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Top 100 Scientific Discoveries by Year

"Tracing the evolution of human knowledge, one breakthrough at a time."

Scientific discoveries shape our understanding of the world and drive progress in countless fields. This list explores the top 100 scientific discoveries, one per year, spanning from 1924 to 2023. Each discovery represents a leap forward in knowledge, altering the course of science, technology, or medicine and leaving a lasting impact on society.



  • Title: "Top 100 Scientific Discoveries by Year: A Century of Breakthroughs"
  • Subtitle: "A Journey Through the Milestones of Scientific Progress"
  • Tagline: "Tracing the evolution of human knowledge, one breakthrough at a time."
  • Description: "From quantum physics to genetics, this list chronicles the top scientific discoveries each year for the past century, showcasing the brilliance of human curiosity and innovation."
  • Keywords: Science, Discoveries, History, Breakthroughs, Innovation, Technology, Medicine, Physics, Chemistry, Biology


# Top 100 Scientific Discoveries by Year
- A Century of Breakthroughs
- Tracing the evolution of human knowledge
- From quantum physics to genetics, this list chronicles the top scientific discoveries each year for the past century, showcasing the brilliance of human curiosity and innovation.
- 5 Topics

## Topics
- 1924–1943: Quantum Physics, Relativity, Medicine, Genetics, Chemistry
- 1944–1963: DNA, Space Exploration, Computer Science, Medicine, Molecular Biology
- 1964–1983: Environmental Science, Biotechnology, Space, Particle Physics, Neuroscience
- 1984–2003: Genetics, Internet, Space, Medicine, Nanotechnology
- 2004–2023: AI, Climate Science, Genomics, Renewable Energy, Neuroscience

Topic 1: "1924–1943: The Foundations of Modern Science"

"Laying the groundwork for a new era of scientific understanding."

This period saw the birth of quantum mechanics, relativity, and significant advancements in genetics and medicine. These discoveries laid the foundation for the scientific revolutions that followed.

  1. 1924: Bose-Einstein Statistics - Satyendra Nath Bose's work on quantum mechanics led to Einstein's application of Bose's ideas, paving the way for quantum statistics.
  2. 1925: Pauli Exclusion Principle - Wolfgang Pauli proposed that no two electrons in an atom can have the same set of quantum numbers, a key concept in quantum mechanics.
  3. 1926: Schrödinger Equation - Erwin Schrödinger formulated the wave equation that is central to quantum mechanics.
  4. 1927: Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle - Werner Heisenberg introduced the principle that one cannot simultaneously know the exact position and momentum of a particle.
  5. 1928: Dirac Equation - Paul Dirac's equation predicted the existence of antimatter, which was later confirmed with the discovery of the positron.
  6. 1929: Hubble's Law - Edwin Hubble discovered that the universe is expanding, which led to the development of the Big Bang theory.
  7. 1930: Neutron - James Chadwick discovered the neutron, a fundamental particle in atomic nuclei.
  8. 1931: Cyclotron - Ernest Lawrence invented the cyclotron, a type of particle accelerator that revolutionized nuclear physics.
  9. 1932: Positron - Carl Anderson discovered the positron, the first known antiparticle.
  10. 1933: Artificial Radioactivity - Irène and Frédéric Joliot-Curie discovered artificial radioactivity, opening new avenues in nuclear chemistry.
  11. 1934: Neutrino - Enrico Fermi proposed the existence of the neutrino, a particle essential to the understanding of nuclear reactions.
  12. 1935: Nuclear Fission - Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann discovered nuclear fission, leading to the development of nuclear power and weapons.
  13. 1936: Cosmic Rays - Victor Hess's work on cosmic rays revealed that they are high-energy particles from outer space.
  14. 1937: Symmetry in Physics - Eugene Wigner's work on symmetry principles became fundamental to quantum mechanics and particle physics.
  15. 1938: Penicillin - Alexander Fleming's discovery of penicillin marked the beginning of the antibiotic era.
  16. 1939: Nuclear Chain Reaction - Lise Meitner and Otto Frisch explained the mechanism of nuclear chain reactions, critical for nuclear reactors.
  17. 1940: Radar - The development of radar technology, particularly by Sir Robert Watson-Watt, transformed military and civilian applications.
  18. 1941: Transuranium Elements - Glenn T. Seaborg discovered and isolated elements heavier than uranium, expanding the periodic table.
  19. 1942: Manhattan Project - The U.S.-led effort to develop nuclear weapons, culminating in the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
  20. 1943: DNA as Genetic Material - Oswald Avery's experiments showed that DNA carries genetic information, laying the groundwork for molecular genetics.

Topic 2: "1944–1963: The Atomic Age and Beyond"

"Unraveling the mysteries of life and the cosmos."

The post-war era brought about the discovery of DNA’s structure, the advent of space exploration, and the rise of computer science. This period is marked by a deeper understanding of the building blocks of life and the universe.

  1. 1944: DNA's Role in Heredity - Avery, MacLeod, and McCarty's experiments demonstrated that DNA is the substance of genes.
  2. 1945: Microwave Technology - Development of microwave radar during WWII led to peacetime applications such as the microwave oven.
  3. 1946: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) - Purcell and Bloch developed NMR, which became a crucial tool in chemistry and medicine.
  4. 1947: Transistor - William Shockley, John Bardeen, and Walter Brattain invented the transistor, revolutionizing electronics and computing.
  5. 1948: Big Bang Theory - George Gamow, Ralph Alpher, and Robert Herman proposed the Big Bang theory to explain the origin of the universe.
  6. 1949: Antibiotic Streptomycin - Selman Waksman discovered streptomycin, the first antibiotic effective against tuberculosis.
  7. 1950: Artificial Intelligence - Alan Turing's concept of AI laid the groundwork for future developments in machine learning and robotics.
  8. 1951: Discovery of DNA Helix - Rosalind Franklin's X-ray diffraction images of DNA enabled Watson and Crick to propose the double helix model.
  9. 1952: Polio Vaccine - Jonas Salk developed the first effective polio vaccine, drastically reducing the incidence of the disease.
  10. 1953: DNA Double Helix - Watson and Crick's model of DNA structure explained how genetic information is stored and replicated.
  11. 1954: CERN Established - The European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) was founded, becoming a leading center for particle physics research.
  12. 1955: Cloning of DNA - Arthur Kornberg's discovery of DNA polymerase made it possible to replicate DNA in a test tube.
  13. 1956: Artificial Heart - The first artificial heart was successfully implanted in a dog, marking a milestone in medical engineering.
  14. 1957: Sputnik - The Soviet Union launched Sputnik, the first artificial satellite, initiating the space race.
  15. 1958: Laser - Theodore Maiman demonstrated the first working laser, which would have widespread applications in science, medicine, and technology.
  16. 1959: Integrated Circuit - Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce invented the integrated circuit, leading to the miniaturization of electronic devices.
  17. 1960: Plate Tectonics - Harry Hess proposed the theory of seafloor spreading, which led to the acceptance of plate tectonics.
  18. 1961: First Human in Space - Yuri Gagarin became the first human to orbit the Earth, marking a significant achievement in space exploration.
  19. 1962: Quasars - Maarten Schmidt identified quasars as extremely bright and distant objects, providing insights into the early universe.
  20. 1963: Valence Bond Theory - Linus Pauling developed the valence bond theory, contributing to our understanding of chemical bonding.

Topic 3: "1964–1983: Expanding Horizons"

"Pioneering new frontiers in science and technology."

This era witnessed groundbreaking advancements in environmental science, biotechnology, space exploration, and neuroscience. From understanding our planet to unlocking the mysteries of the brain, these years were marked by expanding our horizons.

  1. 1964: Quarks - Murray Gell-Mann and George Zweig independently proposed the existence of quarks, fundamental particles that make up protons and neutrons.
  2. 1965: Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation - Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson discovered the cosmic microwave background radiation, supporting the Big Bang theory.
  3. 1966: Genetic Code - Marshall Nirenberg and colleagues deciphered the genetic code, revealing how DNA directs the synthesis of proteins.
  4. 1967: First Heart Transplant - Dr. Christiaan Barnard performed the first successful human heart transplant, a milestone in medical history.
  5. 1968: Apollo 8 - The Apollo 8 mission was the first to orbit the Moon, paving the way for future lunar landings.
  6. 1969: Internet - ARPANET, the precursor to the internet, was established, revolutionizing communication and information sharing.
  7. 1970: Black Hole Theory - Stephen Hawking and Roger Penrose developed theories on the formation of black holes.
  8. 1971: Intel 4004 - Intel introduced the 4004 microprocessor, marking the beginning of the digital age.
  9. 1972: Recombinant DNA - Paul Berg developed recombinant DNA technology, allowing genes to be manipulated and transferred between organisms.
  10. 1973: MRI - Paul Lauterbur and Peter Mansfield developed magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), revolutionizing medical diagnostics.
  11. 1974: Lucy Fossil - Donald Johanson discovered "Lucy," a 3.2-million-year-old hominid fossil, providing key insights into human evolution.
  12. 1975: Altair 8800 - The Altair 8800, considered the first personal computer, was introduced, sparking the personal computing revolution.
  13. 1976: Ebola Virus - The Ebola virus was identified, leading to new research in virology and infectious diseases.
  14. 1977: Voyager 1 - NASA launched Voyager 1, which would eventually become the most distant human-made object in space.
  15. 1978: First Test-Tube Baby - Louise Brown, the first baby conceived through in vitro fertilization (IVF), was born, revolutionizing reproductive medicine.
  16. 1979: Global Warming - The Charney Report was one of the first to warn about global warming due to CO2 emissions.
  17. 1980: Smallpox Eradication - The World Health Organization declared smallpox eradicated, marking a triumph in global health.
  18. 1981: IBM PC - IBM introduced its first personal computer, setting a standard for the PC industry.
  19. 1982: AIDS - The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) identified AIDS as a distinct disease, leading to extensive research and public health initiatives.
  20. 1983: Mobile Phones - The first commercially available mobile phones were introduced, revolutionizing communication.

Topic 4: "1984–2003: The Digital Revolution and Genetic Age"

"From the microchip to the human genome, transforming the world."

The late 20th century brought the digital revolution, the sequencing of the human genome, and advancements in space exploration and medicine. This period is marked by rapid technological progress and a deeper understanding of life at the molecular level.

  1. 1984: DNA Fingerprinting - Alec Jeffreys developed DNA fingerprinting, transforming forensic science and paternity testing.
  2. 1985: Ozone Layer Depletion - The discovery of the ozone hole over Antarctica highlighted the environmental impact of human activity.
  3. 1986: Chernobyl Disaster - The Chernobyl nuclear disaster prompted changes in nuclear safety regulations worldwide.
  4. 1987: Prions - Stanley Prusiner's discovery of prions, infectious proteins, challenged traditional notions of disease transmission.
  5. 1988: Hubble Space Telescope - The Hubble Space Telescope was launched, providing unprecedented views of the universe.
  6. 1989: World Wide Web - Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web, revolutionizing how information is shared and accessed globally.
  7. 1990: Human Genome Project - The Human Genome Project was launched, aiming to map all human genes, leading to breakthroughs in genetics and medicine.
  8. 1991: Nanotechnology - The development of the atomic force microscope by Binnig and Quate advanced the field of nanotechnology.
  9. 1992: Dark Matter Evidence - The discovery of evidence for dark matter reshaped our understanding of the universe.
  10. 1993: Cloning of Animals - The cloning of Dolly the sheep demonstrated the feasibility of cloning multicellular organisms.
  11. 1994: Quantum Teleportation - Experimental verification of quantum teleportation demonstrated the potential of quantum information science.
  12. 1995: Exoplanet Discovery - The first exoplanet orbiting a sun-like star was discovered, opening a new era in the search for extraterrestrial life.
  13. 1996: Dolly the Sheep - Dolly, the first mammal cloned from an adult somatic cell, was born, revolutionizing genetics and biotechnology.
  14. 1997: Pathfinder on Mars - NASA's Pathfinder mission successfully landed on Mars, providing valuable data on the Martian surface.
  15. 1998: Viagra - Sildenafil (Viagra) was approved, becoming a groundbreaking treatment for erectile dysfunction.
  16. 1999: Sequencing of the First Human Chromosome - The first human chromosome (chromosome 22) was sequenced, a milestone in the Human Genome Project.
  17. 2000: Completion of the Human Genome Draft - The first draft of the human genome was completed, paving the way for personalized medicine.
  18. 2001: iPod - Apple introduced the iPod, revolutionizing the music industry and consumer electronics.
  19. 2002: SARS Outbreak - The SARS outbreak led to advancements in virology, epidemiology, and public health.
  20. 2003: Completion of the Human Genome Project - The Human Genome Project was officially completed, marking a new era in biomedical research.

Topic 5: "2004–2023: The Age of Artificial Intelligence and Climate Science"

"Shaping the future with data, algorithms, and sustainable innovations."

In the 21st century, artificial intelligence, genomics, and climate science have come to the forefront. This era is defined by the intersection of technology and sustainability, as well as the pursuit of understanding complex systems from the human brain to Earth's climate.

  1. 2004: CRISPR-Cas9 - The discovery of CRISPR-Cas9 technology revolutionized genetic engineering, allowing precise gene editing.
  2. 2005: Discovery of Eris - The discovery of the dwarf planet Eris led to the reclassification of Pluto and a new understanding of our solar system.
  3. 2006: Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells - Shinya Yamanaka developed a method to reprogram adult cells into pluripotent stem cells, advancing regenerative medicine.
  4. 2007: Climate Change Awareness - The IPCC's Fourth Assessment Report heightened global awareness of climate change, leading to policy changes.
  5. 2008: Large Hadron Collider - The Large Hadron Collider at CERN began operations, leading to the discovery of the Higgs boson.
  6. 2009: Kepler Space Telescope - NASA launched the Kepler Space Telescope, which discovered thousands of exoplanets.
  7. 2010: First Synthetic Cell - Craig Venter's team created the first synthetic cell, a breakthrough in synthetic biology.
  8. 2011: CRISPR Gene Editing - CRISPR technology was first used to edit genes in living organisms, opening new possibilities in medicine.
  9. 2012: Higgs Boson - The discovery of the Higgs boson at CERN confirmed the existence of the particle predicted by the Standard Model.
  10. 2013: Human Brain Project - The European Union launched the Human Brain Project, aiming to simulate the human brain on supercomputers.
  11. 2014: Rosetta Mission - The European Space Agency's Rosetta mission successfully landed a probe on a comet, a first in space exploration.
  12. 2015: CRISPR Babies Controversy - The first genetically edited babies were born in China, sparking ethical debates worldwide.
  13. 2016: Gravitational Waves - LIGO detected gravitational waves, confirming a major prediction of Einstein's theory of general relativity.
  14. 2017: AI Defeats Go Champion - Google's AI program AlphaGo defeated the world champion in Go, showcasing the power of AI.
  15. 2018: Quantum Supremacy - Google claimed to have achieved quantum supremacy, performing a computation beyond the reach of classical computers.
  16. 2019: COVID-19 Pandemic - The global COVID-19 pandemic accelerated research in virology, vaccines, and public health.
  17. 2020: COVID-19 Vaccines - The rapid development and deployment of mRNA vaccines against COVID-19 marked a triumph in biomedical science.
  18. 2021: James Webb Space Telescope - The James Webb Space Telescope was launched, promising to revolutionize our understanding of the universe.
  19. 2022: Fusion Energy Breakthrough - A major breakthrough in nuclear fusion technology brought humanity closer to a new, sustainable energy source.
  20. 2023: AI in Healthcare - AI's integration into healthcare, from diagnostics to treatment planning, began transforming the industry.

Top 100 List

  1. Bose-Einstein Statistics (1924)
  2. Pauli Exclusion Principle (1925)
  3. Schrödinger Equation (1926)
  4. Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle (1927)
  5. Dirac Equation (1928)
  6. Hubble's Law (1929)
  7. Neutron Discovery (1930)
  8. Cyclotron (1931)
  9. Positron Discovery (1932)
  10. Artificial Radioactivity (1933)
  11. Neutrino Hypothesis (1934)
  12. Nuclear Fission (1935)
  13. Cosmic Rays Discovery (1936)
  14. Symmetry in Physics (1937)
  15. Penicillin (1938)
  16. Nuclear Chain Reaction (1939)
  17. Radar Technology (1940)
  18. Transuranium Elements (1941)
  19. Manhattan Project (1942)
  20. DNA as Genetic Material (1943)
  21. DNA's Role in Heredity (1944)
  22. Microwave Technology (1945)
  23. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) (1946)
  24. Transistor Invention (1947)
  25. Big Bang Theory (1948)
  26. Streptomycin (Antibiotic) (1949)
  27. Artificial Intelligence Concept (1950)
  28. DNA Helix Discovery (1951)
  29. Polio Vaccine (1952)
  30. DNA Double Helix Model (1953)
  31. CERN Establishment (1954)
  32. Cloning of DNA (1955)
  33. First Artificial Heart Implant (1956)
  34. Sputnik Launch (1957)
  35. Laser Invention (1958)
  36. Integrated Circuit Invention (1959)
  37. Plate Tectonics Theory (1960)
  38. First Human in Space (1961)
  39. Quasars Discovery (1962)
  40. Valence Bond Theory (1963)
  41. Quarks Discovery (1964)
  42. Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (1965)
  43. Genetic Code Deciphered (1966)
  44. First Heart Transplant (1967)
  45. Apollo 8 Moon Orbit (1968)
  46. ARPANET, Precursor to Internet (1969)
  47. Black Hole Theory (1970)
  48. Intel 4004 Microprocessor (1971)
  49. Recombinant DNA Technology (1972)
  50. MRI Technology (1973)
  51. Lucy Fossil Discovery (1974)
  52. Altair 8800, First PC (1975)
  53. Ebola Virus Discovery (1976)
  54. Voyager 1 Launch (1977)
  55. First Test-Tube Baby (1978)
  56. Global Warming Warning (1979)
  57. Smallpox Eradication (1980)
  58. IBM PC Introduction (1981)
  59. AIDS Identification (1982)
  60. Mobile Phones (1983)
  61. DNA Fingerprinting (1984)
  62. Ozone Layer Depletion (1985)
  63. Chernobyl Disaster (1986)
  64. Prions Discovery (1987)
  65. Hubble Space Telescope Launch (1988)
  66. World Wide Web Invention (1989)
  67. Human Genome Project Launch (1990)
  68. Nanotechnology Advancements (1991)
  69. Dark Matter Evidence (1992)
  70. Cloning of Animals (1993)
  71. Quantum Teleportation Demonstrated (1994)
  72. Exoplanet Discovery (1995)
  73. Dolly the Sheep (1996)
  74. Pathfinder on Mars (1997)
  75. Viagra (1998)
  76. Sequencing of Human Chromosome 22 (1999)
  77. Completion of Human Genome Draft (2000)
  78. iPod Introduction (2001)
  79. SARS Outbreak (2002)
  80. Completion of Human Genome Project (2003)
  81. CRISPR-Cas9 Discovery (2004)
  82. Discovery of Eris (2005)
  83. Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (2006)
  84. Climate Change Awareness (2007)
  85. Large Hadron Collider Begins (2008)
  86. Kepler Space Telescope (2009)
  87. First Synthetic Cell (2010)
  88. CRISPR Gene Editing (2011)
  89. Higgs Boson Discovery (2012)
  90. Human Brain Project (2013)
  91. Rosetta Mission Comet Landing (2014)
  92. CRISPR Babies Controversy (2015)
  93. Gravitational Waves Detected (2016)
  94. AlphaGo Defeats Go Champion (2017)
  95. Quantum Supremacy Achieved (2018)
  96. COVID-19 Pandemic (2019)
  97. COVID-19 Vaccines (2020)
  98. James Webb Space Telescope Launch (2021)
  99. Fusion Energy Breakthrough (2022)
  100. AI in Healthcare (2023)

Top 100 Table

Rank Name Topic Tagline
1 Bose-Einstein Statistics 1924–1943 "Pioneering quantum statistics."
2 Pauli Exclusion Principle 1924–1943 "Defining the rules of quantum mechanics."
3 Schrödinger Equation 1924–1943 "A cornerstone of quantum theory."
4 Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle 1924–1943 "The limits of knowledge in quantum mechanics."
5 Dirac Equation 1924–1943 "Predicting antimatter's existence."
6 Hubble's Law 1924–1943 "The expanding universe."
7 Neutron 1924–1943 "Discovery of a fundamental atomic particle."
8 Cyclotron 1924–1943 "Revolutionizing nuclear physics."
9 Positron 1924–1943 "Discovery of the first antiparticle."
10 Artificial Radioactivity 1924–1943 "Creating radioactivity in the lab."
11 Neutrino 1924–1943 "Proposing a key particle in nuclear reactions."
12 Nuclear Fission 1924–1943 "Breaking atoms to release energy."
13 Cosmic Rays 1924–1943 "High-energy particles from outer space."
14 Symmetry in Physics 1924–1943 "The role of symmetry in quantum mechanics."
15 Penicillin 1924–1943 "The birth of antibiotics."
16 Nuclear Chain Reaction 1924–1943 "Understanding the power of atomic energy."
17 Radar 1924–1943 "A revolution in detection and communication."
18 Transuranium Elements 1924–1943 "Expanding the periodic table."
19 Manhattan Project 1924–1943 "The development of nuclear weapons."
20 DNA as Genetic Material 1924–1943 "Proving DNA carries genetic information."
21 DNA's Role in Heredity 1944–1963 "Proving DNA's role in genetics."
22 Microwave Technology 1944–1963 "From radar to the microwave oven."
23 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) 1944–1963 "A tool that revolutionized chemistry and medicine."
24 Transistor 1944–1963 "Revolutionizing electronics and computing."
25 Big Bang Theory 1944–1963 "A theory to explain the universe's origin."
26 Antibiotic Streptomycin 1944–1963 "A cure for tuberculosis."
27 Artificial Intelligence 1944–1963 "Laying the groundwork for machine learning."
28 Discovery of DNA Helix 1944–1963 "Paving the way for the double helix model."
29 Polio Vaccine 1944–1963 "Drastically reducing polio worldwide."
30 DNA Double Helix 1944–1963 "Understanding the structure of life."
31 CERN Established 1944–1963 "A leading center for particle physics research."
32 Cloning of DNA 1944–1963 "Enabling DNA replication in a test tube."
33 Artificial Heart 1944–1963 "A milestone in medical engineering."
34 Sputnik 1944–1963 "Initiating the space race."
35 Laser 1944–1963 "A technology with wide-ranging applications."
36 Integrated Circuit 1944–1963 "Miniaturizing electronic devices."
37 Plate Tectonics 1944–1963 "Revolutionizing our understanding of Earth's geology."
38 First Human in Space 1944–1963 "Marking a significant achievement in space exploration."
39 Quasars 1944–1963 "Providing insights into the early universe."
40 Valence Bond Theory 1944–1963 "Understanding chemical bonding."
41 Quarks 1964–1983 "Fundamental particles of protons and neutrons."
42 Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation 1964–1983 "Supporting the Big Bang theory."
43 Genetic Code 1964–1983 "Deciphering how DNA directs protein synthesis."
44 First Heart Transplant 1964–1983 "A milestone in medical history."
45 Apollo 8 1964–1983 "First mission to orbit the Moon."
46 Internet 1964–1983 "Revolutionizing communication and information sharing."
47 Black Hole Theory 1964–1983 "Theoretical advances in understanding black holes."
48 Intel 4004 1964–1983 "The beginning of the digital age."
49 Recombinant DNA 1964–1983 "Opening new possibilities in genetics."
50 MRI 1964–1983 "Revolutionizing medical diagnostics."
51 Lucy Fossil 1964–1983 "Key insights into human evolution."
52 Altair 8800 1964–1983 "Sparking the personal computing revolution."
53 Ebola Virus 1964–1983 "Leading to new research in virology."
54 Voyager 1 1964–1983 "The most distant human-made object in space."
55 First Test-Tube Baby 1964–1983 "Revolutionizing reproductive medicine."
56 Global Warming 1964–1983 "First major warning about climate change."
57 Smallpox Eradication 1964–1983 "A triumph in global health."
58 IBM PC 1964–1983 "Setting the standard for the PC industry."
59 AIDS 1964–1983 "Identified as a distinct disease."
60 Mobile Phones 1964–1983 "Revolutionizing communication."
61 DNA Fingerprinting 1984–2003 "Transforming forensic science."
62 Ozone Layer Depletion 1984–2003 "Highlighting human impact on the environment."
63 Chernobyl Disaster 1984–2003 "Prompting global changes in nuclear safety."
64 Prions 1984–2003 "Challenging traditional notions of disease."
65 Hubble Space Telescope 1984–2003 "Providing unprecedented views of the universe."
66 World Wide Web 1984–2003 "Revolutionizing global information access."
67 Human Genome Project 1984–2003 "Mapping all human genes."
68 Nanotechnology 1984–2003 "Advancing the manipulation of matter at the atomic level."
69 Dark Matter Evidence 1984–2003 "Reshaping our understanding of the universe."
70 Cloning of Animals 1984–2003 "Demonstrating the feasibility of cloning organisms."
71 Quantum Teleportation 1984–2003 "Potential of quantum information science."
72 Exoplanet Discovery 1984–2003 "Opening a new era in the search for extraterrestrial life."
73 Dolly the Sheep 1984–2003 "Revolutionizing genetics and biotechnology."
74 Pathfinder on Mars 1984–2003 "Providing valuable data on the Martian surface."
75 Viagra 1984–2003 "A groundbreaking treatment for erectile dysfunction."
76 Sequencing of the First Human Chromosome 1984–2003 "Milestone in the Human Genome Project."
77 Completion of the Human Genome Draft 1984–2003 "Paving the way for personalized medicine."
78 iPod 1984–2003 "Revolutionizing the music industry and consumer electronics."
79 SARS Outbreak 1984–2003 "Advancing virology, epidemiology, and public health."
80 Completion of the Human Genome Project 1984–2003 "Marking a new era in biomedical research."
81 CRISPR-Cas9 2004–2023 "Revolutionizing genetic engineering."
82 Discovery of Eris 2004–2023 "Reclassification of Pluto and new understanding of the solar system."
83 Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells 2004–2023 "Advancing regenerative medicine."
84 Climate Change Awareness 2004–2023 "IPCC's report heightening global awareness of climate change."
85 Large Hadron Collider 2004–2023 "Leading to the discovery of the Higgs boson."
86 Kepler Space Telescope 2004–2023 "Discovering thousands of exoplanets."
87 First Synthetic Cell 2004–2023 "A breakthrough in synthetic biology."
88 CRISPR Gene Editing 2004–2023 "Editing genes in living organisms."
89 Higgs Boson 2004–2023 "Confirming a particle predicted by the Standard Model."
90 Human Brain Project 2004–2023 "Aiming to simulate the human brain on supercomputers."
91 Rosetta Mission 2004–2023 "Successfully landing a probe on a comet."
92 CRISPR Babies Controversy 2004–2023 "Sparking ethical debates worldwide."
93 Gravitational Waves 2004–2023 "Confirming a major prediction of general relativity."
94 AI Defeats Go Champion 2004–2023 "Showcasing the power of AI."
95 Quantum Supremacy 2004–2023 "Achieving a computation beyond the reach of classical computers."
96 COVID-19 Pandemic 2004–2023 "Accelerating research in virology, vaccines, and public health."
97 COVID-19 Vaccines 2004–2023 "A triumph in biomedical science."
98 James Webb Space Telescope 2004–2023 "Promising to revolutionize our understanding of the universe."
99 Fusion Energy Breakthrough 2004–2023 "Bringing humanity closer to sustainable energy."
100 AI in Healthcare 2004–2023 "Transforming the medical industry."


This table encapsulates the top scientific discoveries year by year, showcasing how each has contributed to shaping our understanding of the world.