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Top 100 Donald Trump Facts

"Exploring the life and career of Donald Trump, from businessman to President."

Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States, is a figure known for his business ventures, television career, and political impact. This list provides an in-depth look at 100 key facts about his life, career, and legacy, capturing the complexity of his influence in various domains.



  • Title: "Top 100 Donald Trump Facts: The Life and Career of the 45th President"
  • Subtitle: "The Life and Career of the 45th President"
  • Tagline: "Exploring the life and career of Donald Trump, from businessman to President."
  • Description: "A detailed exploration of Donald Trump's journey from his early life and business ventures to his presidency and beyond, highlighting significant milestones and achievements."
  • Keywords: Donald Trump, U.S. President, Trump biography, Trump businesses, Trump policies...


# Top 100 Donald Trump Facts
- The Life and Career of the 45th President
- Exploring the life and career of Donald Trump, from businessman to President.
- A detailed exploration of Donald Trump's journey from his early life and business ventures to his presidency and beyond, highlighting significant milestones and achievements.
- 5 Topics

## Topics
- Early Life: childhood, education, family background...
- Business Ventures: real estate projects, The Trump Organization, casinos...
- Television Career: The Apprentice, media presence, public persona...
- Presidency: key policies, significant events, major speeches...
- Post-Presidency: activities, public appearances, continued influence...

Early Life

"From Queens to Wharton: The beginnings of a future President."
  1. Birth: Donald John Trump was born on June 14, 1946, in Queens, New York City.
  2. Parents: His father, Fred Trump, was a real estate developer, and his mother, Mary Anne MacLeod, was a Scottish immigrant.
  3. Education: Attended the Kew-Forest School and later the New York Military Academy.
  4. College: Graduated from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania in 1968 with a degree in economics.
  5. Early Career: Joined his father's real estate business, eventually taking over as president.
  6. Siblings: Has four siblings - Maryanne, Fred Jr., Elizabeth, and Robert.
  7. Military Deferments: Received medical deferments during the Vietnam War due to bone spurs.
  8. First Real Estate Deal: Took on a large project in Cincinnati, Ohio, revitalizing the Swifton Village apartment complex.
  9. Early Ambitions: Initially aspired to a career in show business.
  10. Family Influence: Heavily influenced by his father's work ethic and business acumen.

Business Ventures

"Building an empire: Trump’s rise in the real estate world."
  1. The Trump Organization: Became the president of his father's company, which he renamed The Trump Organization.
  2. Manhattan Projects: Developed iconic properties like Trump Tower and the Grand Hyatt New York.
  3. Atlantic City Casinos: Owned several casinos, including the Trump Taj Mahal.
  4. Golf Courses: Developed numerous golf courses worldwide.
  5. Brand Licensing: Licensed the Trump name for various products and real estate ventures.
  6. Financial Challenges: Faced multiple bankruptcies in the 1990s.
  7. Trump University: Founded a for-profit education company, which later faced legal challenges.
  8. Media Ventures: Owned the Miss Universe, Miss USA, and Miss Teen USA pageants.
  9. Trump International Hotel: Opened a luxury hotel in Washington, D.C., in the historic Old Post Office building.
  10. Books: Authored several books, including "The Art of the Deal."

Television Career

"From boardrooms to living rooms: Trump's TV impact."
  1. The Apprentice: Hosted the reality TV show "The Apprentice" starting in 2004.
  2. Catchphrase: Popularized the phrase "You're fired!" on The Apprentice.
  3. Celebrity Apprentice: Hosted the celebrity version of the show.
  4. Emmy Nominations: Received two Emmy Award nominations for The Apprentice.
  5. Cameos: Made numerous cameo appearances in films and TV shows.
  6. Wrestling Appearances: Participated in WWE events, including WrestleMania.
  7. Star on the Walk of Fame: Awarded a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 2007.
  8. Media Presence: Frequently appeared on talk shows and news programs.
  9. TV Producer: Executive producer for various TV projects.
  10. Television Legacy: The Apprentice significantly boosted his public profile and brand.


"Leading the nation: Trump's time in the White House."
  1. 2016 Election: Elected as the 45th President of the United States on November 8, 2016.
  2. Inauguration: Inaugurated on January 20, 2017.
  3. Supreme Court Appointments: Appointed three Supreme Court justices - Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett.
  4. Tax Cuts: Signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act into law in 2017.
  5. Immigration Policies: Implemented travel bans and pushed for a border wall.
  6. Foreign Policy: Held summits with North Korea's Kim Jong-un.
  7. Impeachments: Impeached twice by the House of Representatives.
  8. COVID-19 Pandemic: Oversaw the U.S. response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  9. Trade Deals: Renegotiated NAFTA, resulting in the USMCA.
  10. Economic Policies: Focused on deregulation and economic growth.


"Continuing influence: Trump's life after the White House."
  1. Mar-a-Lago: Resides at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida.
  2. Political Endorsements: Continues to endorse political candidates.
  3. Media Ventures: Launched his own social media platform, Truth Social.
  4. Public Speaking: Remains an active public speaker at rallies and events.
  5. Legal Challenges: Faces ongoing legal investigations and lawsuits.
  6. Memoirs: Published "A Journey Together," reflecting on his presidency.
  7. Business Operations: Continues to be involved in The Trump Organization.
  8. Political Speculation: Speculation about a potential 2024 presidential run.
  9. Philanthropy: Involved in various philanthropic activities through the Trump Foundation.
  10. Global Influence: Continues to influence global politics and media narratives.

Top 100 List

  1. Birth: Donald John Trump was born on June 14, 1946, in Queens, New York City (Early Life).
  2. Parents: His father, Fred Trump, was a real estate developer, and his mother, Mary Anne MacLeod, was a Scottish immigrant (Early Life).
  3. Education: Attended the Kew-Forest School and later the New York Military Academy (Early Life).
  4. College: Graduated from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania in 1968 with a degree in economics (Early Life).
  5. Early Career: Joined his father's real estate business, eventually taking over as president (Early Life).
  6. Siblings: Has four siblings - Maryanne, Fred Jr., Elizabeth, and Robert (Early Life).
  7. Military Deferments: Received medical deferments during the Vietnam War due to bone spurs (Early Life).
  8. First Real Estate Deal: Took on a large project in Cincinnati, Ohio, revitalizing the Swifton Village apartment complex (Early Life).
  9. Early Ambitions: Initially aspired to a career in show business (Early Life).
  10. Family Influence: Heavily influenced by his father's work ethic and business acumen (Early Life).
  11. The Trump Organization: Became the president of his father's company, which he renamed The Trump Organization (Business Ventures).
  12. Manhattan Projects: Developed iconic properties like Trump Tower and the Grand Hyatt New York (Business Ventures).
  13. Atlantic City Casinos: Owned several casinos, including the Trump Taj Mahal (Business Ventures).
  14. Golf Courses: Developed numerous golf courses worldwide (Business Ventures).
  15. Brand Licensing: Licensed the Trump name for various products and real estate ventures (Business Ventures).
  16. Financial Challenges: Faced multiple bankruptcies in the 1990s (Business Ventures).
  17. Trump University: Founded a for-profit education company, which later faced legal challenges (Business Ventures).
  18. Media Ventures: Owned the Miss Universe, Miss USA, and Miss Teen USA pageants (Business Ventures).
  19. Trump International Hotel: Opened a luxury hotel in Washington, D.C., in the historic Old Post Office building (Business Ventures).
  20. Books: Authored several books, including "The Art of the Deal" (Business Ventures).
  21. The Apprentice: Hosted the reality TV show "The Apprentice" starting in 2004 (Television Career).
  22. Catchphrase: Popularized the phrase "You're fired!" on The Apprentice (Television Career).
  23. Celebrity Apprentice: Hosted the celebrity version of the show (Television Career).
  24. Emmy Nominations: Received two Emmy Award nominations for The Apprentice (Television Career). 25