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Top 100 Conspiracy Theories

"Exploring the bizarre, the unexplained, and the thought-provoking"

Conspiracy theories have fascinated and intrigued people for generations. From government cover-ups to extraterrestrial encounters, these theories challenge our perception of reality and offer alternative explanations for historical and current events. This list compiles the top 100 conspiracy theories that have captured the public's imagination and continue to spark debate and curiosity.



  • Title: "Top 100 Conspiracy Theories"
  • Subtitle: "Intriguing Theories That Captivate the Imagination"
  • Tagline: "Exploring the bizarre, the unexplained, and the thought-provoking"
  • Description: "A comprehensive list of the most intriguing and enduring conspiracy theories."
  • Keywords: Conspiracy, Theories, Unexplained, Government, Extraterrestrial...


# Top 100 Conspiracy Theories
- Subtitle: "Intriguing Theories That Captivate the Imagination"
- Tagline: "Exploring the bizarre, the unexplained, and the thought-provoking"
- Description: "A comprehensive list of the most intriguing and enduring conspiracy theories."
- 5 Topics

## Topics
- Government Cover-ups: Cover-up, Secret, Government, Hidden, Scandal...
- Extraterrestrial Encounters: UFO, Alien, Space, Encounter, Abduction...
- Historical Revisions: History, Rewritten, Secrets, Truth, Hidden...
- Medical Mysteries: Disease, Cure, Hidden, Medical, Health...
- Famous Personalities: Celebrity, Death, Scandal, Secret, Mystery...

Topic 1: "Government Cover-ups"

"Unveiling the secrets hidden behind closed doors"

Government cover-ups have always been a fertile ground for conspiracy theories. These theories often involve secret operations, hidden agendas, and classified information that, if revealed, could change the course of history. Here are the top 20 government cover-up conspiracy theories.

  1. Roswell Incident: The alleged crash of a UFO in Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947.
  2. Area 51: The secretive military base rumored to house alien technology.
  3. JFK Assassination: The theory that multiple parties were involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
  4. Moon Landing Hoax: The belief that the 1969 moon landing was staged.
  5. 9/11 Inside Job: The claim that the U.S. government orchestrated the September 11 attacks.
  6. Chemtrails: The idea that the trails left by airplanes are chemicals released for population control.
  7. Operation Paperclip: The post-WWII program that brought Nazi scientists to the U.S.
  8. MKUltra: The CIA's secret mind control experiments.
  9. Watergate Scandal: The cover-up of illegal activities by the Nixon administration.
  10. NSA Surveillance: The mass surveillance program revealed by Edward Snowden.
  11. Operation Northwoods: A proposed plan for false-flag operations against Cuba.
  12. Iran-Contra Affair: The secret arms deal between the U.S. and Iran.
  13. The Deep State: The belief in a hidden government operating independently.
  14. FEMA Camps: The theory that FEMA is preparing concentration camps for citizens.
  15. The Illuminati: The idea of a secret society controlling world events.
  16. The Bilderberg Group: The annual meeting of elites suspected of global influence.
  17. Project Blue Beam: The alleged plan to simulate an alien invasion.
  18. The New World Order: The theory of a global totalitarian government in the making.
  19. The Philadelphia Experiment: A supposed naval military experiment involving invisibility.
  20. The Tuskegee Syphilis Study: The unethical study of untreated syphilis in African American men.

Topic 2: "Extraterrestrial Encounters"

"Are we alone in the universe?"

Extraterrestrial encounters are among the most popular and enduring conspiracy theories. These theories often involve sightings, abductions, and government interactions with alien beings. Here are the top 20 extraterrestrial encounter conspiracy theories.

  1. Roswell Incident
  2. Area 51
  3. The Phoenix Lights: A mass UFO sighting in Arizona in 1997.
  4. The Betty and Barney Hill Abduction: The first widely publicized alien abduction case.
  5. The Rendlesham Forest Incident: A series of reported sightings of unexplained lights in England.
  6. The Black Knight Satellite: An alleged extraterrestrial satellite orbiting Earth.
  7. The Travis Walton Abduction: The disappearance and claimed abduction of a forestry worker.
  8. The Wow! Signal: A strong radio signal from space, possibly of extraterrestrial origin.
  9. The Battle of Los Angeles: A rumored UFO event during WWII.
  10. The Lubbock Lights: A series of UFO sightings in Texas in 1951.
  11. The Pascagoula Abduction: The claimed abduction of two fishermen in Mississippi.
  12. The Allagash Abductions: The abduction of four men on a camping trip.
  13. The Flatwoods Monster: A reported alien encounter in West Virginia.
  14. The Roswell Slides: Photographs allegedly showing an alien body.
  15. The Alien Autopsy: A video purportedly showing an autopsy on an alien.
  16. The Kecksburg UFO Incident: A reported UFO crash in Pennsylvania.
  17. The Lonnie Zamora Incident: A police officer's encounter with a UFO in New Mexico.
  18. The Maury Island Incident: An early UFO sighting and alleged crash.
  19. The UFOs over Washington, D.C.: A series of UFO sightings in 1952.
  20. The Chupacabra: A creature believed to be of extraterrestrial origin.

Topic 3: "Historical Revisions"

"Rewriting history as we know it" z z

Historical revision conspiracy theories suggest that significant events in history have been altered, concealed, or misrepresented. These theories challenge the accepted narratives and propose alternative explanations. Here are the top 20 historical revision conspiracy theories.

  1. The Holocaust Denial: The claim that the Holocaust did not happen as documented.
  2. The Lost City of Atlantis: The belief that Atlantis was a real, advanced civilization.
  3. The Shakespeare Authorship Question: The theory that Shakespeare's works were written by someone else.
  4. The Jesus Bloodline: The claim that Jesus had descendants.
  5. The Great Pyramids: The idea that the pyramids were built by aliens or advanced ancient civilizations.
  6. The Chronology Revision: The theory that historical timelines are incorrect.
  7. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion: A fabricated document suggesting a Jewish world conspiracy.
  8. The Russian Revolution: The theory that it was orchestrated by external forces.
  9. The Death of Paul McCartney: The belief that Paul McCartney was replaced by a look-alike.
  10. The Lincoln Assassination: The claim that John Wilkes Booth had accomplices.
  11. The Tunguska Event: The theory that it was caused by extraterrestrial activity.
  12. The Bermuda Triangle: The area known for mysterious disappearances.
  13. The Vatican Secret Archives: The belief that the Vatican hides significant historical documents.
  14. The Mystery of Oak Island: The ongoing search for hidden treasure on Oak Island.
  15. The Lost Colony of Roanoke: The disappearance of an entire colony.
  16. The Knights Templar: The idea that the Templars possessed secret knowledge or treasures.
  17. The Fátima Prophecies: The belief that the Vatican is hiding the true prophecies of Fátima.
  18. The Black Plague: The theory that the plague was an early biological warfare event.
  19. The Voynich Manuscript: The undeciphered manuscript thought to contain hidden knowledge.
  20. The Nazca Lines: The belief that the lines were created by or for extraterrestrials.

Topic 4: "Medical Mysteries"

"Health secrets and hidden cures"

Medical mysteries and conspiracy theories often revolve around hidden cures, suppressed treatments, and the dark side of the pharmaceutical industry. These theories suggest that significant health-related information is being kept from the public. Here are the top 20 medical conspiracy theories.

  1. The Cure for Cancer: The claim that a cure for cancer exists but is being suppressed.
  2. The HIV/AIDS Origin: The theory that HIV/AIDS was created in a lab.
  3. Vaccination Conspiracies: The belief that vaccines cause more harm than good.
  4. The Tuskegee Syphilis Study
  5. Fluoride in Drinking Water: The claim that fluoride is harmful and used for mind control.
  6. The Autism-Vaccine Link: The debunked theory that vaccines cause autism.
  7. The Monsanto Conspiracy: The belief that GMOs are harmful and controlled by Monsanto.
  8. Big Pharma: The idea that pharmaceutical companies prioritize profits over health.
  9. The Ebola Outbreak: The theory that Ebola was weaponized.
  10. The Zika Virus: The claim that Zika was engineered to control populations.
  11. The Microchip Implants: The belief that microchips are being implanted via vaccines.
  12. The Deadly Diet Pills: The idea that certain diet pills are intentionally dangerous.
  13. The Secret Cures: The belief that natural cures are suppressed by the medical industry.
  14. The Pharmaceutical Scams: The claim that drug trials are rigged.
  15. The Lyme Disease Cover-up: The theory that Lyme disease is a bioweapon.
  16. The Vitamin B17 Cure: The claim that Vitamin B17 cures cancer.
  17. The Medical Marijuana Suppression: The idea that the benefits of marijuana are suppressed.
  18. The Blood Type Diet: The theory that diet should be based on blood type.
  19. The HIV/AIDS Denial: The belief that HIV does not cause AIDS.
  20. The Organ Trafficking Ring: The claim that organs are harvested and sold illegally.

Topic 5: "Famous Personalities"

"Behind the fame, mystery lurks"

Conspiracy theories surrounding famous personalities often delve into their private lives, secret histories, and mysterious deaths. Here are the top 20 conspiracy theories involving famous individuals.

  1. The Death of Elvis Presley: The theory that Elvis faked his death.
  2. The Death of Princess Diana: The claim that her death was orchestrated.
  3. The Death of Michael Jackson: The belief that Michael Jackson was murdered.
  4. The Death of Marilyn Monroe: The theory that Monroe was killed due to her connection with the Kennedys.
  5. The Paul McCartney Replacement
  6. The Tupac Shakur Conspiracy: The claim that Tupac is still alive.
  7. The Notorious B.I.G. Conspiracy: Similar theories surround the rapper's death.
  8. The Kurt Cobain Murder Theory: The belief that Cobain was murdered, not a suicide.
  9. The Andy Kaufman Faked Death Theory: The idea that Kaufman faked his death as a prank.
  10. The Walt Disney Cryogenics: The theory that Walt Disney was cryogenically frozen.
  11. The Beyoncé Clone Theory: The belief that Beyoncé has a clone.
  12. The Avril Lavigne Replacement: The claim that Avril Lavigne was replaced by a look-alike.
  13. The Death of Jim Morrison: The idea that Morrison faked his death.
  14. The Death of Jimi Hendrix: The belief that Hendrix was murdered.
  15. The Bob Marley Assassination Theory: The claim that Marley was killed by the CIA.
  16. The Taylor Swift Time Traveler Theory: The belief that Swift is a time traveler.
  17. The Death of James Dean: The theory that Dean's death was part of a curse.
  18. The Keanu Reeves Immortality Theory: The idea that Reeves is immortal.
  19. The Lady Gaga Illuminati Theory: The claim that Gaga is part of the Illuminati.
  20. The Meghan Markle Conspiracy: The theory that Markle is an MI6 agent.

Top 100 List

  1. Roswell Incident (Government Cover-ups)
  2. Area 51 (Government Cover-ups)
  3. The Phoenix Lights (Extraterrestrial Encounters)
  4. The Betty and Barney Hill Abduction (Extraterrestrial Encounters)
  5. JFK Assassination (Government Cover-ups)
  6. Moon Landing Hoax (Government Cover-ups)
  7. The Holocaust Denial (Historical Revisions)
  8. The Cure for Cancer (Medical Mysteries)
  9. The Death of Elvis Presley (Famous Personalities)
  10. 9/11 Inside Job (Government Cover-ups)
  11. Chemtrails (Government Cover-ups)
  12. Vaccination Conspiracies (Medical Mysteries)
  13. The Deep State (Government Cover-ups)
  14. The Lost City of Atlantis (Historical Revisions)
  15. The Death of Princess Diana (Famous Personalities)
  16. The Illuminati (Government Cover-ups)
  17. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (Historical Revisions)
  18. The Monsanto Conspiracy (Medical Mysteries)
  19. The Paul McCartney Replacement (Famous Personalities)
  20. The New World Order (Government Cover-ups)

Top 100 List

  1. Roswell Incident (Government Cover-ups)
  2. Area 51 (Government Cover-ups)
  3. The Phoenix Lights (Extraterrestrial Encounters)
  4. The Betty and Barney Hill Abduction (Extraterrestrial Encounters)
  5. JFK Assassination (Government Cover-ups)
  6. Moon Landing Hoax (Government Cover-ups)
  7. The Holocaust Denial (Historical Revisions)
  8. The Cure for Cancer (Medical Mysteries)
  9. The Death of Elvis Presley (Famous Personalities)
  10. 9/11 Inside Job (Government Cover-ups)
  11. Chemtrails (Government Cover-ups)
  12. Vaccination Conspiracies (Medical Mysteries)
  13. The Deep State (Government Cover-ups)
  14. The Lost City of Atlantis (Historical Revisions)
  15. The Death of Princess Diana (Famous Personalities)
  16. The Illuminati (Government Cover-ups)
  17. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (Historical Revisions)
  18. The Monsanto Conspiracy (Medical Mysteries)
  19. The Paul McCartney Replacement (Famous Personalities)
  20. The New World Order (Government Cover-ups)
  21. The Travis Walton Abduction (Extraterrestrial Encounters)
  22. The Shakespeare Authorship Question (Historical Revisions)
  23. MKUltra (Government Cover-ups)
  24. The Black Knight Satellite (Extraterrestrial Encounters)
  25. The Death of Michael Jackson (Famous Personalities)
  26. The Rendlesham Forest Incident (Extraterrestrial Encounters)
  27. Operation Paperclip (Government Cover-ups)
  28. The Flat Earth Theory (Historical Revisions)
  29. The Death of Marilyn Monroe (Famous Personalities)
  30. Watergate Scandal (Government Cover-ups)
  31. The Fluoride Conspiracy (Medical Mysteries)
  32. The Bilderberg Group (Government Cover-ups)
  33. The Battle of Los Angeles (Extraterrestrial Encounters)
  34. The Death of Kurt Cobain (Famous Personalities)
  35. NSA Surveillance (Government Cover-ups)
  36. The Great Pyramids (Historical Revisions)
  37. The Alien Autopsy (Extraterrestrial Encounters)
  38. Project Blue Beam (Government Cover-ups)
  39. The Chupacabra (Extraterrestrial Encounters)
  40. The Jesus Bloodline (Historical Revisions)
  41. The Fátima Prophecies (Historical Revisions)
  42. The Death of Tupac Shakur (Famous Personalities)
  43. The Bermuda Triangle (Historical Revisions)
  44. The Lady Gaga Illuminati Theory (Famous Personalities)
  45. The Allagash Abductions (Extraterrestrial Encounters)
  46. The Lincoln Assassination Conspiracy (Historical Revisions)
  47. The Walt Disney Cryogenics Theory (Famous Personalities)
  48. The Taylor Swift Time Traveler Theory (Famous Personalities)
  49. The Faked Death of Andy Kaufman (Famous Personalities)
  50. The Wow! Signal (Extraterrestrial Encounters)
  51. The Montauk Project (Government Cover-ups)
  52. The Jonestown Massacre (Government Cover-ups)
  53. The Organ Trafficking Ring (Medical Mysteries)
  54. The Zika Virus Conspiracy (Medical Mysteries)
  55. The Death of Jimi Hendrix (Famous Personalities)
  56. The Kecksburg UFO Incident (Extraterrestrial Encounters)
  57. The Mystery of Oak Island (Historical Revisions)
  58. The Voynich Manuscript (Historical Revisions)
  59. Operation Northwoods (Government Cover-ups)
  60. The Pascagoula Abduction (Extraterrestrial Encounters)
  61. The Death of James Dean (Famous Personalities)
  62. The Tuskegee Syphilis Study (Medical Mysteries)
  63. The Secret Cures Conspiracy (Medical Mysteries)
  64. The Nazca Lines (Historical Revisions)
  65. Big Pharma (Medical Mysteries)
  66. The Chronology Revision Theory (Historical Revisions)
  67. The Knights Templar (Historical Revisions)
  68. The Organ Trafficking Ring (Medical Mysteries)
  69. The Deep Underground Military Bases (Government Cover-ups)
  70. The Lonnie Zamora Incident (Extraterrestrial Encounters)
  71. The Deadly Diet Pills Conspiracy (Medical Mysteries)
  72. The Jimmy Hoffa Disappearance (Famous Personalities)
  73. The Keanu Reeves Immortality Theory (Famous Personalities)
  74. The Lubbock Lights (Extraterrestrial Encounters)
  75. The Russian Revolution Conspiracy (Historical Revisions)
  76. The Bob Marley Assassination Theory (Famous Personalities)
  77. The HIV/AIDS Origin Conspiracy (Medical Mysteries)
  78. The Organ Trafficking Ring (Medical Mysteries)
  79. The Philadelphia Experiment (Government Cover-ups)
  80. The Marilyn Monroe and the Kennedys Theory (Famous Personalities)
  81. The UFOs over Washington, D.C. (Extraterrestrial Encounters)
  82. The Maury Island Incident (Extraterrestrial Encounters)
  83. The Black Plague as Early Biological Warfare (Historical Revisions)
  84. The Microchip Implants Conspiracy (Medical Mysteries)
  85. The Bermuda Triangle as a Vortex (Historical Revisions)
  86. The Oak Island Treasure (Historical Revisions)
  87. The Eugenics Movement (Government Cover-ups)
  88. The Lost Colony of Roanoke (Historical Revisions)
  89. The Royal Family Reptilian Conspiracy (Famous Personalities)
  90. The Rise of Cryptocurrency (Government Cover-ups)
  91. The Illuminati's Influence on Pop Culture (Famous Personalities)
  92. The Secret Space Program (Government Cover-ups)
  93. The Denver International Airport Conspiracy (Government Cover-ups)
  94. The Illuminati's Influence on World Leaders (Government Cover-ups)
  95. The Kanye West Cloning Theory (Famous Personalities)
  96. The Flatwoods Monster (Extraterrestrial Encounters)
  97. The Death of Amy Winehouse (Famous Personalities)
  98. The JFK Jr. Survival Theory (Famous Personalities)
  99. The Fake Death of Paul Walker (Famous Personalities)

Top 100 Table

Rank Name Topic Tagline
1 Roswell Incident Government Cover-ups "The alleged crash of a UFO."
2 Area 51 Government Cover-ups "The secretive military base."
3 The Phoenix Lights Extraterrestrial "A mass UFO sighting in Arizona."
4 The Betty and Barney Hill Abduction Extraterrestrial "The first alien abduction case."
5 JFK Assassination Government Cover-ups "The assassination mystery."
6 Moon Landing Hoax Government Cover-ups "Was it all staged?"
7 The Holocaust Denial Historical Revisions "Denial of the Holocaust."
8 The Cure for Cancer Medical Mysteries "Is the cure being suppressed?"
9 The Death of Elvis Presley Famous Personalities "Did Elvis fake his death?"
10 9/11 Inside Job Government Cover-ups "A government-orchestrated event?"
11 Chemtrails Government Cover-ups "Are these trails chemicals for mind control?"
12 Vaccination Conspiracies Medical Mysteries "Vaccines as tools for harm."
13 The Deep State Government Cover-ups "A hidden government within the government."
14 The Lost City of Atlantis Historical Revisions "Was Atlantis real?"
15 The Death of Princess Diana Famous Personalities "Was Diana's death orchestrated?"
16 The Illuminati Government Cover-ups "A secret society controlling world events."
17 The Protocols of the Elders of Zion Historical Revisions "A fabricated conspiracy document."
18 The Monsanto Conspiracy Medical Mysteries "Are GMOs harmful and controlled by Monsanto?"
19 The Paul McCartney Replacement Famous Personalities "Was Paul McCartney replaced by a look-alike?"
20 The New World Order Government Cover-ups "A global totalitarian government in the making?"
21 The Travis Walton Abduction Extraterrestrial "A forestry worker's alien abduction story."
22 The Shakespeare Authorship Question Historical Revisions "Did Shakespeare really write his plays?"
23 MKUltra Government Cover-ups "CIA's mind control experiments."
24 The Black Knight Satellite Extraterrestrial "An alien satellite orbiting Earth?"
25 The Death of Michael Jackson Famous Personalities "Was Michael Jackson murdered?"
26 The Rendlesham Forest Incident Extraterrestrial "Unexplained lights in the English forest."
27 Operation Paperclip Government Cover-ups "Nazi scientists working for the U.S."
28 The Flat Earth Theory Historical Revisions "Is the Earth actually flat?"
29 The Death of Marilyn Monroe Famous Personalities "Monroe's mysterious connection to the Kennedys."
30 Watergate Scandal Government Cover-ups "Nixon's political scandal."
31 The Fluoride Conspiracy Medical Mysteries "Fluoride in water for mind control?"
32 The Bilderberg Group Government Cover-ups "Elites controlling world affairs."
33 The Battle of Los Angeles Extraterrestrial "A rumored UFO event during WWII."
34 The Death of Kurt Cobain Famous Personalities "Was Kurt Cobain murdered?"
35 NSA Surveillance Government Cover-ups "Mass surveillance exposed by Snowden."
36 The Great Pyramids Historical Revisions "Pyramids built by aliens?"
37 The Alien Autopsy Extraterrestrial "Was an alien autopsy video real?"
38 Project Blue Beam Government Cover-ups "A plan to simulate an alien invasion."
39 The Chupacabra Extraterrestrial "A creature from another world?"
40 The Jesus Bloodline Historical Revisions "Did Jesus have descendants?"
41 The Fátima Prophecies Historical Revisions "Secrets of the Vatican."
42 The Death of Tupac Shakur Famous Personalities "Is Tupac still alive?"
43 The Bermuda Triangle Historical Revisions "Mysterious disappearances in the Triangle."
44 The Lady Gaga Illuminati Theory Famous Personalities "Is Lady Gaga part of the Illuminati?"
45 The Allagash Abductions Extraterrestrial "Four men abducted by aliens."
46 The Lincoln Assassination Conspiracy Historical Revisions "Was Lincoln's assassination a conspiracy?"
47 The Walt Disney Cryogenics Theory Famous Personalities "Was Disney cryogenically frozen?"
48 The Taylor Swift Time Traveler Theory Famous Personalities "Is Taylor Swift a time traveler?"
49 The Faked Death of Andy Kaufman Famous Personalities "Did Kaufman fake his own death?"
50 The Wow! Signal Extraterrestrial "A possible extraterrestrial signal from space."
51 The Montauk Project Government Cover-ups "Secret experiments on time travel."
52 The Jonestown Massacre Government Cover-ups "Was it more than a mass suicide?"
53 The Organ Trafficking Ring Medical Mysteries "Illegal harvesting and selling of organs."
54 The Zika Virus Conspiracy Medical Mysteries "Was Zika engineered for population control?"
55 The Death of Jimi Hendrix Famous Personalities "Was Hendrix murdered?"
56 The Kecksburg UFO Incident Extraterrestrial "A UFO crash in Pennsylvania?"
57 The Mystery of Oak Island Historical Revisions "Hidden treasure on Oak Island."
58 The Voynich Manuscript Historical Revisions "An undeciphered manuscript with hidden knowledge."
59 Operation Northwoods Government Cover-ups "A false-flag proposal to justify war with Cuba."
60 The Pascagoula Abduction Extraterrestrial "Two fishermen abducted by aliens."
61 The Death of James Dean Famous Personalities "Is James Dean's death part of a curse?"
62 The Tuskegee Syphilis Study Medical Mysteries "Unethical study on untreated syphilis."
63 The Secret Cures Conspiracy Medical Mysteries "Suppressed natural cures."
64 The Nazca Lines Historical Revisions "Were these lines created by aliens?"
65 Big Pharma Medical Mysteries "Pharmaceutical companies prioritize profits over health."
66 The Chronology Revision Theory Historical Revisions "Are historical timelines incorrect?"
67 The Knights Templar Historical Revisions "Did the Templars possess secret knowledge?"
68 The Deep Underground Military Bases Government Cover-ups "Secret military bases hidden underground."
69 The Lonnie Zamora Incident Extraterrestrial "A police officer's UFO encounter."
70 The Deadly Diet Pills Conspiracy Medical Mysteries "Are diet pills intentionally dangerous?"
71 The Jimmy Hoffa Disappearance Famous Personalities "Where did Jimmy Hoffa disappear to?"
72 The Keanu Reeves Immortality Theory Famous Personalities "Is Keanu Reeves immortal?"
73 The Lubbock Lights Extraterrestrial "A series of UFO sightings in Texas."
74 The Russian Revolution Conspiracy Historical Revisions "Was the revolution orchestrated externally?"
75 The Bob Marley Assassination Theory Famous Personalities "Was Bob Marley killed by the CIA?"
76 The HIV/AIDS Origin Conspiracy Medical Mysteries "Was HIV/AIDS created in a lab?"
77 The Philadelphia Experiment Government Cover-ups "A naval experiment involving invisibility."
78 The Marilyn Monroe and the Kennedys Famous Personalities "Monroe's mysterious death linked to the Kennedys."
79 The UFOs over Washington, D.C. Extraterrestrial "UFOs sighted over the U.S. capital in 1952."
80 The Maury Island Incident Extraterrestrial "An early UFO sighting and alleged crash."
81 The Black Plague as Early Biological Warfare Historical Revisions "Was the plague an early bioweapon?"
82 The Microchip Implants Conspiracy Medical Mysteries "Are microchips being implanted via vaccines?"
83 The Bermuda Triangle as a Vortex Historical Revisions "Is the Bermuda Triangle a dimensional vortex?"
84 The Oak Island Treasure Historical Revisions "The search for hidden treasure on Oak Island."
85 The Eugenics Movement Government Cover-ups "Did eugenics have hidden, dark intentions?"
86 The Lost Colony of Roanoke Historical Revisions "What happened to the lost colony?"
87 The Royal Family Reptilian Conspiracy Famous Personalities "Are members of the Royal Family reptilian beings?"
88 The Rise of Cryptocurrency Government Cover-ups "Is cryptocurrency a government plot?"
89 The Illuminati's Influence on Pop Culture Famous Personalities "Does the Illuminati control the entertainment industry?"
90 The Secret Space Program Government Cover-ups "Does a hidden space program exist?"
91 The Denver International Airport Conspiracy Government Cover-ups "Is there something hidden under the airport?"
92 The Illuminati's Influence on World Leaders Government Cover-ups "Do world leaders answer to the Illuminati?"
93 The Kanye West Cloning Theory Famous Personalities "Is Kanye West a clone?"
94 The Flatwoods Monster Extraterrestrial "A creature from another planet."
95 The Death of Amy Winehouse Famous Personalities "Was Amy Winehouse's death suspicious?"
96 The JFK Jr. Survival Theory Famous Personalities "Did JFK Jr. fake his death?"
97 The Fake Death of Paul Walker Famous Personalities "Did Paul Walker fake his death?"
98 The Denver Airport Murals Government Cover-ups "Do the murals predict the New World Order?"
99 The Hollow Earth Theory Historical Revisions "Is the Earth hollow and inhabited inside?"
100 The Project Stargate Government Cover-ups "CIA's psychic spy project."

This completes the list of top 100 conspiracy theories along with their topics and taglines. Each theory captures public imagination and fuels ongoing debate, from extraterrestrial encounters to government cover-ups and famous personalities.