bunny Chow, Jollof Rice, Samosas, Chapati, Akara...
- Middle Eastern Gems: Shawarma, Falafel, Manakeesh, Kebab, Knafeh...

Asian Delights

"Taste the flavors of Asia with these street food favorites"

Asia is a treasure trove of street food, offering a diverse array of flavors, textures, and culinary traditions. From savory snacks to sweet treats, these street foods are must-tries for any food lover.

  1. Banh Mi (Vietnam)
  2. Pho (Vietnam)
  3. Sushi (Japan)
  4. Satay (Indonesia)
  5. Takoyaki (Japan)
  6. Pad Thai (Thailand)
  7. Dim Sum (China)
  8. Dosa (India)
  9. Kimchi (South Korea)
  10. Mango Sticky Rice (Thailand)
  11. Ramen (Japan)
  12. Gyoza (Japan)
  13. Curry Fish Balls (Hong Kong)
  14. Laksa (Malaysia)
  15. Tom Yum (Thailand)
  16. Bun Cha (Vietnam)
  17. Khao Soi (Thailand)
  18. Yakitori (Japan)
  19. Biryani (India)
  20. Hainanese Chicken Rice (Singapore)

European Treats

"Indulge in the classic and contemporary street foods of Europe"

Europe offers a mix of traditional and modern street foods that cater to every palate. From sweet to savory, these street foods are perfect for a quick bite on the go.

  1. Crepes (France)
  2. Gelato (Italy)
  3. Pretzels (Germany)
  4. Waffles (Belgium)
  5. Churros (Spain)
  6. Fish and Chips (UK)
  7. Trdelník (Czech Republic)
  8. Döner Kebab (Germany)
  9. Souvlaki (Greece)
  10. Piadina (Italy)
  11. Currywurst (Germany)
  12. Pastel de Nata (Portugal)
  13. Poffertjes (Netherlands)
  14. Raclette (Switzerland)
  15. Gyros (Greece)
  16. Paella (Spain)
  17. Poutine (Canada)
  18. Cornish Pasty (UK)
  19. Croissant (France)
  20. Burek (Balkans)

American Bites

"Savor the bold and flavorful street foods from across the Americas"

Street food in the Americas is characterized by its bold flavors and diverse influences. From North to South America, these street foods are beloved for their taste and cultural significance.

  1. Hot Dogs (USA)
  2. Tacos (Mexico)
  3. Arepas (Venezuela)
  4. Empanadas (Argentina)
  5. BBQ Ribs (USA)
  6. Pupusas (El Salvador)
  7. Ceviche (Peru)
  8. Picanha (Brazil)
  9. Burritos (USA)
  10. Churipan (Argentina)
  11. Elote (Mexico)
  12. Tamales (Mexico)
  13. BeaverTails (Canada)
  14. Roti (Trinidad and Tobago)
  15. Jerk Chicken (Jamaica)
  16. Carne Asada (Mexico)
  17. Chivito (Uruguay)
  18. Cachapa (Venezuela)
  19. Feijoada (Brazil)
  20. Chimichurri Steak (Argentina)

African Flavors

"Discover the rich and diverse street foods from the African continent"

African street food is rich in flavors and traditions, offering a wide variety of dishes that reflect the continent's diverse cultures and culinary heritage.

  1. Bunny Chow (South Africa)
  2. Jollof Rice (Nigeria)
  3. Samosas (Kenya)
  4. Chapati (Uganda)
  5. Akara (Nigeria)
  6. Bobotie (South Africa)
  7. Suya (Nigeria)
  8. Piri Piri Chicken (Mozambique)
  9. Injera (Ethiopia)
  10. Nyama Choma (Kenya)
  11. Couscous (Morocco)
  12. Biltong (South Africa)
  13. Boerewors (South Africa)
  14. Mandazi (Tanzania)
  15. Moin Moin (Nigeria)
  16. Grilled Plantains (Ghana)
  17. Matoke (Uganda)
  18. Ugali (Kenya)
  19. Fufu (West Africa)
  20. Tagine (Morocco)

Middle Eastern Gems

"Experience the aromatic and flavorful street foods of the Middle East"

The Middle East is known for its aromatic spices and rich culinary traditions. These street foods are a testament to the region's vibrant food culture.

  1. Shawarma (Lebanon)
  2. Falafel (Israel)
  3. Manakeesh (Lebanon)
  4. Kebab (Turkey)
  5. Knafeh (Palestine)
  6. Baklava (Turkey)
  7. Hummus (Lebanon)
  8. Tabouleh (Lebanon)
  9. Fattoush (Lebanon)
  10. Sfiha (Syria)
  11. Lahmacun (Turkey)
  12. Baba Ghanoush (Lebanon)
  13. Kibbeh (Lebanon)
  14. Moussaka (Greece)
  15. Sabich (Israel)
  16. Mutabbal (Lebanon)
  17. Ma'amoul (Lebanon)
  18. Shakshuka (Israel)
  19. Arayes (Lebanon)
  20. Qatayef (Palestine)

Top 100 List

  1. Banh Mi (Asian Delights)
  2. Crepes (European Treats)
  3. Hot Dogs (American Bites)
  4. Bunny Chow (African Flavors)
  5. Shawarma (Middle Eastern Gems)
  6. Pho (Asian Delights)
  7. Gelato (European Treats)
  8. Tacos (American Bites)
  9. Jollof Rice (African Flavors)
  10. Falafel (Middle Eastern Gems)
  11. Sushi (Asian Delights)
  12. Pretzels (European Treats)
  13. Arepas (American Bites)
  14. Samosas (African Flavors)
  15. Manakeesh (Middle Eastern Gems)
  16. Satay (Asian Delights)
  17. Waffles (European Treats)
  18. Empanadas (American Bites)
  19. Chapati (African Flavors)
  20. Kebab (Middle Eastern Gems)
  21. Takoyaki (Asian Delights)
  22. Churros (European Treats)
  23. BBQ Ribs (American Bites)
  24. Akara (African Flavors)
  25. Knafeh (Middle Eastern Gems)
  26. Pad Thai (Asian Delights)
  27. Fish and Chips (European Treats)
  28. Pupusas (American Bites)
  29. Bobotie (African Flavors)
  30. Baklava (Middle Eastern Gems)
  31. Dim Sum (Asian Delights)
  32. Trdelník (European Treats)
  33. Ceviche (American Bites)
  34. Suya (African Flavors)
  35. Hummus (Middle Eastern Gems)
  36. Dosa (Asian Delights)
  37. Döner Kebab (European Treats)
  38. Picanha (American Bites)
  39. Piri Piri Chicken (African Flavors)
  40. Tabouleh (Middle Eastern Gems)
  41. Kimchi (Asian Delights)
  42. Souvlaki (European Treats)
  43. Burritos (American Bites)
  44. Injera (African Flavors)
  45. Fattoush (Middle Eastern Gems)
  46. Mango Sticky Rice (Asian Delights)
  47. Piadina (European Treats)
  48. Churipan (American Bites)
  49. Nyama Choma (African Flavors)
  50. Sfiha (Middle Eastern Gems)
  51. Ramen (Asian Delights)
  52. Currywurst (European Treats)
  53. Elote (American Bites)
  54. Couscous (African Flavors)
  55. Lahmacun (Middle Eastern Gems)
  56. Gyoza (Asian Delights)
  57. Pastel de Nata (European Treats)
  58. Tamales (American Bites)
  59. Biltong (African Flavors)
  60. Baba Ghanoush (Middle Eastern Gems)
  61. Curry Fish Balls (Asian Delights)
  62. Poffertjes (European Treats)
  63. BeaverTails (American Bites)
  64. Boerewors (African Flavors)
  65. Kibbeh (Middle Eastern Gems)
  66. Laksa (Asian Delights)
  67. Raclette (European Treats)
  68. Roti (American Bites)
  69. Mandazi (African Flavors)
  70. Moussaka (Middle Eastern Gems)
  71. Tom Yum (Asian Delights)
  72. Gyros (European Treats)
  73. Jerk Chicken (American Bites)
  74. Moin Moin (African Flavors)
  75. Sabich (Middle Eastern Gems)
  76. Bun Cha (Asian Delights)
  77. Paella (European Treats)
  78. Carne Asada (American Bites)
  79. Grilled Plantains (African Flavors)
  80. Mutabbal (Middle Eastern Gems)
  81. Khao Soi (Asian Delights)
  82. Poutine (European Treats)
  83. Chivito (American Bites)
  84. Matoke (African Flavors)
  85. Ma'amoul (Middle Eastern Gems)
  86. Yakitori (Asian Delights)
  87. Cornish Pasty (European Treats)
  88. Cachapa (American Bites)
  89. Ugali (African Flavors)
  90. Shakshuka (Middle Eastern Gems)
  91. Biryani (Asian Delights)
  92. Croissant (European Treats)
  93. Feijoada (American Bites)
  94. Fufu (African Flavors)
  95. Arayes (Middle Eastern Gems)
  96. Hainanese Chicken Rice (Asian Delights)
  97. Burek (European Treats)
  98. Chimichurri Steak (American Bites)
  99. Tagine (African Flavors)
  100. Qatayef (Middle Eastern Gems)

Top 100 Table

Rank Name Topic Tagline
1 Banh Mi Asian Delights "Taste the flavors of Asia"
2 Crepes European Treats "Indulge in classic European treats"
3 Hot Dogs American Bites "Savor bold American flavors"
4 Bunny Chow African Flavors "Discover African culinary heritage"
5 Shawarma Middle Eastern Gems "Experience Middle Eastern spices"
6 Pho Asian Delights "A Vietnamese classic"
7 Gelato European Treats "Italy's frozen delight"
8 Tacos American Bites "Mexican street food staple"
9 Jollof Rice African Flavors "West African favorite"
10 Falafel Middle Eastern Gems "Crispy and flavorful"
11 Sushi Asian Delights "Japan's iconic dish"
12 Pretzels European Treats "German twisted bread"
13 Arepas American Bites "Venezuelan corn cakes"
14 Samosas African Flavors "Crispy filled pastries"
15 Manakeesh Middle Eastern Gems "Lebanese flatbread"
16 Satay Asian Delights "Grilled to perfection"
17 Waffles European Treats "Belgian sweet treat"
18 Empanadas American Bites "Latin American turnovers"
19 Chapati African Flavors "Soft and versatile"
20 Kebab Middle Eastern Gems "Grilled meat delight"
21 Takoyaki Asian Delights "Japanese octopus balls"
22 Churros European Treats "Spanish fried dough"
23 BBQ Ribs American Bites "American barbecue classic"
24 Akara African Flavors "Nigerian bean fritters"
25 Knafeh Middle Eastern Gems "Sweet cheese pastry"
26 Pad Thai Asian Delights "Thai stir-fried noodles"
27 Fish and Chips European Treats "British seaside favorite"
28 Pupusas American Bites "Salvadoran stuffed tortillas"
29 Bobotie African Flavors "South African meat pie"
30 Baklava Middle Eastern Gems "Sweet and nutty layers"
31 Dim Sum Asian Delights "Chinese bite-sized snacks"
32 Trdelník European Treats "Czech cinnamon pastry"
33 Ceviche American Bites "Peruvian marinated fish"
34 Suya African Flavors "Nigerian spicy skewers"
35 Hummus Middle Eastern Gems "Creamy chickpea dip"
36 Dosa Asian Delights "Indian fermented crepe"
37 Döner Kebab European Treats "German street food"
38 Picanha American Bites "Brazilian grilled beef"
39 Piri Piri Chicken African Flavors "Mozambican spicy chicken"
40 Tabouleh Middle Eastern Gems "Lebanese parsley salad"
41 Kimchi Asian Delights "Korean fermented vegetables"
42 Souvlaki European Treats "Greek grilled meat"
43 Burritos American Bites "Mexican wrapped delight"
44 Injera African Flavors "Ethiopian sourdough flatbread"
45 Fattoush Middle Eastern Gems "Levantine bread salad"
46 Mango Sticky Rice Asian Delights "Thai sweet dessert"
47 Piadina European Treats "Italian flatbread sandwich"
48 Churipan American Bites "Argentine sausage sandwich"
49 Nyama Choma African Flavors "Kenyan grilled meat"
50 Sfiha Middle Eastern Gems "Lebanese meat pies"
51 Ramen Asian Delights "Japanese noodle soup"
52 Currywurst European Treats "German curried sausage"
53 Elote American Bites "Mexican street corn"
54 Couscous African Flavors "Moroccan steamed granules"
55 Lahmacun Middle Eastern Gems "Turkish flatbread"
56 Gyoza Asian Delights "Japanese dumplings"
57 Pastel de Nata European Treats "Portuguese custard tart"
58 Tamales American Bites "Mexican stuffed masa"
59 Biltong African Flavors "South African dried meat"
60 Baba Ghanoush Middle Eastern Gems "Smoky eggplant dip"
61 Curry Fish Balls Asian Delights "Hong Kong street snack"
62 Poffertjes European Treats "Dutch mini pancakes"
63 BeaverTails American Bites "Canadian fried dough"
64 Boerewors African Flavors "South African sausage"
65 Kibbeh Middle Eastern Gems "Lebanese meat and bulgur"
66 Laksa Asian Delights "Malaysian spicy noodle soup"
67 Raclette European Treats "Swiss melted cheese"
68 Roti American Bites "Trinidadian flatbread"
69 Mandazi African Flavors "East African doughnut"
70 Moussaka Middle Eastern Gems "Greek eggplant casserole"
71 Tom Yum Asian Delights "Thai hot and sour soup"
72 Gyros European Treats "Greek meat wrap"
73 Jerk Chicken American Bites "Jamaican spicy chicken"
74 Moin Moin African Flavors "Nigerian steamed bean pudding"
75 Sabich Middle Eastern Gems "Israeli eggplant sandwich"
76 Bun Cha Asian Delights "Vietnamese grilled pork"
77 Paella European Treats "Spanish rice dish"
78 Carne Asada American Bites "Mexican grilled beef"
79 Grilled Plantains African Flavors "Ghanaian sweet snack"
80 Mutabbal Middle Eastern Gems "Lebanese eggplant dip"
81 Khao Soi Asian Delights "Thai coconut curry noodles"
82 Poutine European Treats "Canadian fries with gravy"
83 Chivito American Bites "Uruguayan meat sandwich"
84 Matoke African Flavors "Ugandan plantain dish"
85 Ma'amoul Middle Eastern Gems "Lebanese filled cookies"
86 Yakitori Asian Delights "Japanese grilled chicken"
87 Cornish Pasty European Treats "British savory pastry"
88 Cachapa American Bites "Venezuelan corn pancake"
89 Ugali African Flavors "Kenyan maize porridge"
90 Shakshuka Middle Eastern Gems "Israeli poached eggs"
91 Biryani Asian Delights "Indian mixed rice"
92 Burek European Treats "Balkan meat pastry"
93 Feijoada American Bites "Brazilian black bean stew"
94 Fufu African Flavors "West African dough"
95 Arayes Middle Eastern Gems "Lebanese stuffed pita"
96 Hainanese Chicken Rice Asian Delights "Singaporean rice dish"
97 Croissant European Treats "French buttery pastry"
98 Chimichurri Steak American Bites "Argentinian grilled beef"
99 Tagine African Flavors "Moroccan stew"
100 Qatayef Middle Eastern Gems "Palestinian stuffed pancakes"


Embarking on a culinary journey through the world's street foods allows you to experience the diverse flavors and cultural heritage that make each dish unique. From the bustling markets of Asia to the vibrant streets of Latin America, these street foods offer an authentic taste of local life and tradition. Explore, savor, and enjoy the top 100 street foods around the world.