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Top 100 Events on July 9th

"A journey through history on July 9th"

July 9th has witnessed many remarkable events throughout history. From groundbreaking scientific discoveries to significant political events, this day has left an indelible mark on the world. Let's explore the top 100 events that happened on this day, uncovering the stories behind them and their impact on our lives.



  • Title: "Top 100 Events on July 9th"
  • Subtitle: "Significant Historical Events on July 9th"
  • Tagline: "A journey through history on July 9th"
  • Description: "Exploring notable events from different eras that occurred on July 9th, shaping the course of history."
  • Keywords: history, July 9th, significant events, milestones, historical dates...


# Top 100 Events on July 9th
- Significant Historical Events on July 9th
- A journey through history on July 9th
- Exploring notable events from different eras that occurred on July 9th, shaping the course of history.
- 5 Topics

## Topics
- Politics and War: history, battles, treaties, independence, declarations...
- Science and Technology: discoveries, inventions, milestones, innovations...
- Culture and Society: movements, cultural shifts, societal changes, influential events...
- Arts and Entertainment: premieres, releases, significant performances, notable births...
- Sports and Achievements: records, milestones, significant achievements, notable events...

Politics and War

"Pivotal moments in global political history"
  1. 1776: Declaration of Independence read aloud to General George Washington's troops.
  2. 1816: Argentina declares independence from Spain.
  3. 1850: President Zachary Taylor dies unexpectedly, Millard Fillmore becomes President.
  4. 1944: Battle of Saipan: American forces defeat the Japanese.
  5. 1955: The Russell-Einstein Manifesto is released, calling for nuclear disarmament.
  6. 1962: The United States conducts a nuclear test at the Nevada Test Site.
  7. 1982: Pan Am Flight 759 crashes, killing all 145 on board.
  8. 1991: South Africa is readmitted to the Olympics after 30 years.
  9. 1993: The Parliament of Canada passes the Nunavut Act.
  10. 2002: The African Union is established in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
  11. 2011: South Sudan gains independence from Sudan.
  12. 2019: Turkish and Greek Cypriot leaders agree to open more crossings along the divided island.
  13. 2021: Haitian President Jovenel Moïse is assassinated.
  14. 2023: The International Court of Justice rules in favor of Somalia in a maritime boundary dispute with Kenya.

Science and Technology

"Breakthroughs that changed the world"
  1. 1877: The first Wimbledon tennis tournament begins.
  2. 1893: Dr. Daniel Hale Williams performs the first successful open-heart surgery.
  3. 1962: The Starfish Prime high-altitude nuclear test is conducted by the United States.
  4. 1979: Voyager 2 flies past Jupiter.
  5. 2005: The first human face transplant is performed in France.
  6. 2011: The final mission of the Space Shuttle program, STS-135, is launched.
  7. 2018: The discovery of the 12 new moons of Jupiter is announced.
  8. 2020: The WHO announces the official name for the novel coronavirus: COVID-19.
  9. 2022: James Webb Space Telescope reveals its first images.

Culture and Society

"Influential societal and cultural shifts"
  1. 1875: The Herzegovinian rebellion against Ottoman rule begins.
  2. 1947: The engagement of Princess Elizabeth (later Queen Elizabeth II) to Philip Mountbatten is announced.
  3. 1965: The announcement of the Medicare and Medicaid programs in the United States.
  4. 1981: Donkey Kong is released by Nintendo.
  5. 1986: The New Zealand Homosexual Law Reform Act is passed.
  6. 1995: The Grateful Dead perform their final concert with Jerry Garcia.
  7. 2001: The U.S. Government releases a new design for the $50 bill.
  8. 2012: Scientists at CERN announce the discovery of a particle consistent with the Higgs boson.

Arts and Entertainment

"Landmarks in the world of arts and media"
  1. 1955: The song "Rock Around the Clock" by Bill Haley & His Comets reaches number one.
  2. 1962: Bob Dylan records "Blowin' in the Wind."
  3. 1981: The video game Donkey Kong is released.
  4. 1993: The Parliament of Canada passes the Nunavut Act.
  5. 2006: Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest is released.
  6. 2011: South Sudan becomes a country and the newest member of the United Nations.

Sports and Achievements

"Remarkable sports milestones"
  1. 1877: The inaugural Wimbledon Championship begins.
  2. 1932: Johnny Weissmuller wins the 100m freestyle at the Los Angeles Olympics.
  3. 1972: Wilt Chamberlain signs with the Los Angeles Lakers for $1.5 million.
  4. 1982: Pan Am Flight 759 crashes.
  5. 1991: South Africa is readmitted to the Olympics.

Top 100 List

  1. Declaration of Independence read aloud (1776)
  2. Argentina declares independence from Spain (1816)
  3. President Zachary Taylor dies, Millard Fillmore becomes President (1850)
  4. Battle of Saipan (1944)
  5. The Russell-Einstein Manifesto (1955)
  6. Nuclear test at the Nevada Test Site (1962)
  7. Pan Am Flight 759 crashes (1982)
  8. South Africa readmitted to the Olympics (1991)
  9. The Parliament of Canada passes the Nunavut Act (1993)
  10. The African Union is established (2002)
  11. South Sudan gains independence (2011)
  12. Turkish and Greek Cypriot leaders agree (2019)
  13. Assassination of Haitian President Jovenel Moïse (2021)
  14. ICJ rules in favor of Somalia (2023)
  15. First Wimbledon tennis tournament (1877)
  16. First successful open-heart surgery (1893)
  17. Starfish Prime nuclear test (1962)
  18. Voyager 2 flies past Jupiter (1979)
  19. First human face transplant (2005)
  20. Final Space Shuttle mission (2011)
  21. Discovery of 12 new moons of Jupiter (2018)
  22. Official naming of COVID-19 (2020)
  23. James Webb Space Telescope images (2022)
  24. Herzegovinian rebellion (1875)
  25. Princess Elizabeth engagement (1947)
  26. Medicare and Medicaid programs (1965)
  27. Donkey Kong released by Nintendo (1981)
  28. New Zealand Homosexual Law Reform Act (1986)
  29. Final Grateful Dead concert (1995)
  30. New $50 bill design (2001)
  31. Discovery of Higgs boson (2012)
  32. "Rock Around the Clock" hits number one (1955)
  33. Bob Dylan records "Blowin' in the Wind" (1962)
  34. Donkey Kong video game release (1981)
  35. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest release (2006)
  36. South Sudan joins the UN (2011)
  37. Wimbledon Championship begins (1877)
  38. Johnny Weissmuller wins 100m freestyle (1932)
  39. Wilt Chamberlain signs with Lakers (1972)

Top 100 Table

Rank Name Topic Tagline
1 Declaration of Independence read aloud (1776) Politics and War "Pivotal moments in global political history"
2 Argentina declares independence from Spain (1816) Politics and War "Pivotal moments in global political history"
3 President Zachary Taylor dies, Millard Fillmore becomes President (1850) Politics and War "Pivotal moments in global political history"
4 Battle of Saipan (1944) Politics and War "Pivotal moments in global political history"
5 The Russell-Einstein Manifesto (1955) Politics and War "Pivotal moments in global political history"
6 Nuclear test at the Nevada Test Site (1962) Politics and War "Pivotal moments in global political history"
7 Pan Am Flight 759 crashes (1982) Politics and War "Pivotal moments in global political history"
8 South Africa readmitted to the Olympics (1991) Politics and War "Pivotal moments in global political history"
9 The Parliament of Canada passes the Nunavut Act (1993) Politics and War "Pivotal moments in global political history"
10 The African Union is established (2002) Politics and War "Pivotal moments in global political history"
11 South Sudan gains independence (2011) Politics and War "Pivotal moments in global political history"
12 Turkish and Greek Cypriot leaders agree (2019) Politics and War "Pivotal moments in global political history"
13 Assassination of Haitian President Jovenel Moïse (2021) Politics and War "Pivotal moments in global political history"
14 ICJ rules in favor of Somalia (2023) Politics and War "Pivotal moments in global political history"
15 First Wimbledon tennis tournament (1877) Science and Technology "Breakthroughs that changed the world"
16 First successful open-heart surgery (1893) Science and Technology "Breakthroughs that changed the world"
17 Starfish Prime nuclear test (1962) Science and Technology "Breakthroughs that changed the world"
18 Voyager 2 flies past Jupiter (1979) Science and Technology "Breakthroughs that changed the world"
19 First human face transplant (2005) Science and Technology "Breakthroughs that changed the world"
20 Final Space Shuttle mission (2011) Science and Technology "Breakthroughs that changed the world"
21 Discovery of 12 new moons of Jupiter (2018) Science and Technology "Breakthroughs that changed the world"
22 Official naming of COVID-19 (2020) Science and Technology "Breakthroughs that changed the world"
23 James Webb Space Telescope images (2022) Science and Technology "Breakthroughs that changed the world"
24 Herzegovinian rebellion (1875) Culture and Society "Influential societal and cultural shifts"
25 Princess Elizabeth engagement (1947) Culture and Society "Influential societal and cultural shifts"
26 Medicare and Medicaid programs (1965) Culture and Society "Influential societal and cultural shifts"
27 Donkey Kong released by Nintendo (1981) Culture and Society "Influential societal and cultural shifts"
28 New Zealand Homosexual Law Reform Act (1986) Culture and Society "Influential societal and cultural shifts"
29 Final Grateful Dead concert (1995) Culture and Society "Influential societal and cultural shifts"
30 New $50 bill design (2001) Culture and Society "Influential societal and cultural shifts"
31 Discovery of Higgs boson (2012) Culture and Society "Influential societal and cultural shifts"
32 "Rock Around the Clock" hits number one (1955) Arts and Entertainment "Landmarks in the world of arts and media"
33 Bob Dylan records "Blowin' in the Wind" (1962) Arts and Entertainment "Landmarks in the world of arts and media"
34 Donkey Kong video game release (1981) Arts and Entertainment "Landmarks in the world of arts and media"
35 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest release (2006) Arts and Entertainment "Landmarks in the world of arts and media"
36 South Sudan joins the UN (2011) Arts and Entertainment "Landmarks in the world of arts and media"
37 Wimbledon Championship begins (1877) Sports and Achievements "Remarkable sports milestones"
38 Johnny Weissmuller wins 100m freestyle (1932) Sports and Achievements "Remarkable sports milestones"
39 Wilt Chamberlain signs with Lakers (1972) Sports and Achievements "Remarkable sports milestones"


July 9th stands out as a date rich with historical significance, spanning across politics, science, culture, arts, and sports. This compilation reflects the diverse and impactful events that have taken place on this day, reminding us of the progress and changes that continue to shape our world.